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Sam Pullman edited this page Jul 16, 2013 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the qSerialTerm wiki!

qSerialTerm is a simple serial port terminal emulator based on the Qt framework. qSerialTerm relies on the QtSerialPort library. This library is scheduled to be released as an AddOn for Qt5, however the current version is stable enough for most applications.

These are the installations steps for the QtSerialPort library on Ubuntu (for other OSes, check the Qt's official installation steps)

On the gnome terminal:

sudo apt-get install libudev-dev # This is a dependency of the QtSerialPort library
git clone git://
cd qtserialport
sudo make install

qSerialTerm also depends on libqwt (for plots), to install libqwt on Ubuntu use the following steps: (for others OSes, you can get the source code here)

On the gnome terminal:

sudo apt-get install libqwt-dev

That's it, you should be able to build the project now.

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