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227 lines (177 loc) · 8.48 KB

📌 Development Machine Dependencies

  • Python 3.10 or greater

  • Docker

📌 Development Dependencies

Development Dependencies are defined in a pip requirements file named requirements-dev.txt. Example Installation Instructions for Linux are shown below:

# "optional": create a python virtualenv and activate it for the current shell session
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

ℹ️ Ansible Role Development Guidelines

Please take a look at my Ansible Role Development Guidelines.

If interested, I’ve also written down some General Ansible Role Development (Best) Practices.

🔢 Versioning

Versions are defined using Tags, which in turn are recognized and used by Ansible Galaxy.

Versions must not start with v.

When a new tag is pushed, a GitHub CI workflow (Release CI) takes care of importing the role to my Ansible Galaxy Account.

🧪 Testing

Automatic Tests are run on each Contribution using GitHub Workflows.

The Tests primarily resolve around running Molecule on a varying set of linux distributions and using various ansible versions.

The molecule test also includes a step which lints all ansible playbooks using ansible-lint to check for best practices and behaviour that could potentially be improved.

To run the tests, simply run tox on the command line. You can pass an optional environment variable to define the distribution of the Docker container that will be spun up by molecule:

$ MOLECULE_DISTRO=ubuntu2204 tox

For a list of possible values fed to MOLECULE_DISTRO, take a look at the matrix defined in .github/workflows/ci.yml.

🐛 Debugging a Molecule Container

  1. Run your molecule tests with the option MOLECULE_DESTROY=never, e.g.:

    $ MOLECULE_DESTROY=never MOLECULE_DISTRO=ubuntu1604 tox -e py3-ansible-5
      TASK [ansible-role-pip : (redacted).] ************************
      failed: [instance-py3-ansible-9] => changed=false
     ___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
      pre-commit: commands succeeded
    ERROR:   py3-ansible-9: commands failed
  2. Find out the name of the molecule-provisioned docker container:

    $ docker ps
    30e9b8d59cdf   geerlingguy/docker-debian12-ansible:latest   "/lib/systemd/systemd"   8 minutes ago   Up 8 minutes                                                                                                    instance-py3-ansible-9
  3. Get into a bash Shell of the container, and do your debugging:

    $ docker exec -it 30e9b8d59cdf /bin/bash

    If the failure you try to debug is part of your verify.yml step and not the actual converge.yml, you may want to know that the output of ansible’s modules (vars), hosts (hostvars) and environment variables have been stored into files on both the provisioner and inside the docker machine under: * /var/tmp/vars.yml (contains host variables under the hostvars key) * /var/tmp/environment.yml grep, cat or transfer these as you wish!


    You may also want to know that the files mentioned in the admonition above are attached to the GitHub CI Artifacts of a given Workflow run.
    This allows one to check the difference between runs and thus help in debugging what caused the bit-rot or failure in general.

    178442403 e15264ca 433a 4bc7 95db cfadb573db3c
  4. After you finished your debugging, exit it and destroy the container:

    root@instance-py3-ansible-2:/# exit
    $ docker stop 30e9b8d59cdf
    $ docker container rm 30e9b8d59cdf
    $ docker container prune

🐛 Debugging installed package versions locally

Although a standard feature in tox 3, this now only happens when tox recognizes the presence of a CI variable. For example:

$ CI=true tox

🧃 TIP: Containerized Ideal Development Environment

This Project offers a definition for a "1-Click Containerized Development Environment".

This Container even enables one to run docker containers inside of it (Docker-In-Docker, dind), allowing for molecule execution.

To use it:

  1. Ensure you fullfill the the System requirements of Visual Studio Code Development Containers, optionally following the Installation-Section of the linked page section.
    This includes: Installing Docker, Installing Visual Studio Code itself, and Installing the necessary Extension.

  2. Clone the project to your machine

  3. Open the folder of the repo in Visual Studio Code (File - Open Folder…).

  4. If you get a prompt at the lower right corner informing you about the presence of the devcontainer definition, you can press the accompanying button to enter it. Otherwise, you can also execute the Visual Studio Command Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container yourself (View - Command Palettetype in the mentioned command).


I recommend using Remote-Containers: Rebuild Without Cache and Reopen in Container once here and there as the devcontainer feature does have some problems recognizing changes made to its definition properly some times.


You may need to configure your host system to enable the container to use your SSH/GPG Keys.

🍪 CookieCutter

This Project shall be kept in sync with the CookieCutter it was originally templated from using cruft (if possible) or manual alteration (if needed) to the best extend possible.

Official Example Usage of cruft update
Official Example Usage of `cruft update`

🕗 Changelog

When a new tag is pushed, an appropriate GitHub Release will be created by the Repository Maintainer to provide a proper human change log with a title and description.

ℹ️ General Linting and Styling Conventions

General Linting and Styling Conventions are automatically held up to Standards by various pre-commit hooks, at least to some extend.

Automatic Execution of pre-commit is done on each Contribution using*. Pull Requests even automatically get fixed by the same tool, at least by hooks that automatically alter files.


Not to confuse: Although some pre-commit hooks may be able to warn you about script-analyzed flaws in syntax or even code to some extend (for which reason pre-commit’s hooks are part of the test suite), pre-commit itself does not run any real Test Suites. For Information on Testing, see 🧪 Testing.


Nevertheless, I recommend you to integrate pre-commit into your local development workflow yourself.

This can be done by cd’ing into the directory of your cloned project and running pre-commit install. Doing so will make git run pre-commit checks on every commit you make, aborting the commit themselves if a hook alarm’ed.

You can also, for example, execute pre-commit’s hooks at any time by running pre-commit run --all-files.