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runtime-upgrade-tests: start test chain with new node #1469

runtime-upgrade-tests: start test chain with new node

runtime-upgrade-tests: start test chain with new node #1469

# Production runtime build of joystream-node
name: joystream-node-docker
- push
- workflow_dispatch
REPOSITORY: joystream/node
KEY_NAME: joystream-github-action-key-new
name: Check if main image already published
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
shasum: ${{ steps.compute_shasum.outputs.shasum }}
image_exists: ${{ steps.compute_main_image_exists.outputs.image_exists }}
branch_name: ${{ steps.extract_branch.outputs.branch }}
- name: Extract branch name
shell: bash
run: echo "##[set-output name=branch;]$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/})"
id: extract_branch
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: '14.x'
- id: compute_shasum
name: Compute runtime code shasum
run: |
export RUNTIME_CODE_SHASUM=`scripts/`
echo "::set-output name=shasum::${RUNTIME_CODE_SHASUM}"
- name: Check if we already have the main image on Dockerhub
id: compute_main_image_exists
# Will output 0 if image exists and 1 if does not exists
run: |
export IMAGE_EXISTS=$(docker manifest inspect ${{ env.REPOSITORY }}:${{ steps.compute_shasum.outputs.shasum }} > /dev/null ; echo $?)
echo "::set-output name=image_exists::${IMAGE_EXISTS}"
name: Build joystream/node Docker images
needs: repo-check
# Only run this job if the main image does not exist
if: needs.repo-check.outputs.image_exists == 1
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
platform: ['linux/amd64', 'linux/arm64']
- platform: 'linux/amd64'
platform_tag: 'amd64'
file: 'joystream-node.Dockerfile'
ec2ami: 'ami-0149b2da6ceec4bb0'
ec2type: 'c6id.2xlarge'
- platform: 'linux/arm64'
platform_tag: 'arm64'
file: 'joystream-node.Dockerfile'
ec2ami: 'ami-00266f51b6b22db58'
ec2type: 't4g.2xlarge'
STACK_NAME: build-joystream-node-docker-ga-${{ github.run_number }}-${{ matrix.platform_tag }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: '14.x'
- name: Check if we have pre-built image on Dockerhub
id: compute_image_exists
# Will output 0 if image exists and 1 if does not exists
run: |
export IMAGE_EXISTS=$(docker manifest inspect ${{ env.REPOSITORY }}:${{ needs.repo-check.outputs.shasum }}-${{ matrix.platform_tag }} > /dev/null ; echo $?)
echo "::set-output name=image_exists::${IMAGE_EXISTS}"
- name: Install Ansible
run: |
pip3 install --upgrade --user ansible
pipx inject ansible-core boto3 botocore
ansible-playbook --version
if: ${{ steps.compute_image_exists.outputs.image_exists == 1 }}
- name: Configure AWS credentials
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: us-east-1
if: ${{ steps.compute_image_exists.outputs.image_exists == 1 }}
- name: Deploy to AWS CloudFormation
uses: aws-actions/aws-cloudformation-github-deploy@v1
id: deploy_stack
name: ${{ env.STACK_NAME }}
template: devops/aws/cloudformation/single-instance.yml
no-fail-on-empty-changeset: '1'
parameter-overrides: 'KeyName=${{ env.KEY_NAME }},EC2AMI=${{ matrix.ec2ami }},EC2InstanceType=${{ matrix.ec2type }}'
if: ${{ steps.compute_image_exists.outputs.image_exists == 1 }}
- name: Run playbook
uses: dawidd6/action-ansible-playbook@v2
playbook: build-joystream-node-docker.yml
directory: devops/ansible
requirements: requirements.yml
key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
inventory: |
${{ steps.deploy_stack.outputs.PublicIp }}
options: |
--extra-vars "git_repo=${{ github.repository }} \
branch_name=${{ needs.repo-check.outputs.branch_name }} \
docker_username=${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }} \
docker_password=${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD }} \
tag_name=${{ needs.repo-check.outputs.shasum }}-${{ matrix.platform_tag }} \
repository=${{ env.REPOSITORY }} dockerfile=${{ matrix.file }} \
platform=${{ matrix.platform }} \
cargo_features='' \
code_shasum=${{ needs.repo-check.outputs.shasum }}"
if: ${{ steps.compute_image_exists.outputs.image_exists == 1 }}
- name: Delete CloudFormation Stack
if: always()
continue-on-error: true
run: |
echo "Deleting ${{ env.STACK_NAME }} stack"
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name ${{ env.STACK_NAME }}
echo "Waiting for ${{ env.STACK_NAME }} to be deleted..."
aws cloudformation wait stack-delete-complete --stack-name ${{ env.STACK_NAME }}
name: Create main manifest
needs: [repo-check, build-images]
# Only run this job if the image does not exist with tag equal to the shasum
if: needs.repo-check.outputs.image_exists == 1
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
TAG_SHASUM: ${{ needs.repo-check.outputs.shasum }}
- name: Login to DockerHub
uses: docker/login-action@v2
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD }}
- name: Create manifest for multi-arch images
run: |
# get artifacts from previous steps
IMAGE=${{ env.REPOSITORY }}:${{ env.TAG_SHASUM }}
echo $IMAGE
docker pull $IMAGE-amd64
docker pull $IMAGE-arm64
docker manifest create $IMAGE $IMAGE-amd64 $IMAGE-arm64
docker manifest annotate $IMAGE $IMAGE-amd64 --arch amd64
docker manifest annotate $IMAGE $IMAGE-arm64 --arch arm64
docker manifest push $IMAGE
- name: Create manifest with latest tag for master
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
run: |
IMAGE=${{ env.REPOSITORY }}:${{ env.TAG_SHASUM }}
LATEST_TAG=${{ env.REPOSITORY }}:latest
docker manifest create $LATEST_TAG $IMAGE-amd64 $IMAGE-arm64
docker manifest annotate $LATEST_TAG $IMAGE-amd64 --arch amd64
docker manifest annotate $LATEST_TAG $IMAGE-arm64 --arch arm64
docker manifest push $LATEST_TAG