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Forward Earth is a galaxy generation mod that scripts the creation of Human Space in the vicinity of Earth. One of the biggest changes is the recasting of the Commonwealth of Man as the Commonwealth of Aurora. This is more than just a name change, the Commonwealth of Aurora (CoA) now spawns in the Eta Cassiopeiae System, which is a binary system close to Sol. The CoA a citizen stratocracy and is inspired by the Terran Federation as depicted in Robert Heinlein’s novel Starship Troopers and their symbol is now the Spaceship-and-Sun as inspired by Asimov's Galactic Empire. This new emblem symbolizes the importance of the navy in their social structure. The CoA is not a country with a navy, but a navy with a country.

The CoA spawns in a binary planet system and the scripts have been updated to include binary planets! They are rare, but they will occur and there is also the possibility they could be home to AI empires or primitive civilizations.

Additionally, I’ve also added a fourth possible faction that could spawn from Earth, ICARUS, a determined exterminator.

In addition to the above this mod can also be described as a poor man’s version of the awesome New Horizon’s mod… but with a Stellaris flavor. The scripts have been adjusted to spawn three xenophilic civilizations in vicinity of earth. Some aspects of the civilizations are scripted... some are randomized... so it adds some variety to your play throughs. One civilization is a machinist humanoid civilization which spawns on a planet named as Gal Risia. The second is a reptilian civilization which discovered and conquered a mammalian civilization on a neighboring moon in their interplanetary period. What followed was a four hundred year occupation with revolts and internal strife which finally resulted in a constitutional monarchy uniting the two races into the United Empire of Myrk-Kahoa. The final civilization is an offshoot of one of the fallen empires and obviously requires that fallen empires be enabled. In addition, all three civilizations require that you enable at least 2 AI empires to spawn.

There are various tweaks and Easter Eggs scattered throughout the galaxy, some examples; Earth will always spawn if you play as a none Earth faction and you'll find all levels of human civilizations on Earth from stone age up to the United Nations of Earth, additionally, there is a possibility you may find ICARUS located on earth which should make for interesting playthroughs for the CoA, Betelguese actually spawns as a red giant, the Chinorr start with a tropical world preference but Chicora is an arid world, the Trantor and Terminus system spawn where they should, and many more. You’re going to have to download and play the mod to find others.

Two new government types are added: Planetary Union and Constitutional Monarchies. Both are democratic governments with planetary unions functioning similarly to representative democracies and constitutional monarchies functioning similar to military commissariats.

This mod also adds two additional start sizes: gigantic with 1,500 stars and immense with 2,000. This mod also includes the star names included in my This is Alpha Ceti V! mod. This mod has 6425 star names. I used a number of franchises, the Greek alphabet, Egyptian, Sumerian and Hindi mythology and an online name generator to generate the list (sorry but I forgot to get the link).

This mod took quite a bit of time and I used my programming skills to script a lot of this out. Yet, as good as I think these scripts are my art abilities are abysmal. I did include a new Milky Way barred spiral texture, but I’ve also included the following graphics and ship mods in order to include some additional ship models and planets. All included ship mods support NSC2. These mods are absolutely awesome and I definitely want to give credit where credit is due:

This mod also has a required items: Dwaine's Immersive Galaxy - Planet Variety - Clouds but since that mod is not always updated timely I've created a wrapper for the mod available at:

Forward Earth - BASE

This mod supports Portuguese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Chinese (Simplified) and Spanish, please let me know if you notice any issues with the translations and I will correct them.

Hope everyone enjoys it and please let me know if you note any bugs or issues!

If you like this mod please upvote and favorite it and please check out my other mods:


A Stellaris mod that scripts the starting locations of the human factions.







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