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Implement filt! for SOSFilter and BiquadFilter, filtfilt for SOSFilter
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Also some miscellaneous cleanup in filter_design.jl
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simonster committed Jul 17, 2014
1 parent b2593ed commit bc67e2e
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Showing 5 changed files with 760 additions and 85 deletions.
171 changes: 119 additions & 52 deletions src/filter_design.jl
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Expand Up @@ -42,48 +42,43 @@ module FilterDesign
using Polynomials

export ZPKFilter, TFFilter, BiquadFilter, SOSFilter, Butterworth, Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass,
Bandstop, analogfilter, digitalfilter, Filter, coeffs
import Base: convert, filt

# Utility functions

# Get coefficients of a polynomial
coeffs{T}(p::Poly{T}) = reverse(p.a)
Bandstop, analogfilter, digitalfilter, Filter, coefb, coefa
import Base: convert

# Filter types

abstract Filter

# Filter in zero-pole-gain form
# Zero-pole gain form
immutable ZPKFilter{Z,P,K} <: Filter

# Filter in transfer function (numerator and denominator) form
immutable TFFilter{T} <: Filter
# Transfer function form
immutable TFFilter{T<:Number} <: Filter

function TFFilter(b::Poly{T}, a::Poly{T})
new(b/a[end], a/a[end])
TFFilter(b::Poly, a::Poly) =
new(convert(Poly{T}, b/a[end]), convert(Poly{T}, a/a[end]))
TFFilter{T}(b::Poly{T}, a::Poly{T}) = TFFilter{T}(b, a)
TFFilter{T<:Number}(b::Poly{T}, a::Poly{T}) = TFFilter{T}(b, a)

# The DSP convention is lowest power first. The Polynomials.jl
# convention is highest power first.
TFFilter{T}(b::Vector{T}, a::Vector{T}) =
TFFilter{T}(Poly(b[end:-1:findfirst(b)]), Poly(a[end:-1:findfirst(a)]))

function TFFilter{T,S}(b::Vector{T}, a::Vector{S})
V = promote_type(T, S)
TFFilter(convert(Vector{V}, b), convert(Vector{V}, a))
function TFFilter{T<:Number,S<:Number}(b::Union(T,Vector{T}), a::Union(S,Vector{S}))
if findfirst(b) == 0 || findfirst(a) == 0
error("filter must have non-zero numerator and denominator")
TFFilter{promote_type(T,S)}(Poly(b[end:-1:findfirst(b)]), Poly(a[end:-1:findfirst(a)]))

function convert(::Type{TFFilter}, f::ZPKFilter)
Expand All @@ -100,6 +95,9 @@ function convert{T}(::Type{ZPKFilter}, f::TFFilter{T})
ZPKFilter(z, p, k)

coefb(f::TFFilter) = reverse(f.b.a)
coefa(f::TFFilter) = reverse(f.a.a)

# Biquad filter in transfer function form
# A separate immutable to improve efficiency of filtering using SOSFilters
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,8 +151,10 @@ function convert{T}(::Type{BiquadFilter}, f::TFFilter{T})

*(f::BiquadFilter, g::Number) = BiquadFilter(f.b0*g, f.b1*g, f.b2*g, f.a1, f.a2)

# Filtering as second-order sections
# Second-order sections (array of biquads)

immutable SOSFilter{T,G} <: Filter
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,26 +248,107 @@ end

convert(::Type{SOSFilter}, f::Filter) = convert(SOSFilter, convert(ZPKFilter, f))

filt(f::Filter, x) = filt(convert(TFFilter, f), x)
filt(f::TFFilter, x) = filt(coeffs(f.b), coeffs(f.a), x)
# Filtering

## TFFilter
_zerosi{T,S}(f::TFFilter{T}, x::AbstractArray{S}) =
zeros(promote_type(T, S), max(length(f.a), length(f.b))-1)

Base.filt!{T,S}(out, f::TFFilter{T}, x::AbstractArray{S}, si=_zerosi(f, x)) =
filt!(out, coefb(f), coefa(f), x, si)
Base.filt(f::TFFilter, x, si=_zerosi(f, x)) = filt(coefb(f), coefa(f), x, si)

function filt(f::SOSFilter, x::AbstractVector)
y = copy(x)
## SOSFilter
_zerosi{T,G,S}(f::SOSFilter{T,G}, x::AbstractArray{S}) =
zeros(promote_type(T, G, S), 2, length(f.biquads))

function Base.filt!{S,N}(out::AbstractArray, f::SOSFilter, x::AbstractArray,
si::AbstractArray{S,N}=_zerosi(f, x))
biquads = f.biquads
si = zeros(2, length(biquads))

@inbounds begin
for i = 1:size(x, 1), fi = 1:length(biquads)
biquad = biquads[fi]
yp = y[i]
y[i] = si[1, fi] + biquad.b0*yp
si[1, fi] = si[2, fi] + biquad.b1*yp - biquad.a1*y[i]
si[2, fi] = biquad.b2*yp - biquad.a2*y[i]
ncols = Base.trailingsize(x, 2)

size(x) != size(out) && error("out size must match x")
(size(si, 1) != 2 || size(si, 2) != length(biquads) || (N > 2 && Base.trailingsize(si, 3) != ncols)) &&
error("si must be 2 x nbiquads or 2 x nbiquads x nsignals")

initial_si = si
for col = 1:ncols
si = initial_si[:, :, N > 2 ? col : 1]
@inbounds for i = 1:size(x, 1)
yi = x[i, col]
for fi = 1:length(biquads)
biquad = biquads[fi]
xi = yi
yi = si[1, fi] + biquad.b0*xi
si[1, fi] = si[2, fi] + biquad.b1*xi - biquad.a1*yi
si[2, fi] = biquad.b2*xi - biquad.a2*yi
out[i, col] = yi*f.g

Base.filt{T,G,S<:Number}(f::SOSFilter{T,G}, x::AbstractArray{S}, si=_zerosi(f, x)) =
filt!(Array(promote_type(T, G, S), size(x)), f, x, si)

## BiquadFilter
_zerosi{T,S}(f::BiquadFilter{T}, x::AbstractArray{S}) =
zeros(promote_type(T, S), 2)

function Base.filt!{S,N}(out::AbstractArray, f::BiquadFilter, x::AbstractArray,
si::AbstractArray{S,N}=_zerosi(f, x))
ncols = Base.trailingsize(x, 2)

size(x) != size(out) && error("out size must match x")
(size(si, 1) != 2 || (N > 1 && Base.trailingsize(si, 2) != ncols)) &&
error("si must have two rows and 1 or nsignals columns")

initial_si = si
for col = 1:ncols
si1 = initial_si[1, N > 1 ? col : 1]
si2 = initial_si[2, N > 1 ? col : 1]
@inbounds for i = 1:size(x, 1)
xi = x[i, col]
yi = si1 + f.b0*xi
si1 = si2 + f.b1*xi - f.a1*yi
si2 = f.b2*xi - f.a2*yi
out[i, col] = yi
scale!(y, f.g)

Base.filt{T,S<:Number}(f::BiquadFilter{T}, x::AbstractArray{S}, si=_zerosi(f, x)) =
filt!(Array(promote_type(T, S), size(x)), f, x, si)

## For arbitrary filters, convert to SOSFilter
Base.filt(f::Filter, x) = filt(convert(SOSFilter, f), x)

# Butterworth prototype

function Butterworth(N::Integer)
poles = zeros(Complex128, N)
for i = 1:div(N, 2)
w = (2*i-1)/2N
pole = complex(-sinpi(w), cospi(w))
poles[i*2-1] = pole
poles[i*2] = conj(pole)
if isodd(N)
poles[end] = -1.0+0.0im
ZPKFilter(Float64[], poles, 1)

# Prototype transformations

abstract FilterType

immutable Lowpass{T} <: FilterType
Expand All @@ -288,20 +369,6 @@ immutable Bandstop{T} <: FilterType

function Butterworth(N::Integer)
poles = zeros(Complex128, N)
for i = 1:div(N, 2)
w = (2*i-1)/2N
pole = complex(-sinpi(w), cospi(w))
poles[i*2-1] = pole
poles[i*2] = conj(pole)
if isodd(N)
poles[end] = -1.0+0.0im
ZPKFilter(Float64[], poles, 1)

# Create a lowpass filter from a lowpass filter prototype
function transform_prototype(ftype::Lowpass, proto::TFFilter)
TFFilter(Poly([proto.b[i]/ftype.w^(i) for i = 0:length(proto.b)-1]),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,7 +489,7 @@ function bilinear{Z,P,K}(f::ZPKFilter{Z,P,K}, fs::Real)
den *= (2 * fs - f.p[i])

ZPKFilter(z, p, f.k * real(num)/real(den))
ZPKFilter(z, p, f.k * real(num/den))

# Pre-warp filter frequencies for digital filtering
Expand Down
89 changes: 67 additions & 22 deletions src/zero_phase_filtering.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,16 +6,10 @@
# Simon Kornblith (

module ZeroPhaseFiltering

using ..FilterDesign

export filtfilt

# filtfilt
## filtfilt

# Extrapolate the beginning of a signal for use by filtfilt. This
# computes:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,42 +56,93 @@ function filtfilt{T}(b::AbstractVector, a::AbstractVector, x::AbstractArray{T})

# Support for filter types
filtfilt(f::Filter, x) = filtfilt(convert(TFFilter, f), x)
filtfilt(f::TFFilter, x) = filtfilt(coeffs(f.b), coeffs(f.a), x)
# Extract si for a biquad, multiplied by a scaling factor
function biquad_si!(zitmp, zi, i, scal)
zitmp[1] = zi[1, i]*scal
zitmp[2] = zi[2, i]*scal

# Zero phase digital filtering for second order sections
function filtfilt{T}(f::SOSFilter, x::AbstractArray{T})
zi = filt_stepstate(f)
zi2 = zeros(2)
zitmp = zeros(2)
pad_length = 3*size(zi, 1)
extrapolated = Array(T, size(x, 1)+pad_length*2)
out = similar(x)

# Determine initial state from Matt Bauman
istart = 1
for i = 1:size(x, 2)
# First biquad
extrapolate_signal!(extrapolated, x, istart, size(x, 1), pad_length)
f2 = f.biquads[1]*f.g
reverse!(filt!(extrapolated, f2, extrapolated, biquad_si!(zitmp, zi, 1, extrapolated[1])))
reverse!(filt!(extrapolated, f2, extrapolated, biquad_si!(zitmp, zi, 1, extrapolated[1])))

# Subsequent biquads
for j = 2:length(f.biquads)
f2 = f.biquads[j]
extrapolate_signal!(extrapolated, extrapolated, pad_length+1, size(x, 1), pad_length)
reverse!(filt!(extrapolated, f2, extrapolated, biquad_si!(zitmp, zi, j, extrapolated[1])))
reverse!(filt!(extrapolated, f2, extrapolated, biquad_si!(zitmp, zi, j, extrapolated[1])))

# Copy to output
copy!(out, istart, extrapolated, pad_length+1, size(x, 1))
istart += size(x, 1)


# Support for other filter types
filtfilt(f::Filter, x) = filtfilt(convert(TFFilter, f), x)
filtfilt(f::TFFilter, x) = filtfilt(coefb(f), coefa(f), x)

## Initial filter state

# Compute an initial state for filt with coefficients (b,a) such that its
# response to a step function is steady state.
function filt_stepstate{T<:Number}(b::Union(AbstractVector{T}, T), a::Union(AbstractVector{T}, T))

scale_factor = a[1]
if scale_factor != 1.0
a = a ./ scale_factor
b = b ./ scale_factor

sz = length(a)
sz == length(b) || error("a and b must be the same length")
bs = length(b)
as = length(a)
sz = max(bs, as)
sz > 0 || error("a and b must have at least one element each")
a[1] == 1 || error("a and b must be normalized such that a[1] == 1")

sz == 1 && return T[]

# Pad the coefficients with zeros if needed
bs<sz && (b = copy!(zeros(eltype(b), sz), b))
as<sz && (a = copy!(zeros(eltype(a), sz), a))

# construct the companion matrix A and vector B:
A = [-a[2:end] [eye(T, sz-2); zeros(T, 1, sz-2)]]
B = b[2:end] - a[2:end] * b[1]
# Solve si = A*si + B
# (I - A)*si = B
scale_factor \ (eye(size(A)[1]) - A) \ B
scale_factor \ (I - A) \ B

function filt_stepstate{T}(f::SOSFilter{T})
biquads = f.biquads
si = Array(T, 2, length(biquads))
for i = 1:length(biquads)
biquad = biquads[i]
A = [one(T)+biquad.a1 -one(T)
+biquad.a2 one(T)]
B = [biquad.b1 - biquad.a1*biquad.b0,
biquad.b2 - biquad.a2*biquad.b0]
si[:, i] = A \ B
si[1, 1] *= f.g
si[2, 1] *= f.g


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