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Study Guide Downloader

davestrohl edited this page May 7, 2012 · 1 revision

The Study Guide Downloader is used to download a correctly formatted XML study guide from the study guide server and save it to the /xml directory in the project folder. It utilizes functions from the file which contains all necessary functions for dealing with XML.

When the "Download" option is selected from the GUI, a list of all XML files on the server are displayed. Choosing one will cause the system to attempt the download; a notification will be displayed to let the user know if the download was successful. Reasons for failure include server downtime and a lack of internet access on the client's machine. Upon success, the chosen XML file will appear in the /xml directory and in the Study Guide Loader list. Note that a successful download does not imply that the guide will be successfully loaded with the Study Guide Loader.

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