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Efficient Darkpool Trading System Based on Blockchain Technology

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Efficient Darkpool Trading System Based on Blockchain Technology

1.Environment for Testing

Operating System (Aliyun ECS)

  • Instance specification: ecs.n4.small
  • CPU: 1 Core
  • Memory: 2G
  • MirrorID: ubuntu_20_04_x64_20G_alibase_20210623.vhd
  • OS: Linux
  • OS Name: Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit

Hyperledger Fabric Version

  • Docker version 20.10.7, build 20.10.7-0ubuntu1~20.04.1
  • docker-compose version 1.29.0, build 07737305
  • nodejs v14.17.6 -> v16.14.0
  • npm 7.14.0
  • Fabric v2.3.1
  • Fabric CA v1.4.9
  • hyperledger/fabric-tools v2.3.1
  • hyperledger/fabric-peer v2.3.1
  • hyperledger/fabric-orderer v2.3.1

Python Extension Packages

  • utilitybelt v0.2.6


2.MP-SPDZ Set-up

# clone MP-SPDZ
git clone

# install dependency
apt-get install automake build-essential git libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libntl-dev libsodium-dev libssl-dev libtool m4 python3 texinfo yasm

# compilation (in ECS)
make -j 1 tldr 

# tutorial
./ tutorial
Scripts/ [<number of parties>]
echo 1 2 3 4 > Player-Data/Input-P0-0
echo 1 2 3 4 > Player-Data/Input-P1-0
Scripts/ tutorial

3.Testing Order for Darkpool Trading System

Install the Fabric environment first (It is recommended to do this in a temporary directory and delete the temporary directory after installation):

curl -sSL | bash -s -- 2.3.1 1.4.9

Enter darkpool_dev/userApp, darkpool_dev/tokenApp, darkpool_dev/committeeApp and run:

npm install # install npm dependency

Enter darkpool_dev directory:

bash # Automatically start the system and install chaincode

Enter darkpool_dev/userApp directory and run:

node server.js  # Start server

Other operation could be done in the front end, you can use username will to login.

After login with username will, you should first form the committee.

Then you should create an order by yourself, then the system will automatically generate random orders for darkpool trading.

Appendix: Problems and Possible Solution

dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1k count=2048000
mkswap /swapfile
swapon /swapfile   
swapon -s  
echo "/var/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab

(2)Stuck in compiling OT-Extension.o

# adjust -j attribute to a proper value (based on your CPU core)
make -j 2 tldr

This is caused by different version tags between local fabric components and those in manifest. Here is possible solution (Took fabric-orderer as an example):

1)Visit to acquire the ideal version.

2)Pull the ideal version down and match it to your manifest:

docker pull hyperledger/fabric-orderer:1.4
docker tag hyperledger/fabric-orderer:1.4 hyperledger/fabric-orderer:latest

3)Restart fabric-network:

./ up

(4)Browser(e.g Chrome) error "ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID"

This is often caused by updating the chaincode without restart the fabric network, sometimes it could due to internet problems. For solution, you can restart the fabric network by:

cd ~/darkpool/darkpool_dev
# clean all the old network data
# restart network
docker stop <container id>

(6)Error: chaincode install failed with status: 500 - error in simulation: failed to execute transaction a77662ef0bac180ca5a4448434ab1cd90d30fae399901f49690b6b0c2b455991: error sending: timeout expired while executing transaction

This is caused by unknown reason, try run for multiple times.

cd ~/darkpool/darkpool_dev
# run multiple times
# then restart network




  • Successfully use MP-SPDZ to realize order matching (currently orders are generated manually).

  • [Modification 1] The original MP-SPDZ program for order matching now do the price comparision as well by adding the following functions, meanwhile the printed result is seperated by \n in terminal:

# price comparision
def price_comparision(buyOrderNum,sellOrderNum,buyOrderPrice,sellOrderPrice):
    # sell <= buy >=
    cmpResult = Array(len(buyOrderPrice)+len(sellOrderPrice),sfix)
    def _(i):
        cmpResult[i] = buyOrderPrice[i] >= deal_price
    def _(i):
        cmpResult[buyOrderNum+i] = sellOrderPrice[i] <= deal_price
    return cmpResult

# price comparision
cmpResult = price_comparision(buyOrderNum,sellOrderNum,buyOrderPrice,sellOrderPrice)
def _(i):
  • [Modification 2] The original Nodejs order matching script ~/darkpool_dev/committeeApp/match.js was changed into the following one, now we spawnSync method in child_process module for getting the result of match_order.mpc:
function match(){
  const { spawn, spawnSync } = require('child_process');
  const matchResult = spawnSync('bash',['']);
  resultString = matchResult.stdout.toString();
  spdz_result = resultString.substring(0,resultString.length-1).split('\n');
  deal_price = parseInt(spdz_result[0]);
  max_execution = parseInt(spdz_result[1]);
  comparision = [];
  for(let i = 2; i < spdz_result.length; i++){
    comparision[i-2] = parseInt(spdz_result[i]);
  return {
    price: deal_price,
    amount: max_execution,
    cmpResult: comparision
module.exports = match;
  • [Modification 3] There are multiple modifications in ~/darkpool_dev/committeeApp/client.js:

    • Take the sequence of members in committee as global variable committeeNumber
    var committeeNumber;  // sequence of committee's member
    • Now non-master committee members ONLY do MP-SPDZ private input in matchOrders(), but the master does both MP-SPDZ private input and MP-SPDZ public input.

    • The call of ~/darkpool_dev/committeeApp/match.js and the formation of matchResult are now done by the master alone. After the matching is completed, the master will broadcast the result to other non-master committee members.

    // master call for public input and match_order
    if(username === masterName){
        // public input
        console.log('Doing SPDZ public Input ...')
        exec(public_input_cmd + '> ../../MP-SPDZ/Programs/Public-Input/match_order', async function (error, stdout, stderr) {
            console.error('error: ' + error);
        // matchorder entry
        let matchResult = match();
        // format of matchResult: {price: x, amount: y}
        console.log('matchResult: ',matchResult)
        if (matchResult.price <= 0 || matchResult.amount <= 0) {
        console.log('both < 0, continue')
        // get matchResult and form it 
        let itemResult = formMatchResult(buyOrders, sellOrders, matchResult);
        console.log('itemResult: ',itemResult);
        if (itemResult) {
        // broadcast matchResult
        for (let [peerString, peerId] of peerList) {
            nodeSendAndClose(peerId, JSON.stringify({
            type: 'hasMatched', 
            content: itemResult,
            item: item,
        matchSuccess = true;
        msg.content[item] = itemResult;
        } else {
        // Wait for result.
        // stop = true;
    • While non-master committee members receive the matchResult sent by the master, they will verify it and send the final result to the fabric blockchain, meanwhile they will clean(reset) their MP-SPDZ private input.
    case 'hasMatched':
      // non-master member sync match result
      if(username !== masterName){
        // change state
        currentState = WAITING;
        // init msg
        let msg = {
          type: "matchResult",
          content: {
            name: username
        // RESET private input
        console.log('Reset SPDZ private Input ...')
        exec('rm -rf ../../MP-SPDZ/Player-Data/Input-P' + committeeNumber + '-0', async function (error, stdout, stderr) {
            console.error('error: ' + error);
        // send msg
        msg.content[message.item] = message.content;
        for (let [peerString, peerId] of peerList) {
          nodeSendAndClose(peerId, JSON.stringify(msg));
  • [Future Work]

    • Clean debug print in the terminal.

    • Modified ~/darkpool_dev/userApp/autoCreateOrder.js for current version.


  • match_order.mpc now can read buy_order_num and sell_order_num in the compiling process by the following code:
./ -M match_order $buy_order_num $sell_order_num
  • Then MP-SPDZ will store the corresponding schedule and bytecode to /root/darkpool/MP-SPDZ/Programs/Schedules/match_order-[$buy_order_num]-[$sell_order_num].sch and /root/darkpool/MP-SPDZ/Programs/Schedules/match_order-[$buy_order_num]-[$sell_order_num]-0.bc

  • To run the above MPC program, we should use the following code:

./shamir-party.x 0 match_order-$buy_order_num-$sell_order_num & 
./shamir-party.x 1 match_order-$buy_order_num-$sell_order_num & 
./shamir-party.x 2 match_order-$buy_order_num-$sell_order_num
  • The Python Script ~/Simple_SSS/ has been changed to generate the above terminal code as well.


  • Now every committee member can decrypt their own share and ready to input them into MP-SPDZ private input, the corresponding code is in ~/darkpool_dev/userApp/client.js function matchOrders(). For example:
// Member input their share
// for buy orders
for (let i = 0; i < buyOrdersInMatch.length; i++){
    public_input_cmd += buyOrdersInMatch[i].amount.toString();
    public_input_cmd += ' ';
    exec('echo ' + buyOrdersInMatch[i].shares[0] + ' '+ buyOrdersInMatch[i].shares[1] + ' >> ../../' + username + '_input', async function (error, stdout, stderr) {
        console.error('error: ' + error);
  • Modified the match_order.mpc to take buy_order_num and sell_order_num as two public input. Now we define a global variable called max_order_num to restrict the max number of buy/sell orders given in match_order.mpc, as a result, the MPC program can initialize the Array class properly.


  • Change secret sharing in ~/darkpool_dev/userApp/autoCreateOrder.js to Python version.

  • Since NodeJs execute code in asynchronous way, so in ~/darkpool_dev/userApp/server.js we should let function create_order execute after the secret sharing by plug it into the exec() function.

  • **[Debug Notice]**In route function createorder in ~/darkpool_dev/userApp/server.js, the encryption process should take string variables as input, for the generated shares in Python version, use toString() method to convert it from int to string.

enc_i[j] = jsrsasign.KJUR.crypto.Cipher.encrypt(shares[i][j].toString(), jsrsasign.KEYUTIL.getKey(pub_i));
  • Cancelled autoCreateOrder momentarily by not calling ~/darkpool_dev/userApp/autoCreateOrder.js.


  • Change secret sharing in ~/darkpool_dev/userApp/server.js to Python version.


  • Add the automatic way to generate shares in Simple_SSS.

  • Find the way to write match result into file. When run the MPC program, use the following code:

# write result to MatchResult-P0-0
./shamir-party.x -OF MatchResult 0 match_order & ./shamir-party.x 1 match_order & ./shamir-party.x 2 match_order


  • Successfully implement full matching rules, now it can take price shares and amount as input and output the deal_price and max_execution, the MPC program match_test.mpc is as follows:
# import
from Compiler.types import Array,sfix,cfix,cint
from Compiler.library import for_range, if_, if_e, else_, print_float_precision, print_ln, public_input

# set digital/float precision
sfix.set_precision(16, 64)

# get max value in an array, return its value and index (secret element)
def get_max_secret(arr,length):
    cur_max = Array(1,sfix)
    cur_max[0] = arr[0]
    cur_index = Array(1,cint)
    cur_index[0] = 0
    def _(i):
        @if_( (arr[i]>cur_max[0]).reveal() )
        def _():
            cur_max[0] = arr[i]
            cur_index[0] = i
    return cur_max[0],cur_index[0]

# get max value in an array, return its value and index (public element)
def get_max_public(arr,length):
    cur_max = Array(1,cfix)
    cur_max[0] = arr[0]
    cur_index = Array(1,cint)
    cur_index[0] = 0
    def _(i):
        def _():
            cur_max[0] = arr[i]
            cur_index[0] = i
    return cur_max[0],cur_index[0]

# get min value in an array, return its value and index (secret element)
def get_min_secret(arr,length):
    cur_min = Array(1,sfix)
    cur_min[0] = arr[0]
    cur_index = Array(1,cint)
    cur_index[0] = 0
    def _(i):
        @if_( (arr[i]<cur_min[0]).reveal() )
        def _():
            cur_min[0] = arr[i]
            cur_index[0] = i
    return cur_min[0],cur_index[0]

# get min value in an array, return its value and index (public element)
def get_min_public(arr,length):
    cur_min = Array(1,cfix)
    cur_min[0] = arr[0]
    cur_index = Array(1,cint)
    cur_index[0] = 0
    def _(i):
        def _():
            cur_min[0] = arr[i]
            cur_index[0] = i
    return cur_min[0],cur_index[0]

# judge certain value is in the array or not (secret element)
def is_in(val,arr):
    def _(i):
        @if_( (val==arr[i]).reveal() )
        def _():
            return True
    return False

# judge whether all the values in the array is above certain value (secret element)
def is_all_above(val,arr,length):
    def _(i):
        @if_( (arr[i]<val).reveal() )
        def _():
            return False
    return True

# judge whether all the values in the array is below certain value (secret element)
def is_all_below(val,arr,length):
    def _(i):
        @if_( (arr[i]>val).reveal() )
        def _():
            return False
    return True

# lagrange interpolation for secret recovery (single secret)
def lagrange_interpolation(dot,n):
    secret = Array(1,sfix)
    secret[0] = sfix(0)
    multi_sum = Array(1,sfix)
    # i stands for the i-th player
    def _(i): 
        multi_sum[0] = 1
        # j stands for the j-th value
        def _(j): 
            def _():
                multi_sum[0] *= (sfix(0)-dot[j][0]) / (dot[i][0]-dot[j][0])
        secret[0] += multi_sum[0] * dot[i][1]
    return secret[0]

# input share -> prices in sfix format
def get_price_and_convert(order_num,n):
    # input order price
    shares = sfix.Tensor([order_num,n,2])
    @for_range(n) # each player
    def _(i):
        @for_range(order_num) # each order
        def _(j):
            shares[j][i][0] = sfix.get_input_from(i) # x_value
            shares[j][i][1] = sfix.get_input_from(i) # y_value

    # use lagrange interpolation to recover the price for the following computation
    prices = Array(order_num,sfix)
    def _(i):
        prices[i] = lagrange_interpolation(shares[i],n)
    return prices

# get amounts in cfix format
def get_amount(order_num):
    orderAmount = Array(order_num,cfix)
    def _(i):
        orderAmount[i] = public_input()
    return orderAmount

# get reference price and weight, ToDo
def get_rfp_and_wt():

# sort of orders, ascending prices
def sort(prices,amounts,n):
    # ascending prices
    def _(i):
        def _(j):
            @if_((prices[i] < prices[j]).reveal())
            def _():
                # change position
                p_tmp = prices[i]
                prices[i] = prices[j]
                prices[j] = p_tmp
                # also change correspond amount
                a_tmp = amounts[i]
                amounts[i] = amounts[j]
                amounts[j] = a_tmp
    return prices,amounts

# get all_price -> for further optimization, the returned array should be a set
def get_all_price(buyOrderNum,sellOrderNum,buyOrderPrice,sellOrderPrice):
    allOrderPrice = Array(buyOrderNum+sellOrderNum,sfix)
    # add buyprice to allprice
    def _(i):
        allOrderPrice[i] = buyOrderPrice[i]
    # add sellprice to allprice
    def _(j):
        allOrderPrice[buyOrderNum+j] = sellOrderPrice[j]
    return allOrderPrice

# calculate buy_sum,sell_sum,execution,imbalance
def calculate_other_parametres(buyOrderNum,sellOrderNum,buyOrderPrice,buyOrderAmount,sellOrderPrice,sellOrderAmount,allOrderPrice):
    length = len(allOrderPrice)
    buy_sum = Array(length,cfix)
    sell_sum = Array(length,cfix)
    execution = Array(length,cfix)
    imbalance = Array(length,cfix)
    # iterate each buyprice
    def _(i):
        def _(j):
            @if_( (buyOrderPrice[j]>=allOrderPrice[i]).reveal() )
            def _():
                buy_sum[i] += buyOrderAmount[j]
    # iterate each sellprice
    def _(i):
        def _(j):
            @if_( (sellOrderPrice[j]<=allOrderPrice[i]).reveal() )
            def _():
                sell_sum[i] += sellOrderAmount[j]
    # calculate execution
    def _(i):
        @if_e( buy_sum[i]<=sell_sum[i] )
        def _():
            execution[i] = buy_sum[i]
        def _():
            execution[i] = sell_sum[i]
    # calculate imbalance
    def _(i):
        imbalance[i] = buy_sum[i] - sell_sum[i]
    return execution,imbalance

# imbalance judgement, 1 for all positve, -1 for all negative, 0 for containing both
def judge_imbalance(imbalance):
    ret = 0
    # init returen value
    def _():
        ret = -1
    def _():
        ret = 1
    def _(i):
        @if_ ( imbalance[i]*ret<0 )
        def _():
            return 0
    return ret

# match order
def match_order(buyOrderNum,sellOrderNum,buyOrderPrice,buyOrderAmount,sellOrderPrice,sellOrderAmount,allOrderPrice,referencePrice,weight):
    # no matching orders, deal_price = 0
    @if_e( (buyOrderPrice[buyOrderNum-1]<sellOrderPrice[0]).reveal() )
    def _():
        global deal_price
        deal_price = 0
    # do matching
    def _():
        # calculate execution, imbalance
        execution,imbalance = calculate_other_parametres(buyOrderNum,sellOrderNum,buyOrderPrice,buyOrderAmount,sellOrderPrice,sellOrderAmount,allOrderPrice)
        print_ln('execution: %s',execution)
        print_ln('imbalance: %s',imbalance)

        # get max execution
        global max_execution
        max_execution,max_execution_index = get_max_public(execution,len(execution)) # meanwhile alter the value of max_execution
        #print_ln('max execution: %s',max_execution)
        #print_ln('max execution index: %s',max_execution_index)

        # count the number of max execution
        priceCorrespondMaxExec = Array(len(allOrderPrice),sfix) # store prices of orders whose execution equal to max execution
        max_execution_count = Array(1,cint) # store the number of orders whose execution equal to max exexution
        max_execution_count[0] = 0 # init it with 0
        def _(i):
            # if execution value equal to max execution
            def _():
                # check if its price has been counted
                @if_( not is_in(allOrderPrice[i],priceCorrespondMaxExec) )
                def _():
                    # if not, add its price and count it
                    priceCorrespondMaxExec[max_execution_count[0]] = allOrderPrice[i]
                    max_execution_count[0] += 1
        #print_ln('max execution count: %s',max_execution_count[0])
        #print_ln('correspond price: %s',priceCorrespondMaxExec.reveal_list())

        # if there is only one max execution
        def _():
            global deal_price
            deal_price = allOrderPrice[max_execution_index]

        # else we should choose another price
        def _():
            # use imbalance to judge different situation
            market_pressure = judge_imbalance(imbalance)
            #print_ln('market pressure: %s',market_pressure)

            # buy market pressure
            def _():
                # all the price is below reference price
                def _():
                    # return the max price
                    dp,me = get_max_secret(priceCorrespondMaxExec,max_execution_count[0])
                    global deal_price
                    deal_price = dp
                # all the price is above reference price
                def _():
                    # return the min price
                    dp,me = get_min_secret(priceCorrespondMaxExec,max_execution_count[0])
                    global deal_price
                    deal_price = dp
                # else
                def _():
                    # let reference price multiply a weight
                    global deal_price
                    deal_price = referencePrice*(1+weight)

            # sell market pressure
            def _():
                # all the price is above reference price
                def _():
                    # return the min price
                    dp,me = get_min_secret(priceCorrespondMaxExec,max_execution_count[0])
                    global deal_price
                    deal_price = dp
                # all the price is below reference price
                def _():
                    # return the max price
                    dp,me = get_max_secret(priceCorrespondMaxExec,max_execution_count[0])
                    global deal_price
                    deal_price = dp
                # else
                def _():
                    # let reference price multiply a weight
                    global deal_price
                    deal_price = referencePrice*(1-weight)

            # no obvious market pressure, take further comparison
            def _():
                # if order prices contatin reference price, use it for matching
                def _():
                    global deal_price
                    deal_price = referencePrice
                # else
                def _():
                    # find the price which is the closest to reference price
                    abs_value = Array(len(allOrderPrice),sfix) # store abs value
                    def _(i):
                        abs_value[i] = priceCorrespondMaxExec[i]
                        @if_e( (abs_value[i]>referencePrice).reveal() )
                        def _():
                            abs_value[i] = abs_value[i] - referencePrice
                        def _():
                            abs_value[i] = referencePrice - abs_value[i]
                    min_abs,min_abs_index = get_min_secret(abs_value,max_execution_count[0])
                    closest_price = priceCorrespondMaxExec[min_abs_index]
                    # return the closest price
                    global deal_price
                    deal_price = closest_price

n = 3 # player number
buyOrderNum = 2 # number of buy orders
sellOrderNum = 3 # number of sell orders
referencePrice = 0 

# input buyorders
buyOrderPrice = get_price_and_convert(buyOrderNum,n)
buyOrderAmount = get_amount(buyOrderNum)

# input sellorders
sellOrderPrice = get_price_and_convert(sellOrderNum,n)
sellOrderAmount = get_amount(sellOrderNum)

# bubble sort, ascending prices, descending amount
buyOrderPrice,buyOrderAmount = sort(buyOrderPrice,buyOrderAmount,buyOrderNum)
sellOrderPrice,sellOrderAmount = sort(sellOrderPrice,sellOrderAmount,sellOrderNum)
allOrderPrice = get_all_price(buyOrderNum,sellOrderNum,buyOrderPrice,sellOrderPrice)
# print_ln('allprice: %s',allOrderPrice.reveal_list())

# prepare the parametres for matching orders
# they should be public, but due to the calculation needs, we declare them as sfix
referencePrice = sfix(100)
weight = sfix(0.05)

# take wanted result as global variable
deal_price = cfix(0) 
max_execution = cfix(0)

# match order, returning deal_price and max_execution
print_ln('\n--Final Result--')
print_ln('Deal Price: %s',deal_price.reveal())
print_ln('Max Execution: %s',max_execution)
  • For running the above MPC program, you can take the following steps:

    • Get into ~/Simple_SSS and run in terminal, then you'll get the code which you put in the terminal like these:
    echo 1 5763596449 1 3704902086 1 5332685215 1 1577931741 1 3527058496 > Player-Data/Input-P0-0
    echo 2 14483897842 2 12263992502 2 14053025250 2 5971790272 2 7858520568 > Player-Data/Input-P1-0
    echo 3 26160904299 3 25677271328 3 26161020235 3 13181575793 3 12994386316 > Player-Data/Input-P2-0
    echo 281 49 429 148 960 > Programs/Public-Input/match_order
    • Get into ~/MP-SPDZ and run:
    # compile the mpc program
    ./ -M match_order
    # open three terminal to run the mpc program
    ./shamir-party.x 0 match_order & ./shamir-party.x 1 match_order & ./shamir-party.x 2 match_order
    • Then the terminal would print the matching result like this:
    --Final Result--
    Deal Price: 100
    Max Execution: 281


  • Successfully implement a part of the matching rules, the preparation for calculating deal_price and max_execution is done. By changing the MPC program match_test.mpc as follows, it can now correctlly calculate execution and imbalance:
# import
from Compiler.types import Array,sfix,cfix
from Compiler.library import for_range, if_, if_e, else_, print_float_precision, print_ln, public_input

# set digital/float precision
sfix.set_precision(16, 64)

# lagrange interpolation for secret recovery (single secret)
def lagrange_interpolation(dot,n):
    secret = Array(1,sfix)
    secret[0] = sfix(0)
    multi_sum = Array(1,sfix)
    # i stands for the i-th player
    def _(i): 
        multi_sum[0] = 1
        # j stands for the j-th value
        def _(j): 
            def _():
                multi_sum[0] *= (sfix(0)-dot[j][0]) / (dot[i][0]-dot[j][0])
        secret[0] += multi_sum[0] * dot[i][1]
    return secret[0]

# input share -> prices in sfix format
def get_price_and_convert(order_num,n):
    # input order price
    shares = sfix.Tensor([order_num,n,2])
    @for_range(n) # each player
    def _(i):
        @for_range(order_num) # each order
        def _(j):
            shares[j][i][0] = sfix.get_input_from(i) # x_value
            shares[j][i][1] = sfix.get_input_from(i) # y_value

    # use lagrange interpolation to recover the price for the following computation
    prices = Array(order_num,sfix)
    def _(i):
        prices[i] = lagrange_interpolation(shares[i],n)
    return prices

# get amounts in cfix format
def get_amount(order_num):
    orderAmount = Array(order_num,cfix)
    def _(i):
        orderAmount[i] = public_input()
    return orderAmount

# sort of orders
def sort(prices,amounts,n):
    # ascending prices
    def _(i):
        def _(j):
            @if_((prices[i] < prices[j]).reveal())
            def _():
                # change position
                p_tmp = prices[i]
                prices[i] = prices[j]
                prices[j] = p_tmp
                # also change correspond amount
                a_tmp = amounts[i]
                amounts[i] = amounts[j]
                amounts[j] = a_tmp
    return prices,amounts

# get all_price -> for further optimization, the returned array should be a set
def get_all_price(buyOrderNum,sellOrderNum,buyOrderPrice,sellOrderPrice):
    allOrderPrice = Array(buyOrderNum+sellOrderNum,sfix)
    # add buyprice to allprice
    def _(i):
        allOrderPrice[i] = buyOrderPrice[i]
    # add sellprice to allprice
    def _(j):
        allOrderPrice[buyOrderNum+j] = sellOrderPrice[j]
    print_ln('allprice: %s',allOrderPrice.reveal_list())
    return allOrderPrice

# calculate buy_sum,sell_sum,execution,imbalance
def calculate_other_parametres(buyOrderNum,sellOrderNum,buyOrderPrice,buyOrderAmount,sellOrderPrice,sellOrderAmount,allOrderPrice):
    length = len(allOrderPrice)
    buy_sum = Array(length,sfix)
    sell_sum = Array(length,sfix)
    execution = Array(length,sfix)
    imbalance = Array(length,sfix)
    # iterate each buyprice
    def _(i):
        def _(j):
            @if_( (buyOrderPrice[j]>=allOrderPrice[i]).reveal() )
            def _():
                buy_sum[i] += buyOrderAmount[j]
    # iterate each sellprice
    def _(i):
        def _(j):
            @if_( (sellOrderPrice[j]<=allOrderPrice[i]).reveal() )
            def _():
                sell_sum[i] += sellOrderAmount[j]
    # calculate execution
    def _(i):
        @if_e( (buy_sum[i]<=sell_sum[i]).reveal() )
        def _():
            execution[i] = buy_sum[i]
        def _():
            execution[i] = sell_sum[i]
    # calculate imbalance
    def _(i):
        imbalance[i] = buy_sum[i] - sell_sum[i]
    return buy_sum,sell_sum,execution,imbalance

# match order
def match_order(buyOrderNum,sellOrderNum,buyOrderPrice,buyOrderAmount,sellOrderPrice,sellOrderAmount):
    # no matching orders
    @if_e( (buyOrderPrice[buyOrderNum-1]<sellOrderPrice[0]).reveal() )
    def _():
        return 0,0
    # do matching
    def _():
        # TODO
        return 1,1

n = 3 # player number
buyOrderNum = 2 # number of buy orders
sellOrderNum = 3 # number of sell orders
referencePrice = 0 

# input buyorders
buyOrderPrice = get_price_and_convert(buyOrderNum,n)
buyOrderAmount = get_amount(buyOrderNum)

# input sellorders
sellOrderPrice = get_price_and_convert(sellOrderNum,n)
sellOrderAmount = get_amount(sellOrderNum)

# bubble sort, ascending prices, descending amount
buyOrderPrice,buyOrderAmount = sort(buyOrderPrice,buyOrderAmount,buyOrderNum)
sellOrderPrice,sellOrderAmount = sort(sellOrderPrice,sellOrderAmount,sellOrderNum)
allOrderPrice = get_all_price(buyOrderNum,sellOrderNum,buyOrderPrice,sellOrderPrice)

buy_sum,sell_sum,execution,imbalance = calculate_other_parametres(buyOrderNum,sellOrderNum,buyOrderPrice,buyOrderAmount,sellOrderPrice,sellOrderAmount,allOrderPrice)
print_ln('buysum: %s',buy_sum.reveal_list())
print_ln('sellsum: %s',sell_sum.reveal_list())
print_ln('execution: %s',execution.reveal_list())
print_ln('imbalance: %s',imbalance.reveal_list())

# match order, returning deal_price and max_execution
#deal_price,max_execution = match_order(buyOrderNum,sellOrderNum,buyOrderPrice,buyOrderAmount,sellOrderPrice,sellOrderAmount)
#print_ln('%s %s',deal_price,max_execution)
  • New JS file named match_test.js in ~/darkpool_dev/committeeApp is a test script for verifying the result of the above MPC program.


  • The project structure has been modified!

  • The orginal approach of realizing order matching using JSON format is FAILED because of the mutually-exclusive variable type between Python and MP-SPDZ, the index in the @for_range structure of MP-SPDZ is regint, but the index of Python3 list only support int or slice, the unique type regint cannot convert into int in MP-SPDZ.

  • As a result, there is another way of realizing the Reference Match Rules. We can construce multiple MPC program for integer comparison and computation and use shell script to call them. The basic logic of the Reference Match Rules is still coded in Node.js.

  • For example, we can run the follwing script named in ~/darkpool_dev/committeeApp to do the integer comparison, the result will return in the terminal. Noticed that it should be used with the Python script in ~/Simple_SSS and copy the terminal input into

echo "starting integer comparison ..."
cd /root/MP-SPDZ
echo 1 6547524676 1 3419428149 > Player-Data/Input-P0-0
echo 2 20418508967 2 10287910074 > Player-Data/Input-P1-0
echo 3 41612952996 3 20605446009 > Player-Data/Input-P2-0
./shamir-party.x 0 integer_comparison &
./shamir-party.x 1 integer_comparison &
./shamir-party.x 2 integer_comparison
  • Meanwhile the interger compaison protocol named integer_comparison.mpc is designed as follows:
Comparison between two shared integers a,b
Return 0,1,2
0 stands for a=b
1 stands for a<b
2 stands for a>b

# digital/float precision
sfix.set_precision(16, 64)

# lagrange interpolation for secret recovery
def lagrange_interpolation(x_values,y_values,m,n):
    # return an Array of m-secret
    secret = Array(m,sfix)
    # k stands for the k-th secret
    def _(k):
        multi_sum = Array(1,sfix)
        # i stands for the i-th player
        def _(i): 
            multi_sum[0] = 1
            # j stands for the j-th value
            def _(j): 
                def _():
                    multi_sum[0] *= (sfix(0)-x_values[k][j]) / (x_values[k][i]-x_values[k][j])
            secret[k] += multi_sum[0] * y_values[k][i]
    return secret

m = 2 # secret number
n = 3 # player number
x_values = Matrix(m,n,sfix)
y_values = Matrix(m,n,sfix)

def _(i):
    def _(j): 
        x_values[i][j] = sfix.get_input_from(j)
        y_values[i][j] = sfix.get_input_from(j)

secret = lagrange_interpolation(x_values,y_values,m,n)

@if_( (secret[0]==secret[1]).reveal() )
def _():

@if_( (secret[0]<secret[1]).reveal() )
def _():

@if_( (secret[0]>secret[1]).reveal() )
def _():
  • And for the two key variable: deal_price and max_execution in our match rules, we will use a MPC program to calculate it independently, the inputs are divided into private inputs and public inputs, where private inputs correspond to price shares and public inputs correspond to order amount. Our output will be the deal_price and max_execution. The incomplete program named match_order.mpc is as follow:
# import
from Compiler.types import Array,sfix,cfix
from Compiler.library import for_range,if_,print_float_precision,print_ln, public_input

# set digital/float precision
sfix.set_precision(16, 64)

# lagrange interpolation for secret recovery (single secret)
def lagrange_interpolation(dot,n):
    secret = Array(1,sfix)
    secret[0] = sfix(0)
    multi_sum = Array(1,sfix)
    # i stands for the i-th player
    def _(i): 
        multi_sum[0] = 1
        # j stands for the j-th value
        def _(j): 
            def _():
                multi_sum[0] *= (sfix(0)-dot[j][0]) / (dot[i][0]-dot[j][0])
        secret[0] += multi_sum[0] * dot[i][1]
    return secret[0]

# input share -> prices in sfix format
def get_price_and_convert(order_num,n):
    # input order price
    shares = sfix.Tensor([order_num,n,2])
    @for_range(n) # each player
    def _(i):
        @for_range(order_num) # each order
        def _(j):
            shares[j][i][0] = sfix.get_input_from(i) # x_value
            shares[j][i][1] = sfix.get_input_from(i) # y_value

    # use lagrange interpolation to recover the price for the following computation
    prices = Array(order_num,sfix)
    def _(i):
        prices[i] = lagrange_interpolation(shares[i],n)
    return prices

# get amounts in cfix format
def get_amount(order_num):
    orderAmount = Array(order_num,cfix)
    def _(i):
        orderAmount[i] = public_input()
    return orderAmount

# sort of orders
def sort(prices,amounts,n):
    # ascending prices
    def _(i):
        def _(j):
            @if_((prices[i] < prices[j]).reveal())
            def _():
                tmp = prices[i]
                prices[i] = prices[j]
                prices[j] = tmp
    # descending amounts
    def _(i):
        def _(j):
            @if_(amounts[i] > amounts[j])
            def _():
                tmp = amounts[i]
                amounts[i] = amounts[j]
                amounts[j] = tmp
    return prices,amounts

n = 3 # player number
buyOrderNum = 2 # number of buy orders
sellOrderNum = 3 # number of sell orders
referencePrice = 0 

# input buyorders
buyOrderPrice = get_price_and_convert(buyOrderNum,n)
buyOrderAmount = get_amount(buyOrderNum)

# input sellorders
sellOrderPrice = get_price_and_convert(sellOrderNum,n)
sellOrderAmount = get_amount(sellOrderNum)

# maopao sort
buyOrderPrice,buyOrderAmount = sort(buyOrderPrice,buyOrderAmount,buyOrderNum)
sellOrderPrice,sellOrderAmount = sort(sellOrderPrice,sellOrderAmount,sellOrderNum)


  • Altered the MPC program as follows, added order data in JSON format for implementing the order match. Take single order as an example, now the program can recover the secret price from the order data and plug it into the JSON structure.

  • The next step is implementing the sort of secret prices and the match rules.

  • Reference Match Rules

# digital/float precision
sfix.set_precision(16, 64)

# import
import json

# lagrange interpolation for secret recovery
def lagrange_interpolation(dot,n):
    secret = Array(1,sfix)
    secret[0] = sfix(0)
    multi_sum = Array(1,sfix)
    # i stands for the i-th player
    def _(i): 
        multi_sum[0] = 1
        # j stands for the j-th value
        def _(j): 
            def _():
                multi_sum[0] *= (sfix(0)-dot[j][0]) / (dot[i][0]-dot[j][0])
        secret[0] += multi_sum[0] * dot[i][1]
    return secret[0]

n = 3 # player number

# input buyorders, which can be converted to file input as well 
buyOrdersInMatch = [{
    'id': '1',
    'type': 'buy',
    'creator': 'zhang',
    'shares': Matrix(n,2,sfix),
    'amount': 100,
    'deal_amount': 0
    'id': '2',
    'type': 'buy',
    'creator': 'zhang',
    'shares': Matrix(n,2,sfix),
    'amount': 110,
    'deal_amount': 0

# input sellorders, which can be converted to file input as well
sellOrdersInMatch = [{
    'id': '3',
    'type': 'sell',
    'creator': 'wang',
    'shares': Matrix(n,2,sfix),
    'amount': 90,
    'deal_amount': 0
    'id': '4',
    'type': 'sell',
    'creator': 'li',
    'shares': Matrix(n,2,sfix),
    'amount': 120,
    'deal_amount': 0

# take buyorder[0] as an example, each player input its share
def _(i): 
    buyOrdersInMatch[0]['shares'][i][0] = sfix.get_input_from(i) # dot[i] x_value
    buyOrdersInMatch[0]['shares'][i][1] = sfix.get_input_from(i) # dot[i] y_value

# use lagrange interpolation to recover the price for the following comparison
buyOrdersInMatch[0]['price'] = lagrange_interpolation(buyOrdersInMatch[0]['shares'],n)


  • Successfully implemented the comparation between two integers while maintaining in ciphertext (or called shares). Since we don't use reveal() to recover the secret with its shares in the shamir-party protocol, the value of the secret should be secure and meet our expextation.

  • Adjusted the MPC program's structure as follows, making it modular.

sfix.set_precision(16, 64)

def lagrange_interpolation(x_values,y_values,m,n):
    # return an Array of m-secret
    secret = Array(m,sfix)
    # k stands for the k-th secret
    def _(k):
        multi_sum = Array(1,sfix)
        # i stands for the i-th player
        def _(i): 
            multi_sum[0] = 1
            # j stands for the j-th value
            def _(j): 
                def _():
                    multi_sum[0] *= (sfix(0)-x_values[k][j]) / (x_values[k][i]-x_values[k][j])
            secret[k] += multi_sum[0] * y_values[k][i]
    return secret

m = 2 # secret number
n = 3 # player number
x_values = Matrix(m,n,sfix)
y_values = Matrix(m,n,sfix)

def _(i):
    def _(j): 
        x_values[i][j] = sfix.get_input_from(j)
        y_values[i][j] = sfix.get_input_from(j)

secret = lagrange_interpolation(x_values,y_values,m,n)
print_ln('Secret[0] < Secret[1]: %s (1 for True, 0 for False)',(secret[0]<secret[1]).reveal())


  • Successfully implemented secret recovery scheme of single trillion number using honest majority protocol shamir-party, the corresponding shamir threshold secret sharing was based on GF(2^32), which means the parametres of the polynomial is on GF(2^32).Now the average calculating time is below 0.2 second.

  • The improvement in efficiency basically comes from the protocol we choose to run our .mpc protocol. For the MASCOT protocol uses simple-OT and triples in computation, there is an efficiency concern in it. Since we don't have the worry of malicious committee members due to the honest majority hypothesis, we should take honest majority protocol instead.

  • Take the following steps for testing

# our customized .mpc file is now called `lagrange`
# -M for avoiding memory errors, -F for expanded number field
./ -M -F 256 lagrange
# get input for three parties
echo 1 1926542137713 > Player-Data/Input-P0-0
echo 2 1927237984496 > Player-Data/Input-P1-0
echo 3 1927933831279 > Player-Data/Input-P2-0
# terminal 1
./shamir-party.x 0 lagrange
# terminal 2
./shamir-party.x 1 lagrange
# terminal 3
./shamir-party.x 2 lagrange


  • Successfully adjusted secret recovery scheme from single party computation to 3-parties computation. Due to the memory restriction, it could not be adapted into computation between more parties. For each secret recovery, the approximate time is about 82 seconds.
sfix.set_precision(16, 64)

n = 3
x_values = Array(n,sfix)
y_values = Array(n,sfix)

def _(i): 
    x_values[i] = sfix.get_input_from(i)
    y_values[i] = sfix.get_input_from(i)

secret = sfix(0)
multi_sum = Array(1,sfix)

def _(i): 
    global multi_sum
    multi_sum[0] = 1
    def _(j): 
        def _():
            global multi_sum
            multi_sum[0] *= (sfix(0)-x_values[j]) / (x_values[i]-x_values[j])
    global secret
    secret += multi_sum[0] * y_values[i]

print_ln('secret = %s',secret.reveal())


  • Successfully implemented secret recovery with MP-SPDZ with some restrictions by writing following .mpc file
sfix.set_precision(32, 64)

n = 4
x_values = Array(n,sfix)
y_values = Array(n,sfix)

def _(i): 
    x_values[i] = sfix.get_input_from(0)

def _(i):
    y_values[i] = sfix.get_input_from(0)

secret = sfix(0)
multi_sum = Array(1,sfix)

def _(i): 
    global multi_sum
    multi_sum[0] = 1
    def _(j): 
        def _():
            global multi_sum
            multi_sum[0] *= (sfix(0)-x_values[j]) / (x_values[i]-x_values[j])
    global secret
    secret += multi_sum[0] * y_values[i]

print_ln('secret = %s',secret.reveal())
  • The above secret recovery can be used to recover shares splited by a polynomial on GF(2^16). Due to float number accurancy reason, the above secret recovery can only support numbers with less than 8 digits. As this is just a demo, it takes input from one person but use MASCOT protocol to do MPC computation, the approximate running time for recover an 8-digit number is 42 seconds.

  • Secret recovery testing instruction (The above secret recovery scheme is written in mytest.mpc)

# Compile
make -j 2 mascot-party.x
# Input
cat testdata.dat > Player-Data/Input-P0-0
# Run MASCOT protocol
./mascot-party.x -N 2 -p 0 mytest
# Run in another terminal
./mascot-party.x -N 2 -p 1 mytest

and testdata.dat looks like:



  • Implemented simple threshold shamir secret sharing on GF(2^64) with Python. Details


  • Implemented simple three-party calculation following blog 安全多方计算之SPDZ实例初探(一), based on shamir-bmr-party.

  • Fixed path problem in the source code of darkpool trading system.

  • Understood the basic grammar of MP-SPDZ's High-Level Interface and tried to compile customized mpc protocols.


  • Successfully deployed MP-SPDZ on the ECS and ran the tutorial.

  • Adjusted for better reading.


Efficient Darkpool Trading System Based on Blockchain Technology







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