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Samarth Jugran edited this page Apr 28, 2021 · 5 revisions

You can view Keybindings within application from Help Page h

Default Keybindings

Action Keybinding
Scroll Up Up Arrow | ↑ / Mouse wheel Up
Scroll Down Down Arrow | ↓/ Mouse wheel Down
Scroll Up (5 steps) Left Arrow | ←
Scroll Down (5 steps) Right Arrow | →
Align Text Right l
Align Text Center k
Align Text Left j
Update Lyrics
(from Azlyrics)
Update Lyrics
(from Google)
Edit lyrics file e
Delete lyrics file d
Autoswitch Toggle a
Show Help page h
Quit Program q
  • Update Lyrics: Deletes local cached lyrics and fetches lyrics from the internet.
  • Delete Lyrics: Deletes local lyrics text file from ~/.cache/lyrics/{trackname}
  • Edit lyrics: Opens lyrics file in editor set in $EDITOR or nano by default
  • Autoswitch Toggle: Toggles player auto detect feature.

Changing Keybindings

Keybindings can be configured in configuration file.

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