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Support service application

Adjust the application

Create '.env' file based on '.env.default'

cp .env.default .env

Install deps

pipenv sync --dev

# Activate the environment
pipenv shell

Collect static files

python src/ collectstatic

Run using Docker Compose

docker-compose up -d

Useful commands

# Build images
docker-compose build

# Stop containers
docker-compose down

# Restart containers
docker-compose restart

# Check containers status
docker-compose ps

## Logs

# get all logs
docker-compose logs

# get specific logs
docker-compose logs app

# get limited logs
docker-compose logs --tail 10 app

# get flowed logs
docker-compose logs -f app



Starting the support server

1️⃣ Launch and connect to a virtual server

▶️ First, you need to run a virtual server (for example, we deploy a web server on AWS based on the Ubuntu operating system). The launch documentation can be found here:

☑️ Upon registration, you will receive a .ppk key on your local device. To configure the connection to the web server, use the appropriate client program for working with network protocols (for example, PuTTY for Windows or other).

2️⃣ Update the installed packages in your system, install Docker and docker-compose

🟧 Using the web server terminal, enter the following commands:

# 1) update apt
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y

# 2) install a few necessary packages that allow apt to use packets over HTTPS
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y

# 3) add the GPG key for the official Docker repository to your system
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

# 4) add the Docker repository to the APT sources
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] focal stable"

# 5) update the package database and add Docker packages from the newly added repository to it
sudo apt update -y

# 6) install Docker
sudo apt install docker-ce -y

# 7) install docker-compose
sudo apt install docker-compose -y

3️⃣ Setting up an SSH connection between the server and GitHub, clone the project

🟨 Continue working in the web server terminal:

# 1) go to the .ssh
cd .ssh

# 2) generate a new pair of keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

# 3) read the public SSH key (for example, with the name

#    copy the key and paste it to the list of SSH keys associated with your GitHub account

# 4) clone the project (for example, from GitHub to the server
git clone

4️⃣ Set the support server settings

🟩 Still work in the web server terminal:

# 1) go to the support_service directory
cd support_service

# 2) create '.env' file based on '.env.default'
cp .env.default .env

# 3) open and edit the .env file using the nano editor
nano .env

#    add a new value (if necessary) for the variables, 
#    press ctrl+O to overwrite the file, ctrl+X to exit

# 4) open and edit the docker-compose.yml file using the nano editor
nano docker-compose.yml

#    remove ports in "postgres" service: delete value    
#      ports:
#        - "5432:5432" 
#    press ctrl+O to overwrite the file, ctrl+X to exit

5️⃣ Start the server

🟪 You will continue to work in the terminal:

# 1) build images
sudo docker-compose build

# 2) run using Docker Compose
sudo docker-compose up -d

# 3) collect static files
sudo docker-compose exec app python src/ collectstatic

# 4) make migrations
sudo docker-compose exec app python src/ migrate

# 5) create superuser 
sudo docker-compose exec app python src/ createsuperuser

☑️ Go to the browser, enter

IP address:8000

and check the connection



  • Frameworks:

    • Django
    • Django REST framework
  • Libraries:

    • pydantic
    • requests
    • djangorestframework-simplejwt
    • psycopg2-binary
    • django-stubs
    • djangorestframework-stubs
    • gunicorn

Code quality tools

  • Validation with CircleCI

  • Linter:

    • flake8
  • Code formatters:

    • black
    • isort
  • Type checker:

    • mypy

Application description


    Users {
        int id
        string frist_name
        string last_name
        string email
        string password
        bool is_staff
        bool is_active
        string role
        datetime created_at
        datetime updated_at
    Tickets {
        int id
        int customer_id
        int manager_id
        string header
        text body
        datetime created_at
        datetime updated_at
    Comments {
        int id
        int prev_comment_id
        int user_id
        int ticket_id
        text body
        datetime created_at
        datetime updated_at

    Users ||--o{ Tickets : ""
    Tickets ||--o{ Comments : ""
    Comments ||--o{ Comments : ""


No description, website, or topics provided.






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