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Transform SubString and AbstractString leveltypes to String by default
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Since CategoricalArrays are intended for cases where the number of levels is small,
it makes sense to copy `SubString`s for simplicity. Calling
`CategoricalArray{SubString{String}}` will still allow constructing that array type.
Also replace `AbstractString` with `String` as it is the type of array one gets by
mixing `String` and `SubString` objects.
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nalimilan committed Apr 11, 2020
1 parent 797e009 commit a962ac2
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Showing 2 changed files with 59 additions and 17 deletions.
47 changes: 30 additions & 17 deletions src/array.jl
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Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,19 @@ function reftype(sz::Int)

fixstringtype(T::Type) = T <: SubString || T === AbstractString ? String : T
function fixstringtype(T::Union)
if isdefined(T, :a) && isdefined(T, :b)
Union{fixstringtype(T.a), fixstringtype(T.b)}
elseif isdefined(T, :a)
elseif isdefined(T, :b)

CategoricalArray{T}(undef, dims::Dims; levels=nothing, ordered=false)
CategoricalArray{T}(undef, dims::Int...; levels=nothing, ordered=false)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,35 +250,35 @@ end

# From AbstractArray
CategoricalArray{T, N}(A::AbstractArray{S, N};
levels::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing}=nothing,
ordered::Bool=_isordered(A)) where {S, T, N} =
levels::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing}=nothing,
ordered::Bool=_isordered(A)) where {S, T, N} =
CategoricalArray{T, N, DefaultRefType}(A, levels=levels, ordered=ordered)
CategoricalArray{T}(A::AbstractArray{S, N};
levels::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing}=nothing,
ordered::Bool=_isordered(A)) where {S, T, N} =
levels::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing}=nothing,
ordered::Bool=_isordered(A)) where {S, T, N} =
CategoricalArray{T, N}(A, levels=levels, ordered=ordered)
CategoricalArray(A::AbstractArray{T, N};
levels::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing}=nothing,
ordered::Bool=_isordered(A)) where {T, N} =
CategoricalArray{T, N}(A, levels=levels, ordered=ordered)
CategoricalArray{fixstringtype(T), N}(A, levels=levels, ordered=ordered)

levels::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing}=nothing,
ordered=_isordered(A)) where {S, T} =
levels::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing}=nothing,
ordered=_isordered(A)) where {S, T} =
CategoricalArray{T, 1}(A, levels=levels, ordered=ordered)
levels::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing}=nothing,
ordered::Bool=_isordered(A)) where {T} =
CategoricalArray{T, 1}(A, levels=levels, ordered=ordered)
levels::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing}=nothing,
ordered::Bool=_isordered(A)) where {T} =
CategoricalArray{fixstringtype(T), 1}(A, levels=levels, ordered=ordered)

levels::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing}=nothing,
ordered::Bool=_isordered(A)) where {S, T} =
levels::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing}=nothing,
ordered::Bool=_isordered(A)) where {S, T} =
CategoricalArray{T, 2}(A, levels=levels, ordered=ordered)
levels::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing}=nothing,
ordered::Bool=_isordered(A)) where {T} =
CategoricalArray{T, 2}(A, levels=levels, ordered=ordered)
levels::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing}=nothing,
ordered::Bool=_isordered(A)) where {T} =
CategoricalArray{fixstringtype(T), 2}(A, levels=levels, ordered=ordered)

# From CategoricalArray (preserve R)
CategoricalArray{T, N}(A::CategoricalArray{S, N, R};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -865,12 +878,12 @@ are preserved unless explicitly overriden.
@inline function categorical(A::AbstractArray{T, N};
compress::Bool=false, ordered=_isordered(A)) where {T, N}
RefType = compress ? reftype(length(unique(A))) : DefaultRefType
CategoricalArray{T, N, RefType}(A, ordered=ordered)
CategoricalArray{fixstringtype(T), N, RefType}(A, ordered=ordered)
@inline function categorical(A::CategoricalArray{T, N, R};
compress::Bool=false, ordered=_isordered(A)) where {T, N, R}
RefType = compress ? reftype(length(levels(A))) : R
CategoricalArray{T, N, RefType}(A, ordered=ordered)
CategoricalArray{fixstringtype(T), N, RefType}(A, ordered=ordered)

function in(x::Any, y::CategoricalArray{T, N, R}) where {T, N, R}
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29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions test/13_arraycommon.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module TestArrayCommon
using Test
using Missings
using Future: copy!
using CategoricalArrays, DataAPI
using CategoricalArrays: DefaultRefType
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1104,6 +1105,34 @@ end

@testset "constructors with SubString" begin
for x in ([SubString("ab", 1, 1), SubString("c", 1, 1)],
SubString[SubString("ab", 1, 1), SubString("c", 1, 1)],
[SubString("ab", 1, 1), "c"]),
f in (CategoricalArray, CategoricalVector, categorical)
y = @inferred f(x)
@test y isa CategoricalArray{String}
@test y == x

y = @inferred f(allowmissing(x))
@test y isa CategoricalArray{Union{String, Missing}}
@test y == x

for x in ([SubString("ab", 1, 1) SubString("c", 1, 1)],
SubString[SubString("ab", 1, 1) SubString("c", 1, 1)],
[SubString("ab", 1, 1) "c"]),
f in (CategoricalArray, CategoricalMatrix, categorical)
y = @inferred f(x)
@test y isa CategoricalArray{String}
@test y == x

y = @inferred f(allowmissing(x))
@test y isa CategoricalArray{Union{String, Missing}}
@test y == x

@testset "converting from array with missings to array without missings CategoricalArray fails with missings" begin
x = CategoricalArray{Union{String, Missing}}(undef, 1)
@test_throws MissingException CategoricalArray{String}(x)
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