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Mordern-Pentesting Framework

git clone
cd Logframe
chmod +x

║║─╔╣╔╗║╔╗╠══╣╔══╣╔╣╔╗║╚╝║║═╣          DEV | JoyGhosh
║╚═╝║╚╝║╚╝╠══╣║──║║║╔╗║║║║║═╣          VER | 1.0.1

Avilable Modules

[+] show-target   (Show Target Url)                                                                            
[+] ip-locate     (Locate an Ip Adress)                                                                        
[+] enu-mod       (Show Avilable Enumeration Modules)                                                          
[+] hydra-mod     (Show Avilable Modules For Hydra)                                                            
[+] sys-mod       (Show Avilable System Modules)                                                               
[+] anon-mod      (Show Avilable Anonymity Modules)                                                            
[+] back-mod      (Show Avilable Backdoor Generator Modules)                                                   
[+] ex-mod        (Show Avilable Auto Exploits Modules)                                                        
[+] pen-tool      (Show Avilable Pentesting Tools)                                                             
[+] clear         (To Clear Terminal)                                                                          
[+] version       (To Show Current version Of Logframe)                                                        
[+] restart       (To Restart Logframe)                                                                        
[+] exit          (To Exit Logframe)                                                                           
[+] htb           (Hack The Box's Module)                                                                      
[+] msf-handler   (To Lunch Metasploit Handler) 
[--] enu-sub1        (Enumerate Subdomains Using Sublist3r)                                                    
[--] enu-sub2        (Enumerate Subdomains Using Built In Tool)                                                
[--] enu-sub3        (Enumerate Subdomains Using Bruteforce fast)                                              
[--] enu-page1       (Enumerate Pagelinks Using Lynx)                                                          
[--] enu-page2       (Enumerate Page Links Using Gooogle Search)                                               
[--] enu-port        (Enumerate Ports Using Nmap)                                                              
[--] enu-port1       (Enumerate Ports Using Masscan)                                                           
[--] enu-dir         (Enumerate Active Directory Using Wfuzz)                                                  
[--] enu-dir2        (Enumerate Active Directory Using Metasploit)                                             
[--] enu-dir3        (Enumerate Active Directory Using dirb)                                                   
[--] enu-indx        (Enumerate Directory Listing Using Google Search)                                         
[--] enu-wpu         (Enumerate Wordpress Username Using Built In Tool)                                        
[--] enu-wpu1        (Enumerate Wordpress Username Using wp-json)                                              
[--] enu-wpu2        (Enumerate Wordpress Username Using Wpscan)                                               
[--] enu-zone        (Enumerate Zone Record Using dnsenum)                                                     
[*] hydra-ftp             (To Crack Ftp Using hydra)                                                           
[*] hydra-ssh             (To Crack SSh Using Hydra)                                                           
[*] hydra-mysql           (To Crack mysql using hydra)                                                         
[*] hydra-postgresql      (To Crack Postgresql Using Hydra)                                                    
[*] hydra-cisco           (To Crack Cisco using hydra)                                                         
[*] hydra-smb             (To Crack Smb Using Hydra)                                                           
[*] hydra-telnet          (To Crack Telnet Using Hydra)
[$] show-mac         (To Show Your Computer Mac Adress)                                                        
[$] whatismyip       (To Show Your Public ip Adress)                                                           
[$] searchsploit     (Auto Exploit Finder)                                                                                                                   
[%] vpn          (To Download and Auto COnnect To an Vpn server Using Openvpn)                                 
[%] tor          (Connect To Tor)                                                                              
[%] random-mac   (To Change Mac Adress To an Random MAc Adress [Temporary])   
[~] gen-phpreverseshell            (Generate Php Reverse shell Using Msfvenom)                                 
[~] gen-windowsuser                (Generate Windows add User Payload)                                         
[~] gen-pyreverseshell             (Generate Python Reverse shell)                                             
[~] gen-phpbackdoor                (Generate Simple Backdoor Written In Php)                                   
[~] gen-jspshell                   (Generate Simple Jsp Reverse shell)                                         
[~] gen-pastejacking               (Pastejacking Example Generator) 
[!] ex-modcopy                         (ProFTPD 1.3.5 Mod_Copy Command Execution )(Auto*)                      
[!] ex-ftpb                            (ProFTPD-1.3.3c Backdoor Command Execution)(Auto*)                      
[!] ex-xmrpc                           (Wordpress XMLRPC DoS)(Auto*)                                           
[!] ex-xmghost                         (WordPress XMLRPC GHOST Vulnerability Scanner)(Auto*)                   
[!] ex-xmleval                         (PHP XML-RPC Arbitrary Code Execution)(Auto*)  
(=_+) xss-scan                                  (Scan For xss Auto Using Xsscon)                               
(=_+) beef-xss                                  (Beef Xss Explotion Framework)                                 
(=_+) commix                                    (operating system command injection and exploitation)          
(=_+) reccoon                                   (Reconnaissance Target With reccooon)                          
(=_+) bandit                                    (Python Source code Vulnerability Scanner bandit)              
(=_+) cewl                                      (Custom Wordlist Generator cewl)                               
(=_+) whatweb                                   (Next generation web scanner whatweb)                          
(=_+) xsrf-scan                                 (Xsrf scan using xsrfprobe)                                    
(=_+) cadaver                                   (Put Vulnerability Exploition Using Cadaver)                   
(=_+) wafw00f                                   (WebApplication Firewall Scanner )    


Mordern-Pentesting Framework







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