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License: GPL v3


Summarize Alignment Pile by Nucleotide

Table of Contents


This tool aims to summarize BAM read alignment by pileup or reads at each position in a tabulated way. More convenient as a mpileup format and containing extra information.


Here an example of output you would get with SAPiN

SEQID   POS     REF     QUAL    A       T       G       C       N       INS     DEL     IUPAC   COV     COV_ATGC    MUT_RAT APOBEC  ADAR    REGION  CODON   NUC     DESC
HPV42REF        118     C       38.28   0       16      0       1356    0       0       0       0       1374    1372    1.17    1.2     .       AATGTCAGGTA             CAG     1       gene:ID=gene-1;Name=E6@@mRNA:ID=nbis-rna-1;Parent=gene-1;Name=E6@@exon:ID=nbis-exon-1;Parent=nbis-rna-1;Name=E6@@CDS:ID=cds-1;Parent=nbis-rna-1;Name=E6

Here a description of the different fields

Field Optional Type Description
SEQID String The ID of the landmark used to establish the coordinate system for the current feature.
POS Integer The reference position, with the 1st base having position 1
REF Character The reference base.
QUAL Float Mean Phred-scaled quality score for the sequenced position.
A Integer Number of Adenine nucleotide at the position
T Integer Number of Thymine nucleotide at the position
G Integer Number of Guanosine nucleotide at the position
C Integer Number of Cytosine nucleotide at the position
N Integer Number of Unknown nucleotide at the position
INS Integer Number of Insertion at the position
DEL Integer Number of Deletion at the position
IUPAC Integer Number of IUPAC nucleotide (minus A,T,G,C,N) at the position
COV Integer Coverage at the position (including INS,DEL,IUPAC)
COV_ATGC Integer Coverage at the position of A,T,G,C nucleotide only
MUT_RAT Float Mutation ration (COV_ATGC/nb mutated nuc*100)
APOBEC Float Mutation ration of C-to-T or G-to-A. Usefull when studying transcriptomes
ADAR Float Mutation ration of A-to-G or T-to-C. Usefull when studying transcriptomes
REGION STRING substring of 5 nucleotide on each side. Usefill to make pattern
CODON Only if GFF provided STRING substring of codon in phase/frame (/!\ do not take spliced CDS in account).
NUC Only if GFF provided Integer 1,2 or 3. Indicate in the CODON (previous column) which nucleotide is the one studied at the position
DESC Only if GFF provided STRING feature type and attributes extracted from the gff at the position



  • python3
  • pysam
  • gffutils
  • matplotlib

They should be automatically installed during SAPiN installation.

Installation with pip:

pip install git+

or if you do not have administrative rights on your machine

pip install --user git+

Installation with git:

Clone the repository:

git clone

Move into the folder:

cd SAPiN/


python install

or if you do not have administrative rights on your machine:

python install --user

Check installation




sapin -h

will display some help.


Update with pip:

pip install git+ --upgrade

or if you do not have administartive rights on your machine

pip install --user git+ --upgrade

Update with git:

Move into the repository folder and execute:

git pull
cd SAPiN/
python install


pip uninstall sapin


sapin -a t/reference.bam -f t/reference.fasta 


sapin -a t/reference.bam -f t/reference.fasta -g t/reference_agat.gff3 -cf 1000 -bqf 20 -p


Parameter Type Description
-a, --ali String Path to the BAM input file
-f, --fasta String Path to the reference fasta file used to align the reads against.
-g, --gff String Optional - Path to the reference gff
-o, --output String Path to the tsv output file
-p, --plot Boolean To plot the ratio of mutation per position (sapin_plot.svg by default. If outpout provided output.svg).
-q, --quiet Boolean "Decrease verbosity
-v, --verbose Boolean Increase verbosity
-z, --gzip Boolean Gzip output file
-s, --shame Boolean Suppress the shameless plug
-cf, --cover_filter Integer filter output to report only site with coverage >=
-bqf, --base_quality_filter Integer filter output to report only site with base quality >= (default 0)
-mqf, --base_quality_filter Integer filter output to report only site with mapping quality >= (default 0)
-mf, --mutation_filter Integer filter output to report only site where the mutation ratio >= (default 0)


Summarize Aalignment Pile by Nucleotide








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