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Algorand Sales Twitter Bot 🐦

A bot to get the latest sales of a creator address and post them to Twitter. Nicely written and open sourced by @JoshLmao.


This repository specifically has the "No License" license. This forbids any for-profit use and may only be explicitly used for non-profit or free means.


If you found this useful, please consider supporting NFT Explorer to help pay for running costs as this would not be possible without their API



  • Make twitter account for bot. This bot will create the developer app and tweet out
  • Go to the Twitter developer portal, create Developer App on Bot Account
  • Setting, User authentification settings, click Edit
    • Check the boxes to enable Oauth 2.0, 1.0a
    • Type of app: Automated app or bot
    • App permissions: Read and write
    • Callback: https://localhost:3000
    • Website: Your website
  • Keys and tokens, Access Token and Secret, click Regenate to get accessToken and accessTokenSecret
  • Save API keys and access keys. Put them in .env
  • You also need to apply for "Elevated" API access
    • Select "Products" on the left panel and select "Twitter API v2"
    • Select "Elevated" at the top. Click the prompt and provide extra information needed

Once done, you will have obtained the relevant Twitter API variables needed. The last thing you need is an authorization token from NFTx.

Creating a Droplet (Optional)

You'll want somewhere to run this, I advice this step if you know what you're doing, otherwise skip to how to run the bot

I suggest using Digital Ocean. Sign up, create a Droplet of Ubuntu, Basic, Regular with SSD, choose location, configure SSH keys, Create droplet

After initializing, open the console of the droplet, run the following commands

  • git clone ./twitter-bot
  • cd ./twitter-bot
  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt install nodejs
  • sudo apt install npm
  • sudo apt install node-typescript

Update the .env

Make sure you configure the .env with your obtained values

  • Linux
    • nano ./.env and enter each variable.
    • Ctrl + X to exit
    • Y to confirm save
    • Enter to confirm the file
  • Windows
    • Edit the file in a text editor. Right click an open in Notepad.
    • Set the variables, save the file.

Minimum Sale Requirements

You can set either the MIN_USD_PRICE and MIN_ALGO_PRICE variables if you wish for the bot to only tweet sales that are above or equal to that price requirement. These can be left blank to not need the requirement, such as if you only want one USD or ALGO requirement, or both left blank for no requirement at all.


Before running, make sure to do the Update the .env steps

  • npm install to install all required packages. Should be run before any attempt to run
  • npm start to build and run the script with the current .env configuration


If you wish to update, do the following

  • git pull to get the latest changes from the repo
    • Note: if there are merge conflicts, you can do git stash to save your changes, allowing you to do git pull and then run git stash pop to apply it again
    • Warning: You might have merge conflicts when running git stash pop. I suggest either managing the merge yourself or running git reset --hard origin/main and redoing your changes

Once done, you can do the same command in run to run the bot


Easy Way

You can edit the tweet-format.json file with a custom format to customize how the bot tweets out. Simply replace the format value with an appropriate format and the bot will use it to tweet. You can use \n for a new line character to place the following on to the next line.

For example

"format": "👀 {name}\n🏧 {algos}\n💰 {usdPrice}\n🤝 {shortReceiver}\n{nftxUrl}",
Key Example Description
{name} CGF #420 The name of the NFT
{nftxUrl} The NFTx URL of the asset. Provide this to get metadata on the asset in the tweet, such as displaying the NFT image
{assetId} 582495036 Asset ID of the NFT
{usdPrice} 21.37 Sale price in dollars (USD)
{location} Rand Gallery Location the sale took place on. Check NFTx for a full list of supported marketplaces
{algos} 25 Sale price in Algos
{ualgos} 25000000 Sale price in uAlgos, which is regular algos multiplied by 10^6
{shortReceiver} 6SNY...RRRI Receiver address shortened to display the first and last 4 characters, with an elipse in between
{receiver} 6SNY5BGSS7DKQMTTU5IIL63ZQCSVM45VHJJP7T6X2ZLHRXESAJQO55RRRI Full Algorand address of the buyer
{epochMs} 1645391880000 Refer to this for more information on how time works in coding
{dateShort} 20/02/2022, 21:18 A short readable string of the date and time of the sale

Non-Fungible Domains (NFD) Integration

If the receiver address owns an NFD, then the following keys will be replaced with the example values given.

Key Example Description
{receiver} joshlmao.algo The .algo name of the owned NFD
{shortReceiver} joshlmao.algo The .algo name of the owned NFD
{nfdTwitterHandle} @joshlmao Verified twitter handle that the user connected via site

Hard Way: Code

You can customize the output tweet of the bot by changing the Typescript function FormatSaleToTweet(). This step requires some coding knowledge

Linux Help

Below is some helpful commands to use the twitter-bot.service systemctl file and the script

If you are having any issues with systemctl, make sure the WorkingDirectory value in the twitter-bot.service file is to the right directory.

  • chmod +x to have permission on the utility start script
  • cp ./twitter-bot.service /etc/systemd/system/twitter-bot.service to copy the systemctl service file from the local directory to the systemctl directory
  • sudo systemctl daemon-reload to reload systemctl to the current services
  • sudo systemctl enable twitter-bot.service to enable on every reboot. Only need to run once
  • sudo systemctl start twitter-bot.service to start the service
  • sudo systemctl status twitter-bot.service to see the current output
  • sudo systemctl restart twitter-bot.service to restart the current service
  • sudo systemctl stop twitter-bot.service to stop the service if running


Twitter bot for serving the latest sales of Algorand NFTs







No releases published