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Spring-Boot Flux-Notifier

Contributors MIT License linkedin-shield

About The Project

Sometimes, setting up a notification system can be complicated, and for it we can use different options (eg: Websockets, Polling), any of the mentioned examples have different implementations and conceptual problems, such as security in websockets or the overload of traffic in a polling system.

We offer

  • Use Webflux to make your systems efficient and robust 💪
  • Refrain from your notifiers implementations 💆
  • Keep the architecture you want for your project and leave the rest to Flux-Notifier 😊

Built With

Getting Started

  • 1 - Importing dependencies

    • Maven:
    • Gradle:
      dependencies {
          implementation 'io.github.jorgerojasdev:spring-boot-flux-notifier:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'

  • 2 - Generating a Notifier

    This step is really simple, we just have to create an interface that extends Notifier <?>, where ? is the class we want to work on as a notification, Ex:

    public interface NotificationExampleService extends Notifier<String> {

    And voilá, we do not need to do anything else, the implementation has all the necessary methods to start working

    * Do not implement more methods to the Notifier, it can lead to exceptions

  • 3 - Creating Configuration

    We must create a configuration that has the annotation EnableFluxNotifiers, this receives as a basePackages parameter the root on which FluxNotifier will search its implementations, Ex:

    @EnableFluxNotifiers(basePackages = "io.github.jorgerojasdev")
    public class NotificatorExampleConfig {

  • 4 - Starting to Notify

    And that's all, now you can start subscribing to the notifier and start issuing notifications 😄


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