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Several utilities to debounce functions, preventing rapid calling of functions.


Creates a "debounced" version of a function which is only called after the debounced version is not called for a specified amount of time. Useful for inputs where the onChange uses a lot of processing.

Note: useDebounce expects the function to not change frequently. If the supplied function is a literal, wrap it in useCallback.

Example Usage

const handleChange = useDebounce(expensiveSetter, 500);
// `onChange` will only be called if `expensiveSetter`
/// is not called for 500 milliseconds (0.5 seconds)

<input onChange={handleChange} />


Has the same functionality as useDebounce but doesn't call the function if the component unmounts, in exchange for less overhead.


Maintains an internal state that is always up-to-date and debounces it to an external state. Useful if you need a controlled component but still want to debounce the state.

Example Usage

const [state, setState] = useDebouncedState(externalState, expensiveSetter, 500);

// ExampleComponent will update with new values but expensiveSetter
// will not be called until it stops being set for 500 milliseconds
<ExampleComponent value={state} onChange={setState} />