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Merge da123d9 into 579e1e1
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nalimilan committed Aug 4, 2019
2 parents 579e1e1 + da123d9 commit 71122db
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Showing 4 changed files with 92 additions and 133 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,12 +4,13 @@ version = "0.5.5"

Compat = "34da2185-b29b-5c13-b0c7-acf172513d20"
DataAPI = "9a962f9c-6df0-11e9-0e5d-c546b8b5ee8a"
Future = "9fa8497b-333b-5362-9e8d-4d0656e87820"
JSON = "682c06a0-de6a-54ab-a142-c8b1cf79cde6"
Missings = "e1d29d7a-bbdc-5cf2-9ac0-f12de2c33e28"
Printf = "de0858da-6303-5e67-8744-51eddeeeb8d7"
Reexport = "189a3867-3050-52da-a836-e630ba90ab69"
DataAPI = "9a962f9c-6df0-11e9-0e5d-c546b8b5ee8a"
Unicode = "4ec0a83e-493e-50e2-b9ac-8f72acf5a8f5"

julia = "1"
Expand Down
146 changes: 78 additions & 68 deletions src/deprecated.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,77 +10,87 @@

@deprecate CategoricalMatrix(::Type{T}, m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) where {T} CategoricalMatrix{T}(m, n, ordered=ordered)

# Only define methods for Nullables while they're in Base, otherwise we don't care
if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.3017"
Base.convert(::Type{Nullable{S}}, x::CategoricalValue{Nullable}) where {S} =
convert(Nullable{S}, get(x))
Base.convert(::Type{Nullable}, x::CategoricalValue{S}) where {S} = convert(Nullable{S}, x)
x::CategoricalValue{Nullable{T}}) where {T} =
@deprecate CategoricalArray(dims::Int...; ordered=false) CategoricalArray(undef, dims...; ordered=ordered)

if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.2581"
CategoricalArray(dims::Int...; ordered=false) =
CategoricalArray{String}(dims, ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T, N, R}(dims::NTuple{N,Int}; ordered=false) where {T, N, R} CategoricalArray{T, N, R}(undef, dims; ordered=ordered)

function CategoricalArray{T, N, R}(dims::NTuple{N,Int};
ordered=false) where {T, N, R}
C = catvaluetype(T, R)
V = leveltype(C)
S = T >: Missing ? Union{V, Missing} : V
CategoricalArray{S, N}(zeros(R, dims), CategoricalPool{V, R, C}(ordered))
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T, N}(dims::NTuple{N,Int}; ordered=false) where {T, N} CategoricalArray{T, N}(undef, dims; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T}(dims::NTuple{N,Int}; ordered=false) where {T, N} CategoricalArray{T}(undef, dims; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T, 1}(m::Int; ordered=false) where {T} CategoricalArray{T, 1}(undef, m; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T, 2}(m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) where {T} CategoricalArray{T, 2}(undef, m, n; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T, 1, R}(m::Int; ordered=false) where {T, R} CategoricalArray{T, 1, R}(undef, m; ordered=ordered)
# R <: Integer is required to prevent default constructor from being called instead
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T, 2, R}(m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) where {T, R <: Integer} CategoricalArray{T, 2, R}(undef, m, n; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T, 3, R}(m::Int, n::Int, o::Int; ordered=false) where {T, R} CategoricalArray{T, 3, R}(undef, m, n, o; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T}(m::Int; ordered=false) where {T} CategoricalArray{T}(undef, m; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T}(m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) where {T} CategoricalArray{T}(undef, m, n; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T}(m::Int, n::Int, o::Int; ordered=false) where {T} CategoricalArray{T}(undef, m, n, o; ordered=ordered)

CategoricalArray{T, N}(dims::NTuple{N,Int}; ordered=false) where {T, N} =
CategoricalArray{T, N, DefaultRefType}(dims, ordered=ordered)
CategoricalArray{T}(dims::NTuple{N,Int}; ordered=false) where {T, N} =
CategoricalArray{T, N}(dims, ordered=ordered)
CategoricalArray{T, 1}(m::Int; ordered=false) where {T} =
CategoricalArray{T, 1}((m,), ordered=ordered)
CategoricalArray{T, 2}(m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) where {T} =
CategoricalArray{T, 2}((m, n), ordered=ordered)
CategoricalArray{T, 1, R}(m::Int; ordered=false) where {T, R} =
CategoricalArray{T, 1, R}((m,), ordered=ordered)
# R <: Integer is required to prevent default constructor from being called instead
CategoricalArray{T, 2, R}(m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) where {T, R <: Integer} =
CategoricalArray{T, 2, R}((m, n), ordered=ordered)
CategoricalArray{T, 3, R}(m::Int, n::Int, o::Int; ordered=false) where {T, R} =
CategoricalArray{T, 3, R}((m, n, o), ordered=ordered)
CategoricalArray{T}(m::Int; ordered=false) where {T} =
CategoricalArray{T}((m,), ordered=ordered)
CategoricalArray{T}(m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) where {T} =
CategoricalArray{T}((m, n), ordered=ordered)
CategoricalArray{T}(m::Int, n::Int, o::Int; ordered=false) where {T} =
CategoricalArray{T}((m, n, o), ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalVector(m::Integer; ordered=false) CategoricalVector(undef, m; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalVector{T}(m::Int; ordered=false) where {T} CategoricalVector{T}(undef, m; ordered=ordered)

CategoricalVector(m::Integer; ordered=false) = CategoricalArray(m, ordered=ordered)
CategoricalVector{T}(m::Int; ordered=false) where {T} =
CategoricalArray{T}((m,), ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalMatrix(m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) CategoricalMatrix(undef, m, n; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalMatrix{T}(m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) where {T} CategoricalMatrix{T}(undef, m::Int, n::Int; ordered=ordered)

CategoricalMatrix(m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) = CategoricalArray(m, n, ordered=ordered)
CategoricalMatrix{T}(m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) where {T} =
CategoricalArray{T}((m, n), ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray(dims::Int...; ordered=false) CategoricalArray(undef, dims...; ordered=ordered)
# AbstractString interface for CategoricalString
import Base: eltype, length, lastindex, sizeof, nextind, prevind,
iterate, getindex, codeunit, ascii, isvalid, match, collect, reverse,
ncodeunits, isempty, firstindex, lpad, rpad, occursin, startswith, endswith,
repeat, split, rsplit, strip, lstrip, rstrip, eachmatch,
uppercase, lowercase, titlecase, uppercasefirst, lowercasefirst,
chop, chomp, escape_string, textwidth, isascii
# NOTE: drop dependency on Unicode when removing these deprecations
import Unicode: normalize, graphemes
@deprecate eltype(x::CategoricalString) eltype(String(x))
@deprecate length(x::CategoricalString) length(String(x))
@deprecate lastindex(x::CategoricalString) lastindex(String(x))
@deprecate sizeof(x::CategoricalString) sizeof(String(x))
@deprecate nextind(x::CategoricalString, i::Int) nextind(String(x), i)
@deprecate prevind(x::CategoricalString, i::Int) prevind(String(x), i)
@deprecate iterate(x::CategoricalString) iterate(String(x))
@deprecate iterate(x::CategoricalString, i::Int) iterate(String(x), i)
@deprecate getindex(x::CategoricalString, i::Int) getindex(String(x), i)
@deprecate codeunit(x::CategoricalString, i::Integer) codeunit(String(x), i)
@deprecate ascii(x::CategoricalString) ascii(String(x))
@deprecate isvalid(x::CategoricalString) isvalid(String(x))
@deprecate isvalid(x::CategoricalString, i::Integer) isvalid(String(x), i)
@deprecate match(r::Regex, s::CategoricalString,
idx::Integer=firstindex(s), add_opts::UInt32=UInt32(0); kwargs...) match(r, String(s), idx, add_opts; kwargs...)
@deprecate collect(x::CategoricalString) collect(String(x))
@deprecate reverse(x::CategoricalString) reverse(String(x))
@deprecate ncodeunits(x::CategoricalString) ncodeunits(String(x))

@deprecate CategoricalArray{T, N, R}(dims::NTuple{N,Int}; ordered=false) where {T, N, R} CategoricalArray{T, N, R}(undef, dims; ordered=ordered)

@deprecate CategoricalArray{T, N}(dims::NTuple{N,Int}; ordered=false) where {T, N} CategoricalArray{T, N}(undef, dims; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T}(dims::NTuple{N,Int}; ordered=false) where {T, N} CategoricalArray{T}(undef, dims; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T, 1}(m::Int; ordered=false) where {T} CategoricalArray{T, 1}(undef, m; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T, 2}(m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) where {T} CategoricalArray{T, 2}(undef, m, n; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T, 1, R}(m::Int; ordered=false) where {T, R} CategoricalArray{T, 1, R}(undef, m; ordered=ordered)
# R <: Integer is required to prevent default constructor from being called instead
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T, 2, R}(m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) where {T, R <: Integer} CategoricalArray{T, 2, R}(undef, m, n; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T, 3, R}(m::Int, n::Int, o::Int; ordered=false) where {T, R} CategoricalArray{T, 3, R}(undef, m, n, o; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T}(m::Int; ordered=false) where {T} CategoricalArray{T}(undef, m; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T}(m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) where {T} CategoricalArray{T}(undef, m, n; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalArray{T}(m::Int, n::Int, o::Int; ordered=false) where {T} CategoricalArray{T}(undef, m, n, o; ordered=ordered)

@deprecate CategoricalVector(m::Integer; ordered=false) CategoricalVector(undef, m; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalVector{T}(m::Int; ordered=false) where {T} CategoricalVector{T}(undef, m; ordered=ordered)

@deprecate CategoricalMatrix(m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) CategoricalMatrix(undef, m, n; ordered=ordered)
@deprecate CategoricalMatrix{T}(m::Int, n::Int; ordered=false) where {T} CategoricalMatrix{T}(undef, m::Int, n::Int; ordered=ordered)
# Methods which are not strictly necessary
# but which allow giving a single and accurate deprecation warning
@deprecate isempty(x::CategoricalString) isempty(String(x))
@deprecate firstindex(x::CategoricalString) firstindex(String(x))
@deprecate normalize(x::CategoricalString, s::Symbol) normalize(String(x), s)
@deprecate graphemes(x::CategoricalString) graphemes(String(x))
@deprecate length(x::CategoricalString, i::Int, j::Int) length(String(x), i, j)
@deprecate repeat(x::CategoricalString, i::Integer) repeat(String(x), i)
@deprecate eachmatch(r::Regex, x::CategoricalString; overlap=false) eachmatch(r, String(x), overlap=overlap)
@deprecate lpad(x::CategoricalString, n::Integer, c::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}=' ') lpad(String(x), n)
@deprecate rpad(x::CategoricalString, n::Integer, c::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}=' ') rpad(String(x), n)
@deprecate occursin(x::CategoricalString, y::AbstractString) occursin(String(x), y)
@deprecate occursin(x::AbstractString, y::CategoricalString) occursin(x, String(y))
@deprecate occursin(x::Regex, y::CategoricalString) occursin(x, String(y))
@deprecate occursin(x::AbstractChar, y::CategoricalString) occursin(x, String(y))
@deprecate startswith(x::CategoricalString, y::AbstractString) startswith(String(x), y)
@deprecate startswith(x::AbstractString, y::CategoricalString) startswith(x, String(y))
@deprecate endswith(x::CategoricalString, y::AbstractString) endswith(String(x), y)
@deprecate endswith(x::AbstractString, y::CategoricalString) endswith(x, String(y))
@deprecate split(x::CategoricalString; kwargs...) split(String(x); kwargs...)
@deprecate rsplit(x::CategoricalString; kwargs...) rsplit(String(x); kwargs...)
@deprecate strip(x::CategoricalString) strip(String(x))
@deprecate lstrip(x::CategoricalString) lstrip(String(x))
@deprecate rstrip(x::CategoricalString) rstrip(String(x))
@deprecate lowercase(x::CategoricalString) lowercase(String(x))
@deprecate uppercase(x::CategoricalString) uppercase(String(x))
@deprecate lowercasefirst(x::CategoricalString) lowercasefirst(String(x))
@deprecate uppercasefirst(x::CategoricalString) uppercasefirst(String(x))
@deprecate titlecase(x::CategoricalString) titlecase(String(x))
@deprecate chop(x::CategoricalString; kwargs...) chop(String(x); kwargs...)
@deprecate chomp(x::CategoricalString) chomp(String(x))
@deprecate textwidth(x::CategoricalString) textwidth(String(x))
@deprecate isascii(x::CategoricalString) isascii(String(x))
@deprecate escape_string(x::CategoricalString) escape_string(String(x))
33 changes: 2 additions & 31 deletions src/value.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -226,35 +226,6 @@ DataAPI.defaultarray(::Type{CategoricalValue{T, R}}, N) where {T, R} =
DataAPI.defaultarray(::Type{Union{CategoricalValue{T, R}, Missing}}, N) where {T, R} =
CategoricalArray{Union{T, Missing}, N, R}

# AbstractString interface for CategoricalString
# Efficient method equivalent to the fallback
Base.string(x::CategoricalString) = get(x)
Base.eltype(x::CategoricalString) = Char
Base.length(x::CategoricalString) = length(get(x))
Compat.lastindex(x::CategoricalString) = lastindex(get(x))
Base.sizeof(x::CategoricalString) = sizeof(get(x))
Base.nextind(x::CategoricalString, i::Int) = nextind(get(x), i)
Base.prevind(x::CategoricalString, i::Int) = prevind(get(x), i)
if VERSION > v"0.7.0-DEV.5126"
Base.iterate(x::CategoricalString) = iterate(get(x))
Base.iterate(x::CategoricalString, i::Int) = iterate(get(x), i)
else, i::Int) = next(get(x), i)
Base.getindex(x::CategoricalString, i::Int) = getindex(get(x), i)
Base.codeunit(x::CategoricalString, i::Integer) = codeunit(get(x), i)
Base.ascii(x::CategoricalString) = ascii(get(x))
Base.isvalid(x::CategoricalString) = isvalid(get(x))
Base.isvalid(x::CategoricalString, i::Integer) = isvalid(get(x), i)
Base.match(r::Regex, s::CategoricalString,
idx::Integer=firstindex(s), add_opts::UInt32=UInt32(0)) =
match(r, get(s), idx, add_opts)
if VERSION > v"0.7.0-DEV.3526"
Base.matchall(r::Regex, s::CategoricalString; overlap::Bool=false) =
matchall(r, get(s), overlap)
Base.matchall(r::Regex, s::CategoricalString, overlap::Bool) =
matchall(r, get(s), overlap)
Base.collect(x::CategoricalString) = collect(get(x))
Base.reverse(x::CategoricalString) = reverse(get(x))
Compat.ncodeunits(x::CategoricalString) = ncodeunits(get(x))
Base.String(x::CategoricalString) = get(x)
43 changes: 10 additions & 33 deletions test/08_string.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,20 +41,14 @@ using CategoricalArrays
@test sizeof(v1) === 0
@test sizeof(v2) === 5

if VERSION >= v"0.7.0-DEV.2949"
@test_throws BoundsError nextind(v1, 1)
@test nextind(v1, 1) === 2
@test_throws BoundsError nextind(v1, 1)
@test nextind(v2, 4) === 6

@test prevind(v1, 1) === 0
@test prevind(v2, 6) === 4

if VERSION >= v"0.7.0-DEV.3583"
@test firstindex(v1) === 1
@test firstindex(v2) === 1
@test firstindex(v1) === 1
@test firstindex(v2) === 1

@test lastindex(v1) === 0
@test lastindex(v2) === 4
Expand All @@ -65,11 +59,7 @@ using CategoricalArrays
@test v2[2] === 'a'
@test v2[4] === 'é'
@test_throws BoundsError v1[1]
if VERSION >= v"0.7.0-DEV.2949"
@test_throws StringIndexError v2[5]
@test_throws UnicodeError v2[5]
@test_throws StringIndexError v2[5]

@test codeunit(v2, 2) === 0x61
@test codeunit(v2, 5) === 0xa9
Expand All @@ -92,19 +82,11 @@ using CategoricalArrays
@test isvalid(v2, 4)
@test !isvalid(v2, 5)

if VERSION >= v"0.7.0-DEV.2949"
@test_throws BoundsError length(v1, 0, 0)
@test length(v2, 1, 4) === 4
@test_throws BoundsError length(v1, 0, 0)
@test length(v2, 1, 4) === 4

@test_throws BoundsError nextind(v1, 1, 1)
@test nextind(v2, 1, 2) === 3
@test_throws BoundsError ind2chr(v1, 0)
@test ind2chr(v2, 4) === 4

@test_throws BoundsError chr2ind(v1, 1)
@test chr2ind(v2, 2) === 2
@test_throws BoundsError nextind(v1, 1, 1)
@test nextind(v2, 1, 2) === 3

@test string(v1) == ""
@test string(v2) == "café"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,12 +122,7 @@ using CategoricalArrays

@test collect((m.match for m eachmatch(r"af", v1))) == []
@test collect((m.match for m eachmatch(r"af", v2))) == ["af"]
if VERSION > v"0.7.0-DEV.3526"
@test collect((m.match for m eachmatch(r"af", v2, overlap=true))) == ["af"]
@test matchall(r"af", v2, overlap=true) == ["af"]
@test matchall(r"af", v2, true) == ["af"]
@test collect((m.match for m eachmatch(r"af", v2, overlap=true))) == ["af"]

@test lpad(v1, 1) == " "
@test lpad(v2, 1) == "café"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,7 +202,7 @@ using CategoricalArrays
@test join([v1, "a"]) == "a"
@test join([v1, "a"], v2) == "caféa"

if VERSION >= v"1.0.4" # Previous versions throw a BoundsError
if VERSION >= v"1.1.1" # Previous versions throw a BoundsError
@test chop(v1) == ""
@test chop(v2) == "caf"
Expand Down

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