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2. Fields

ANDI Amine edited this page May 19, 2024 · 15 revisions

Fields Features

Simple Fields


Text field allows enter and display simple text field. Also allows users to enter and display different text formats, such as numbers, text, float, current users data. Allow raw HTML and set the mask for text

Core Features

Feature Supported
Sortable  Yes
Searchable  Yes
Filterable  Yes
Javascript validation  Yes

Specific Features

  • Different Filter box style: Autocomplete, checkbox, select
  • Allow set maximum text length
  • Set sign before and sign after: it allows to store only digits and make report and calculations in future.
  • Allow raw HTML
  • Set Intro text length. See more text
  • Advanced Parameters. Preg match option allows the user to set a specific format of the text. For example: anything, numbers, text, float, current users data and custom format
  • Set Mask for text. The user can configure different mask formats for text. For example, such as phone, phone US, time, date, code, credit card and more

Text Area

Textarea field allows enter and display simple text. A simple but multifunctional text editor. Allow BB Code, Markdown. Allow html and filter HTML tags mode

Core Features

Feature Supported
Searchable Yes
Sortable  Yes
Javascript validation Yes

Specific Features

  • Set Limit text for the list
  • Enter limit. Maximum number of simbols
  • Set Grow input. Enable growing textarea field while input
  • Allow/Disallow BB Code
  • Allow html
  • Filter HTML tags mode. Blacklist , Whitelist
  • Set Filter attributes mode


HTML field allows enter and display text. It is multifunctional and easy to use text editor.

All Joomla content plugins works with this field

Core Features

Feature Supported
Searchable Yes
Sortable Yes
Javascript validation Yes 

Specific Features

  • Set default value
  • Set Intro text length
  • Allows you to hide intro text on full view
  • Allows you to choose Editor style
  • Filter HTML tags mode
  • Allows you to choose filter for users group
  • Set editor (JCE, TinyMCE, CodeMirror...)


Radio allows the user to select values. Also a user can create and choose your own value to be preserved and will be available for selection to other users who edit this article.

Core Features

Feature Supported
Sortable Yes
Searchable Yes 
Filterable Yes 
Javascript validation Yes 

Specific Features

  • Different Filter box style: Autocomplete, checkbox, select
  • Set Default value
  • Set Color Separator
  • Set Users Value. Set Who can add value for users group
  • Allow/Disallow save new value to values list


CheckBox allows the user to select values. Also a user can create and choose your own value to be preserved and will be available for selection to other users who edit this article.

Core Features

Feature Supported
Searchable Yes
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation Yes

Specific Features

  • Your own true/false values
  • In article show as text or as icons
  • Ability to identify Label for True and False value
  • Large selection of icons for the field
  • Ability to customize the display of the plugin
  • Integration with component JoomSubscription

Single Select

Select field allows the user to select values. Also a user can create and choose your own value to be preserved and will be available for selection to other users who edit this article.

Core Features

Feature Supported
Sortable Yes
Searchable Yes 
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation Yes 

Specific Features

  • Different Filter box style: Autocomplete, checkbox, select
  • Set Default value
  • Set Color Separator
  • Set Users Value. Set Who can add value for users group
  • Allow/Disallow save new value to values list

Multiple Select

Multiple select allows the user to select multiple values ​​from a list. Also a user can create and choose your own value to be preserved and will be available for selection to other users who edit this article.

Core Features

Feature Supported
Searchable Yes
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation Yes

Specific Features

  • Your own true/false values
  • In article show as text or as icons
  • Ability to choose the Filter box style
  • Large selection of icons for the field
  • The ability to add user value
  • The ability to choose the Format Value
  • Ability to customize the display of the plugin
  • Integration with component JoomSubscription


Password field allows allows users to enter and store the password. Display it only for assigned group of users.

Feature Supported
Searchable Yes
Javascript validation Yes

Specific Features

  • Show saved on edit. Show saved value on edit record
  • Allows to set who can view
  • Set password label

Special Fields


URL field allows you to insert and display Url. Snapshot showing when you hover on the link. Ability to display the QR code.

Core Features

Feature Supported
Searchable Yes
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation Yes

Special Features

  • Allow snapshot. Snapshot showing when you hover on the link
  • Allow QR code
  • Full record template/List records template
  • Large selection of icons for the field
  • Multiple and Single input type
  • Allow input label for Url

Email & Mail

This field is very flexible and can be perfectly used just to enter and show email or/and send mails to entered email, or article author's email or custom email.

For instance if you turn off mail body and set predefined subjects you can use it as "Report this listing".

Another useful feature of this field, you can use it to allow public submission with required email. And then it will be possible to see all records of the same user (email) without user being registers on your site. As addition author may receive some alerts to this email.

Core Features

Feature Yes
Javascript validation  

Specific Features

  • Allow/Disallow enter email
  • Allow/Disallow send mails
  • Allow/Disallow enter subject, body, copy, name or email
  • Preset subjects
  • Set who can send emails
  • Allow attachments
  • Different ways to display send form in popup, inline or in slide down box.


The field for the selection and status assignment. This field can be used for technical support or forum or feedback system on your site.

This field not only change article label, it also perform number of common actions like comments disable or automatic status change on article viewed by moderator or admin and much more. You even can run your own custom SQL queries on status change.

You or article author can get notifications when status changed.

Core Features

Feature Supported
Sortable Yes
Searchable Yes
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation Yes

Specific Features

  • Set default status
  • Set who can moderate statuses
  • Change status if moderator opens article (for example change to revised)
  • Change status if comment added. For instance article is CLOSED, and if user add comment it set status to OPEN again.
  • You or article author can get notifications when status changed
  • Disable comments on status change. For example you set CLOSED status and comments for this article disables.
  • Set Who Can Choose Status, for example admin and moderator have one set of statuses and user have other set of statuses.
  • Change statuses label according to your logic
  • Choice status icons
  • Run custom SQL queries on status change
  • Change status without edit article


Switcher allow user to chose between 2 values. Values may be different: True/False, Yes/No, Show/Hide, Male/Female, Agree/Disagree, or any other you can think out.

Core Features

Feature Supported
Sortable Yes
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation Yes 

Specific Features

  • Your own true/false values
  • In article show as text or as icons
  • Ability to identify Label for True and False value
  • Large selection of icons for the field
  • Ability to customize the display of the plugin
  • Integration with component JoomSubscription


Enter telephone. When a user enters a country code, auto-complete loaded existing codes in the database as suggestion list.

This field can be very useful with public submissions. It allows quickly see all records of the same user (telephone). It formats telephone properly so it is detected by Skype browser extension.

Core Features

Feature Supported
Sortable Yes
Searchable Yes
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation Yes

Specific Features

  • Allow/Disallow extension
  • Countries and codes DB
  • Allow/Disallow Filter box show numbers
  • Field value linkage

Date & Time

DateTime Field date or dates and times in various formats. User can enter single, multiple dates or date range.

Core Features

Feature Supported
Searchable Yes
Sortable Yes
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation Yes

Specific Features

  • Text input without picker
  • Text input with picker (like Joomla core)
  • Simple select input
  • Single date picker
  • Date range picker
  • Multiple dates picker
  • Custom format date time
  • Color expired and about to expire dates
  • Different filters input styles (single date picker, compare dates, date range)

List Auto Complete

List auto-complete allows the user to select multiple values ​​from a suggestion dropdown list. User can enter own values.

Core Features

Feature Supported
Searchable Yes
Filterable Yes
Sortable (id single value) Yes
Javascript validation Yes

Specific Features

  • Auto-complete
  • User values
  • Number of values Limit
  • Different list styles
  • Different filter input styles

Multilevel Select

Multiple level select field allows user to select several related values. There is values constructor in field settings that allows enter values or load from text file. The field could be set up so user can enter it's own value to the list or select only one of proposed values.

Core Features

Feature Yes
Searchable Yes
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation Yes 

Specific Features

  • Values constructor - allows to add several values at one time.
  • Values loader - allows load bulk values from text file.
  • Level labels
  • Values limit and multiple values
  • Levels depth required
  • Add own values right on form or allow only choose saved values
  • Delete or edit values


This field is for entering and displaying only the numeric values. With this field you can enter any numeric values. The main advantage of this field - is the ability to create a filter for a range of values.

Core Features

Feature Yes
Searchable Yes
Sortable Yes
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation Yes

Specific Features

  • Filter box style
  • This field create range filter type
  • Set How many digits after
  • Set size of the inputbox

Relation Fields


Parent and child create one-to-many or even many-to-many relationship between articles or article types. For example Composer->Albums, Movie->Actor, Product->Review, ...

The file includes two fields Parent and Child

It can show list of children, add new child or attach existing child. It created dual relationship. It support filtering. It means you can see all parents with particular child. In real world for example all Movies of particular Actor.

Although actually child mast has only one parent, we made it so you can set multiple parents for children, thus create many-to-many relationship. Real example MovieActor. Actor may be related to many movies and moves may be related to may actors although it is obvious that movie is a parent and actor is a child.

Core Features

Feature Yes
Searchable Yes
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation Yes

Specific Features

  • Set Filter box style
  • Notifications. To get notification user have to follow an article
  • Set Who is notified on add child
  • Set Who is notified on attach child
  • Form Control.Choose How to chose children: Autocomplete with Ajax, checbox, multipleselect, pop-up
  • Set user strict for users group. When select parent, user strict allow to see only articles created by current user.
  • Limit to current user. If enabled user will be able to set relations only between articles created by him
  • Set Show (Add New) button for users group
  • Set different template for Children articles

Content Dripping

Content dripping is the gradual, pre-scheduled release of premium website content.

This field lets you set rules for gradual content access. Set time rules for portions of content become available since the user starts set. Works in manual and automatic mode to set conditions for access. Manuall allows administrator to set when user may move to next content and auto release content after X number of days.

Integration of this field with JoomSubscription makes possible subscription based access to your sets of dripped content and protect access to sets on paid bases.

Specific Features

  • Unlimited numbers of sets for drip content in the same section.
  • Manual graduation to next portion of content.
  • Automatic graduation within defined period of time
  • Pass quiz for graduation to next lesson
  • Different input styles including autocomplete with ajax.
  • Notification system for end user let them be oriented on when particular potion of content becomes available and on what conditions.
  • Notification to user that he can move to the next content. (not yet implemented)
  • Self activation of next content. (not yet implemented)


  • Older members will progressively get access to more content
  • Content protection again leechers
  • Longer-staying, paying members with recurring payment membership sites.
  • Ability to launch multiple membership site portals operating on autopilot without your direct day to day involvement in a content release process.

How it Works

The notification system let end users know exactly what it takes to get access to each portion of content and know time for next portion of content becomes available for them.


Related Access

This field allows to restrict access to articles based on JoomSubscription selected in parent article.

For example you have type Course and type Lesson. You create Course and then attach Lessons to it. And you want indicate in the Course, the subscription to restrict access to Lessons.

Create selectable field (select, checkbox, radio, multiselect, listautocomplete) with SQL source in the Course(patent). Insert following query.

SELECT id, name as text FROM #__joomsubscription_plans WHERE published = 1

now in Lesson type(child) create related_access field. You have to select selectable field you created where you select JoomSubscription plan, so this field knows where to look for plans.

Related Also

This is unique field to interlink articles between each other. During submission of the article you can explicitly chose what articles are related to current one.

Relation is going to be created on both sides. Let's say you add article A and select related article B. Not only article A will show related article B, but related article B will show article A as read suggestion.

All articles will be shown in section template and looks exactly like you managed them to looks in article list layout. You can also create simplified custom templates for suggestions.

This field is excellent for series of articles, which you publish from time to time. Once a month for example. But you do not want people to miss other parts.

Say you release Article part 1, in one week you release Article part 2 and set Article part 1 as related. So does not matter what article user reads, one will be suggested to read another part. In one week you release Article part 3. Cool thing that if you set part 1 and part 2 articles as suggested, you wills see that suggestion everywhere. Right, because of both side connection, you do not need to edit article 1 and 2 and add just submitted article as another suggested part. This field will understand it and show 3 as suggested in article 1 and 2 and vise verse.

It also have a lot of other usefully applications. related products in catalog, other chapters of the book, and so on..

Core Features

Feature Yes
Searchable Yes
Javascript validation Yes

Specific Features

  • Set How to chose related records. Large selection of display: Autocomplete, Autocomplete with ajax, checkbox, Multiple select and Popup
  • Set Template overwrite. Choose different Template overwrite
  • Ordering


This field can easily increase analytical time users stay on your site and average number of viewed pages per every user.

It can find related articles many different ways. Created, bookmarked, commented, followed, visited articles of author of current article or current user. Related on tags or other current article parameters.

One of the great feature to show related articles based on field value. It can show other articles with the same value of gives field.

Add different ordering here like by date, modification date, random, most voted, most commented, most visited, and may others, and you get endless combination of suggestion. Here is only few of them

Show article current user last visited Another most rated phones with Android OS Show another most voted articles of the same author Show another most voted cars of BMW X5 Show articles that have been bookmarked by same author Show articles with same tags Users who read(or vote or comment or ...) this articles also read And so on and on...

Core Features

Feature Yes
Javascript validation  

Specific Features

  • Choose relation type
  • Set template
  • Set ordering

Media Fields


Field video allow post videos on the site with 3 different methods. 1. Upload, 2 Embed and 3 Link. You can use one of those oк 3 methods at one time.

Upload will be played in HTML5 player if supported by browser. Link is a new and smart way to insert video. You do not need to know anything about embed code. You just copy link you watch video on and paste it there. This field will find and show video. That is this simple.

Specific Features

  • 3 video posting modes Upload, Embed, Link
  • Limit every method for number of videos
  • Auto size. Will be automatically adjusted to available width.
  • HTML5 support for uploaded videos


Upload files of any format. The field has user-friendly HTML5 uploader.

Core Features

Specific Features

  • Set Max upload size
  • Set Maximum files count limit
  • Set allowed file formats
  • Allow/Disallow Show hits full/list view
  • Allow/Disallow show size
  • JoomSubscription integration protects your files to be downloaded only based on paid subscription


Loads and displays the pictures as a gallery. The field has a huge set of options that will create on your site is a gallery that you want.

Core Features

Feature Yes
Searchable Yes 
Javascript validation Yes 

Specific Features

  • Set Process Original. If uploaded image is bigger than this size, it will be resized according this parameters and stored as original image
  • Set Full View Image. Setings to set maximum size for full picture view
  • Record List View template for modules.
  • Set allowed file formats. How gallery will be rendered in records list. There always will be 3 images
  • Set Record Full View Mode. Settings for list of tumbnails in article full view.
  • Set Record Full View Mode - Custom. Settings for list of tumbnails in article full view.
  • Set Popup Mode
  • Set Who can comment
  • Set Who can rate
  • Download Original Subscription. This is JoomSubscription integration. Protect your files to be downloaded on paid subscription base


Upload and listen audio online. Supports HTML5, listen on iPad or iPhone.

Convert uploaded audio to additional formats. If you enable converter you have to install ffmpeg on *nix or Windows. You can upload files in any of MP3, OGG or WAV formats. It will automatically convert audio to required copies.

Core Features

Feature Yes
Searchable Yes 
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation yes

Specific Features

  • HTML5 player
  • Allow/Disallow FFMPEG conversion
  • Set Layout template for Records List Player
  • Alow/Disallow download
  • ID3 tags. Show artist, Show album, Show year, Show comment, Show genre
  • JoomSubscription integration. Subscribe to download audio files


Image field allows to load and display the image. The field supports two ways to load an image using the uploader, and select the directory.

Core Features

Feature Yes
Searchable Yes

Specific Features

  • Set Upload Parameters: Core Joomla Media Manager, Initial Directory
  • Allow to set image caption

Exclusive Fields

Address & Map (GEO)

Geo is an unique and exclusive JoomCCK feature. It allow enter address or other contact information and point position on the map as current location, or entered address or custom position.

This field includes Google map records list template. If you want to show records as map markers, you will not find better way.

Core Features

Feature Yes
Searchable Yes
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation Yes

Specific Features

  • Enter address
  • Enter contacts like telephones and IMs
  • Enter references like facebook and twitter links
  • Set map position by geocoding entered address
  • Set map position by clicking current location (supported by all modern web browsers)
  • Set map position by custom marker positioning
  • Distant search filters
  • Country/State/City filters
  • QR code for geo location
  • QR code for address and links in MECARD format. It will even include email from email field if exists
  • Easy extend and add new fields of your favorite IMs.
  • Full Google Map API Integration
  • Different markers for every content type
  • Clustering markers on the map
  • Automatically fit map to show all markers
  • Marker balloon show article intro


This field allows to register and auto login user during article submission. Public just enter user name, email and password and after form submission, account will be created and new record will be created for this user. If user exists it will check password and if match auto login user. It has 2 forms for register and login. If one already has an account, one can just login. One can enter Email or user name as login name.

  • Create user account on article submission
  • Autologin user after account creation
  • Supports all Joomla registration and login parameters in user manager
  • Email field may be used as email address. With this field no need to enter login name for login but only password.
  • Sends user email on registration

Registration and login is made through core Joomla classes and all Joomla register and login parameters will be applied. Best would be to disable email activation for correct immediate login.


E-commerce Fields

Pay to download

Attach files to article and sell them. Or even allow your users to attach and sell on your site.

Core Features

Feature Yes
Searchable Yes
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation Yes

** Specific Features **

  • Set Upload Parameters
  • Set Format Parameters. Show hits full view. Show hits list view.
  • Sale Events. Set Saler new sale event or Buyer status changed
  • Sale Options. Set Skip restriction for
  • Set Product name
  • Set Who can choose gateway

Pay to access

This field can sell access to the article. It is multivendor and other users may sell access to their article on your site.

JoomSubscription Integration

Through JoomSubscription Joomla membership extension, you can sell access to articles based on subscriptions. You enter price of the article and select subscription. Then customer have a choise, to subscribe and get access to all articles bonded to this subscription plan or purchase individually access to this particular article.

Sell vouchers

With this field you (or your users) can easily sell vouchers, pin codes, activation codes or any other serial numbers. You can enter as many vouchers as you want and this field will grant new voucher per every sale.

Core Features

Feature Yes
Searchable Yes
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation Yes

Specific Features

  • Strict to only one voucher per user
  • Sale Events. Set Seller new sale event or Buyer status changed
  • Sale Options. Set Skip restriction for
  • Set Product name
  • Set Who can choose gateway

SEO Fields

Open Graph

This field add facebook open graph tags to the article, you can map image and description field source easily.

Grouping Fields

Groups are used to organise your TYPE-fields. You can use the group-feature in form and display templates to group fields by tabs, slider etc.

  1. Create and reorder groups: To create groups for your fields, go to your TYPE and click on “Manage Groups”.
  2. Then click new and proceed with creation of as many groups/categories as you want. Drag and drop handle to reorder groups as you want.
  3. Assign groups : Later when you create fields you can assign them to groups you have created

SQL Values Source

For some fields liek Radio, Checkbox, Select, Multiple Select, Listautocomplete JoomCCK may use SQL query as a source of the values.


Create SQL Query

Let me explain you how to use it on real example. Let’s say you have Hikashop installed. And you want to create private or public support ticket system with JoomCCK. And when people submit issues, you want them to select order to be more specific and easier for you identify problem.

First you have to enable this awesome feature buy choosing yes in List values from SQL query.

Now lets open DB in PhpMyAdmin or other tool you use and see what is order table structure. After learning how Hikashop store orders, we can create SQL query like this.

SELECT order_idAS id, CONCAT('Order: ',order_number) AS text FROM #__hikashop_order`` WHERE order_user_id` = [USER_ID]`

Any query you create have to select 2 columns. And only 2 column name are allowed. Those are id and text. So you have to assign aliases for columns with AS instructor.

Also note [USER_ID]. This is placeholder that will be replaced with the ID of the currently logged-in user. Right now no other placeholders supported but if you need one, just tell us and we will add.

Process Into Link

Another important feature is a conversion of field value into link. In our example, let’s say user have selected an order and submitted ticket. But when we display order name, we want it to уbe a link. This is what Process into link parameter does.

You have to enter starting with index.php. For example: index.php?option=com_hikashop&view=order&id=[ID]&Itemid=23

Enter like this. And it will be processed through standard Joomla routing. But you can also enter external links like[ID]

Here is the list of available placeholders in URL

  • [ID] - is what is returned by SQL query in column aliased “AS id”
  • [USER_ID] - replaced to ID of currently logged in user
  • [AUTHOR_ID] - replaces with ID of the author of the record

Use SQL Source to make relations

You can use SQL source to replace Parent/Child fields and create relations. It is much more simpler relations but sometimes or even mostly this is all you need.

  1. This method will make your site little quicker
  2. No templates, just the list of connected articles with link

Create Query

So first we have to decide what section we connect to. Let’s say it is a section ID 3 SELECT id, title AS text FROM #__js_res_record WHERE section_id = 3

This is was a simplest query. Now let’s say you have many types in that section ID 3 and you want only type ID 6 to be used. SELECT id, title AS text FROM #__js_res_record WHERE section_id = 3 AND type_id = 6

Now let’s say you want only from category 2 and 3. SELECT, r.title AS text FROM #__js_res_record AS r WHERE r.section_id = 3 AND r.type_id = 6 AND IN (SELECT record_id from #__js_res_record_category WHERE catid IN(2,3))

And another complicated example. For example you want all records from category there value of select field equal to 20114. SELECT, r.title AS text FROM #__js_res_record AS r WHERE r.section_id = 3 AND r.type_id = 6 AND IN (SELECT record_id from #__js_res_record_values WHERE field_value = '2014')

That was conditions. But what if you want to select more then just title but also some field value or date? SELECT id, CONCAT(title, '<br><small>On: ', DATE_FORMAT(ctime, '%d %M %Y') ,'</small>') AS text FROM #__js_res_record WHERE section_id = 3

or show value or the field ID 3 SELECT, CONCAT(r.title, '<br><small>Year: ', (SELECT field_value FROM #__js_res_record_values WHERE record_id = AND field_id = 3) ,'</small>') AS text FROM #__js_res_record AS r WHERE r.section_id = 3

Create Link

Now we can use link processing parameter to create links. Simply insert there something like index.php?option=com_joomcck&view=record&id=[ID]&Itemid=140

For correct conversion do not forget Itemid parameter which you can look in the URL in the section where that article is located.

Customize map marker balloon

Create Custom Field