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Data Structures

This repository has implementations of data structures in Go. They are purely for my own learning, do not use these in real software.

Linked List

A linked list is data structure that stores data as a set of nodes. Each node contains a link to the node after it, called next, until a nil next node signifies the end of the list. The linked list in this package can only hold strings. Linked lists allow the following operations:

  • Append

    Append adds an node to the end of the Linked List. It is a O(n) operation, since the list has to be fully traversed to add a new node at the end.

  • Prepend

    Prepend adds a node to the beginning of the linked list. It runs in O(1) time, since it simply modifies the next pointer at the head of the list.

  • Contains

    Contains returns true if a Linked List contains a particular value, or false if it doesn't. Since Contains requires traversing the list, it is a O(n) operation.

  • Delete

    Delete removes a node from a list by adjusting the next pointer of the node before it. This is a O(n) operation, since the list has to be traversed to find the target.

  • Traverse

    Traverse returns the values in a Linked List as a []string slice. Traverse is done in O(n) time, as every node in the list must be visited.


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