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Juanmcuello committed Dec 27, 2010
1 parent c29e4bc commit 753982d
Showing 1 changed file with 93 additions and 1 deletion.
94 changes: 93 additions & 1 deletion README.rdoc
@@ -1,6 +1,98 @@
== JqgridForRails

TODO: Introduction.
This is a simple plug-in to create JqGrid( javascript code easily and cleaner inside rails views.

== Example

There is an example application at:

== Views

To generate the grid, you can first create a method in a helper and then call the +jqgrid+ method to generate the java script code. For example, if you have an invoices_helper.rb file, you can define a method there:

include JqgridsHelper

def invoices_jqgrid

options = {:html_tags => true}
grid_options = {
:url => '/invoices',
:datatype => 'json',
:mtype => 'GET',
:colNames => ['Inv No','Date'],
:colModel => [
{ :name => 'invid', :index => 'invid', :width => 55 },
{ :name => 'invdate', :index => 'invdate', :width => 90 },
:pager => '#invoices_pager',
:rowNum => 10,
:rowList => [10, 20, 30],
:caption => 'My first grid',
:onSelectRow => "function() { alert('Row selected!');}".to_json_var

jqgrid 'invoices_list', options, grid_options

Now you can use the helper in the view:

<%= raw(invoices_jqgrid) %>

Or, if you are using Rails 2.3.x :

<%= invoices_jqgrid %>

This will result in something like:

<table id="invoices_list"></table>
<div id="invoices_pager"></div>
"url": "/invoices",
"datatype": "json",
"mtype": "GET",
"colNames": ["Inv No","Date"],
"colModel": [
{"name":"invid", "index":"invid", "width":55},
{"name":"invdate", "index":"invdate", "width":90}],
"pager": "#invoices_pager",
"rowNum": 10,
"rowList": [10,20,30],
"caption": "My first grid",
"onSelectRow": function() { alert('Row selected!');}});

jQuery("#invoices_list").jqGrid("navGrid", "#invoices_pager", {});


Note: resulting code was indented for clarification.

You can do it better using +content_for+ :

At the views:

<% content_for :head do %>
<%= invoices_jqgrid %>
<% end %>

Don't forget to include the jquery and jqgrid javascript and stylesheet files!

== Controllers

You can use the +json_for_jqgrid+ method at the controllers to generate the json response for the grid. It receives the records found by the +paginate+ method offered by will_paginate[].

def index

@columns = ['invid', 'invdate']

@invoices = Invoice.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => params[:rows] )

if request.xhr?
render :json => json_for_jqgrid(@invoices, @columns, {:page => params[:page]})

== Maintainers
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