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Fix overflow in searchsorted* (#286)
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* partly fix overflow in searchsorte*

* version bump to v1.11.2

* fix searchsorted insertion indices

* forward searchsorted* to parent

* Add searchsorted test for typemin(Int)

* Tests for nested offset arrays
  • Loading branch information
jishnub committed May 20, 2022
1 parent d8c8d42 commit 44f9b50
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Showing 3 changed files with 83 additions and 65 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "OffsetArrays"
uuid = "6fe1bfb0-de20-5000-8ca7-80f57d26f881"
version = "1.11.1"
version = "1.11.2"

Adapt = "79e6a3ab-5dfb-504d-930d-738a2a938a0e"
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79 changes: 15 additions & 64 deletions src/OffsetArrays.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -771,74 +771,25 @@ centered(A::AbstractArray, cp::Dims=center(A)) = OffsetArray(A, .-cp)

centered(A::AbstractArray, i::CartesianIndex) = centered(A, Tuple(i))

# work around for segfault in searchsorted*

function _safe_searchsorted(v::OffsetArray, x, ilo::T, ihi::T, o::Base.Ordering) where T<:Integer
u = T(1)
lo = ilo - u
hi = ihi + u
@inbounds while lo < hi - u
m = (lo + hi) ÷ 2
if, v[m], x)
lo = m
elseif, x, v[m])
hi = m
a = searchsortedfirst(v, x, max(lo,ilo), m, o)
b = searchsortedlast(v, x, m, min(hi,ihi), o)
return a : b
# we may pass the searchsorted* functions to the parent, and wrap the offset
for f in [:searchsortedfirst, :searchsortedlast, :searchsorted]
_safe_f = Symbol("_safe_" * String(f))
@eval function $_safe_f(v::OffsetVector, x, ilo, ihi, o::Base.Ordering)
offset = v.offsets[1]
$f(parent(v), x, ilo - offset, ihi - offset, o) .+ offset
return (lo + 1) : (hi - 1)
function _safe_searchsortedfirst(v::OffsetArray, x, lo::T, hi::T, o::Base.Ordering) where T<:Integer
u = T(1)
lo = lo - u
hi = hi + u
@inbounds while lo < hi - u
m = (lo + hi) ÷ 2
if, v[m], x)
lo = m
hi = m
return hi
function _safe_searchsortedlast(v::OffsetArray, x, lo::T, hi::T, o::Base.Ordering) where T<:Integer
u = T(1)
lo = lo - u
hi = hi + u
@inbounds while lo < hi - u
m = (lo + hi) ÷ 2
if, x, v[m])
hi = m
lo = m
return lo
@eval Base.$f(v::OffsetVector, x, ilo::T, ihi::T, o::Base.Ordering) where T<:Integer =
$_safe_f(v, x, ilo, ihi, o)

if VERSION  v"1.2"
if VERSION <= v"1.2"
# ambiguity warnings in earlier versions
Base.searchsorted(v::OffsetArray, x, ilo::Int, ihi::Int, o::Base.Ordering) =
_safe_searchsorted(v, x, ilo, ihi, o)
Base.searchsortedfirst(v::OffsetArray, x, lo::Int, hi::Int, o::Base.Ordering) =
_safe_searchsortedfirst(v, x, lo, hi, o)
Base.searchsortedlast(v::OffsetArray, x, lo::Int, hi::Int, o::Base.Ordering) =
_safe_searchsortedlast(v, x, lo, hi, o)

Base.searchsorted(v::OffsetArray, x, ilo::T, ihi::T, o::Base.Ordering) where T<:Integer =
_safe_searchsorted(v, x, ilo, ihi, o)
Base.searchsortedfirst(v::OffsetArray, x, lo::T, hi::T, o::Base.Ordering) where T<:Integer =
_safe_searchsortedfirst(v, x, lo, hi, o)
Base.searchsortedlast(v::OffsetArray, x, lo::T, hi::T, o::Base.Ordering) where T<:Integer =
_safe_searchsortedlast(v, x, lo, hi, o)
for f in [:searchsortedfirst, :searchsortedlast, :searchsorted]
_safe_f = Symbol("_safe_" * String(f))
@eval Base.$f(v::OffsetVector, x, ilo::Int, ihi::Int, o::Base.Ordering) =
$_safe_f(v, x, ilo, ihi, o)

if VERSION < v"1.1.0-DEV.783"
Base.copyfirst!(dest::OffsetArray, src::OffsetArray) = (maximum!(parent(dest), parent(src)); return dest)
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67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2320,6 +2320,73 @@ end
@test searchsorted(o, 2) == 0:-1
@test searchsorted(o, 5) == 2:2
@test searchsorted(o, 6) == 3:2

if VERSION > v"1.2"
# OffsetVector of another offset vector
v = OffsetVector(Base.IdentityUnitRange(4:10),-2)
@test searchsortedfirst(v, first(v)-1) == firstindex(v)
for i in axes(v,1)
@test searchsortedfirst(v, v[i]) == i
@test searchsortedfirst(v, last(v)+1) == lastindex(v)+1
@test searchsortedlast(v, first(v)-1) == firstindex(v)-1
for i in axes(v,1)
@test searchsortedlast(v, v[i]) == i
@test searchsortedlast(v, last(v)+1) == lastindex(v)
@test searchsorted(v, first(v)-1) === firstindex(v) .+ (0:-1)
for i in axes(v,1)
@test searchsorted(v, v[i]) == i:i
@test searchsorted(v, last(v)+1) === lastindex(v) .+ (1:0)

v = OffsetVector{Float64, OffsetVector{Float64, Vector{Float64}}}(OffsetVector([2,2,3,3,3,4], 3), 4)
@test searchsortedfirst(v, minimum(v)-1) == firstindex(v)
for el in unique(v)
@test searchsortedfirst(v, el) == findfirst(isequal(el), v)
@test searchsortedfirst(v, maximum(v)+1) == lastindex(v)+1

@test searchsortedlast(v, minimum(v)-1) == firstindex(v)-1
for el in unique(v)
@test searchsortedlast(v, el) == findlast(isequal(el), v)
@test searchsortedlast(v, maximum(v)+1) == lastindex(v)

@test searchsorted(v, minimum(v)-1) === firstindex(v) .+ (0:-1)
for el in unique(v)
@test searchsorted(v, el) == findfirst(isequal(el), v):findlast(isequal(el), v)
@test searchsorted(v, maximum(v)+1) === lastindex(v) .+ (1:0)

soa = OffsetArray([2,2,3], typemax(Int)-3)
@test searchsortedfirst(soa, 1) == firstindex(soa) == typemax(Int)-2
@test searchsortedfirst(soa, 2) == firstindex(soa) == typemax(Int)-2
@test searchsortedfirst(soa, 3) == lastindex(soa) == typemax(Int)

soa = OffsetArray([2,2,3], typemin(Int))
@test searchsortedlast(soa, 2) == firstindex(soa) + 1 == typemin(Int) + 2
@test searchsortedlast(soa, 3) == lastindex(soa) == typemin(Int) + 3
@test searchsortedlast(soa, 1) == typemin(Int)

soa = OffsetArray([2,2,3], typemax(Int)-4)
@test searchsorted(soa, 1) === firstindex(soa) .+ (0:-1)
@test searchsorted(soa, 2) == firstindex(soa) .+ (0:1) == typemax(Int) .+ (-3:-2)
@test searchsorted(soa, 3) == lastindex(soa) .+ (0:0) == typemax(Int) .+ (-1:-1)
@test searchsorted(soa, 4) === lastindex(soa) .+ (1:0)

soa = OffsetArray([2,2,3], typemax(Int)-3)
@test searchsorted(soa, 1) === firstindex(soa) .+ (0:-1)
@test searchsorted(soa, 2) == firstindex(soa) .+ (0:1) == typemax(Int) .+ (-2:-1)
@test searchsorted(soa, 3) == lastindex(soa) .+ (0:0) == typemax(Int) .+ (0:0)
@test searchsorted(soa, 4) === lastindex(soa) .+ (1:0)

soa = OffsetArray([2,2,3], typemin(Int))
@test searchsorted(soa, 1) === firstindex(soa) .+ (0:-1)
@test searchsorted(soa, 2) == firstindex(soa) .+ (0:1) == typemin(Int) .+ (1:2)
@test searchsorted(soa, 3) == lastindex(soa) .+ (0:0) == typemin(Int) .+ (3:3)
@test searchsorted(soa, 4) === lastindex(soa) .+ (1:0)

@testset "Adapt" begin
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