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Downloaded from Oracle bundle, the main package used for this project

Used as a template this official article from Oracle

Downloaded vcredist_x64.exe, this package is mentioned in Oracle's guide and is part of their docker file

Created an Oracle 18c response file for this task Uploaded

Created a docker file for this task Uploaded

Image Build Log

PS E:\docker\dockerfiles\18c> docker image build -t 2016oracle18c -f dockerfile . Sending build context to Docker daemon 14.43GB

[WARNING]: Empty continuation line found in: RUN powershell.exe -Command $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; Start-Process c:\vcredist_x64.exe -ArgumentList '/install /passive /norestart ' -Wait ; Remove-Item c:\vcredist_x64.exe -Force

[WARNING]: Empty continuation lines will become errors in a future release.

Step 1/15 : FROM ---> 29a2c2cb7e4d

Step 2/15 : COPY / c:/data/ ---> f6d19dce4747

Step 3/15 : RUN powershell -command Expand-Archive c:\data\ -DestinationPath c:\data\db_home ---> Running in 06ef4c07b6e1 Removing intermediate container 06ef4c07b6e1 ---> e27b29040c72

Step 4/15 : RUN setx path ".;c:\data\db_home\Bin;%path%;" ---> Running in 1874da4f8360

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved. Removing intermediate container 1874da4f8360 ---> fa3f47226ce3

Step 5/15 : ENV ORACLE_HOME c:\data\db_home ---> Running in 5ff2a8bb3454 Removing intermediate container 5ff2a8bb3454 ---> ad0594034e9a

Step 6/15 : COPY /vcredist_x64.exe c:/vcredist_x64.exe ---> f3678d4aa96a

Step 7/15 : RUN powershell.exe -Command $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; Start-Process c:\vcredist_x64.exe -ArgumentList '/install /passive /norestart ' -Wait ; Remove-Item c:\vcredist_x64.exe -Force ---> Running in 7f0de0f7e21b Removing intermediate container 7f0de0f7e21b ---> addd50dc5b5e

Step 8/15 : COPY db.rsp c:\data\db.rsp ---> d6b11758ef9c

Step 9/15 : RUN c:\data\db_home\setup.bat -silent -noconfig -skipPrereqs -responseFile c:\data\db.rsp ---> Running in b0e3067cf4df

Launching Oracle Database Setup Wizard...

[WARNING] [INS-35810] You have selected to use Built-in Account for installation and configuration of Oracle Home. Oracle recommends that you specify a Windows User Account with limited privilege to install and configure a secure Oracle Home. ACTION: Specify a Windows User Account.

*[FATAL] [INS-35180] Unable to check for available memory. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:

**Exception details

  • PRVG-1901 : failed to setup CVU remote execution framework directory "C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\InstallActions2019-05-17_11-21-01AM\CVU_18." on nodes "b0e3067cf4df" Please select a different work area for the framework b0e3067cf4df : PRKN-1014 : Failed to execute remote command "C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\InstallActions2019-05-17_11-21-01AM\CVU_18.\exectask.exe" on node "b0e3067cf4df".Failed during connecting to service b0e3067cf4df : Failed during connecting to service Version of exectask could not be retrieved from node "b0e3067cf4df"**

Removing intermediate container b0e3067cf4df ---> 0e9631cca03f

Step 10/15 : ENV ORACLE_HOME c:\data\db_home ---> Running in ce4bdf9b23e5 Removing intermediate container ce4bdf9b23e5 ---> cd766e6884ae

Step 11/15 : ENV ORACLE_SID orclcdb ---> Running in f431c81aa1b4 Removing intermediate container f431c81aa1b4 ---> 145dbde853d8

Step 12/15 : ENV CLASSPATH c:\data\db_home\jlib;c:\data\db_home\rdbms\jlib; ---> Running in 21a5173efe1d Removing intermediate container 21a5173efe1d ---> 320eb846c4c2

Step 13/15 : EXPOSE 5500 1521 ---> Running in 42933e9f364e Removing intermediate container 42933e9f364e ---> acc3b1b1b045

Step 14/15 : COPY post_install.bat c:/data/post_install.bat ---> e8d4930df119

Step 15/15 : CMD ["c:/data/post_install.bat"] ---> Running in c1917b182a2c Removing intermediate container c1917b182a2c ---> ca097c5a3bbb Successfully built ca097c5a3bbb Successfully tagged 2016oracle18c:latest


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