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Releases: JoomCoder-com/JoomCCK

JoomCCK v5.7.0 Stable

04 Jul 19:20
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New maintenance version with fixes and improvements.

Download Extended Version:

Changes in Free version

  • New Feature - ability to change fields list layout [List Blog Layout]
  • Improved - On this page UI/UX improved now use card list
  • Improved - On this page now use Layout for better reuse
  • Improved - layout broken to parts to be reusable [List Blog Layout]
  • Improved - articles list in blog layout UI/UX improved [List Blog Layout]
  • Improved - article in list blog layout now use Layout for better reuse
  • Improved - added extra margin between categories row
  • Fixed - php warning on default list blog layout
  • Fixed - fatal error on stats if no sections found
  • Fixed - fatal error when deleting pack
  • Fixed - Nordic alphabets when saving tags doesn't work
  • Fixed - php warning rating ajax request on list view
  • Fixed - on this page links was not working correctly [List Blog Layout]

Changes in Extended version

  • No changes

JoomCCK v5.6.0 Stable

08 Jun 06:25
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New maintenance version with fixes and improvements.

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Changes in Free version

  • New Feature - ability to change items list limit separately
  • Improved - View UI/UX improved [all admin list views]
  • Improved - removed batch template not used [Admin categories list view]
  • Improved - field type column moved after field field label [Admin fields list view]
  • Improved - ordering now use JLayout for better reuse [Admin list views]
  • Improved - pagination now use JLayout for better reuse [Admin list views]
  • Fixed - false count not displayed [Boolean Field]
  • Fixed - filter show number param was missed [Boolean Field]
  • Fixed - ordering was not working correctly [all admin list views]

Changes in Extended version

  • No changes

JoomCCK v5.5.0 Stable

23 May 18:23
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New maintenace version with fixes and improvements.

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Changes in Free version

  • Improved - mainnav navigation UI/UX improved
  • Improved - documentation link added to mainnav
  • Improved - section settings now use BS row [Section Form]
  • Improved - clean filter empty values [Filter]
  • Fixed - php warning when no item type found of section in add dropdown menu
  • Fixed - Php warnings [Paypal gateway]
  • Fixed - UI/UX improved of input with mask and datepicker [Date/Time Field]

Changes in Extended version

  • Improved - UI/UX modal of upload data [Multilevel select Field]
  • Fixed - default payment not set [Pay To Access]
  • Fixed - max levels doesn't display when none allowed to add [Multilevel select Field]
  • Fixed - params not loaded [J5] [Multiselect level field]

JoomCCK v5.4.1 Stable

28 Apr 06:35
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New maintenace version with fixes and improvements.

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Changes in Free version

  • Improved - range date input UI/UX now use BS5 [Date/time filter]
  • Improved - range date filter UI/UX now use BS5 [Date/time filter]
  • Improved - collapse was not working on fields [Filters module]
  • Improved - marksaved method now use object update [Video Field]
  • Improved - chosen removed cuz not needed [Select Field]
  • Fixed - jquery ui slider was not working [Digits field]
  • Fixed - Single Date Filter UI/UX Fixed
  • Fixed - UI/UX improved of input with mask and datepicker [Date/Time Field]
  • Fixed - php warnings [Date/time field]
  • Fixed - glyphicon replaced with fontawesome [Date/time field]
  • Fixed - Simple select input UI/UX improved [Date/Time Field]
  • Fixed - missed from-select calls on field ID type param [Date/Time Field]
  • Fixed - some hidden params on bottom of modal [Modal params]
  • Fixed - keep support of J4.4.3 getExt() of filesystem class

Changes in Extended version

  • Fixed - keep support of J4.4.3 getExt() of filesystem class

JoomCCK v5.4.0 Stable

19 Apr 19:59
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New version with some new features and improvements.

Download Extended Version:

Changes in Free version

  • New Feature - Open Graph Field
  • Improved - responsive table [Default list]
  • Improved - alpha index now JLayout for better reuse
  • Improved - input UI/UX improved now use BS Accordion [Video Field]
  • Improved - marksaved method now use object update [Video Field]
  • Fixed - missed bs select input class [Select field]
  • Fixed - fatal error when saving record with video field (happens in mysql not mariaDB)
  • Fixed - some php warnings [Field Video]

JoomCCK v5.3.4 Stable

10 Apr 18:11
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Small maintenance release.

Download Extended Version:

Changes in Free version

  • Improved - some UI/UX improvements on submission form
  • Fixed - fatal error if icons used on fields [Submission form]

JoomCCK v5.3.3 Stable

09 Apr 08:43
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Small release maintenance version.

Download Extended Version:

Changes in Free version

  • Improved - support Joomla filterText on comments
  • Fixed - records ordering on RSS Feed was not working

JoomCCK v5.3.2 Stable

08 Apr 12:16
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Small release maintenance version.

Download Extended Version:

Changes in Free version

  • Fixed - edit comment was not working
  • Fixed - add reply was not working
  • Fixed - fatal error when deleting comment
  • Fixed - wrong field id variable in control group div [Submission Form]
  • Fixed - Autocomplete and modal was not working [Read more Field] [Input]

JoomCCK v5.3.1 Stable

25 Mar 18:31
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Small release maintenance version.

Download Extended Version:

Changes in Free version

  • Fixed - open_basedir restriction issue [Image Field]
  • Fixed - wrong section edit when clicking on new section

JoomCCK v5.3.0 Stable

17 Mar 18:03
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In this releases many issues fixed also we did add some new features and improvements specially to submission form, Extended version also was updated.

Download Extended Version:

Changes in Free version

  • New Feature - add custom js code [Submission Form]
  • New Feature - cards form display type [Submission Form]
  • Improved - predefined fields now use Layout for better reuse [Submission Form]
  • Improved - form display types now use Layout for better reuse [Submission Form]
  • Improved - Columns now use BS5 [Edit type form]
  • Improved - bbcode buttons now use Fontawesome icons [Text Area Field]
  • Improved - params container now use row [New field form]
  • Improved - $ replaced with jQuery on document ready to support more templates
  • Improved - User Page Header UI/UX improved
  • Improved - User online status param moved outside personalization fieldset
  • Improved - Events to log params UI/UX improved [Audit Trail Settings]
  • Improved - add comment form UI/UX improved
  • Fixed - fatal error related to relation fields core
  • Fixed - multirating was not working correctly [Submission Form]
  • Fixed - tooltips was not working in many views and fields
  • Fixed - bbcode buttons was not working [JS] [Text Area Field]
  • Fixed - some errors on some ajax requests
  • Fixed - notifications buttons was not working correctly
  • Fixed - JText replaced with namespaced class in rating templates
  • Fixed - Cron job fatal error
  • Fixed - many issues related to finder plugin
  • Fixed - fatal error issue when routing url [Finder Plugin]
  • Fixed - RSS feed fatal error cuz of incorrect model call

Changes in Extended version

  • Fixed - tooltips was not working in many views and fields
  • Fixed - fatal error [Parent field]