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Make Automatic Δt work for all grid types (#96)
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* rework code so that Grid is given to auto Dt

* optimize basin_cell_index

type stability

* use mean cell diagonal for all auto-Δt

* add tests

* fix tests

* relax mfs test a bit
  • Loading branch information
Datseris committed Sep 27, 2023
1 parent 6d6e094 commit 8171746
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Showing 4 changed files with 74 additions and 95 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/mapping/attractor_mapping_proximity.jl
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function AttractorsViaProximity(ds::DynamicalSystem, attractors::Dict, ε = nothing;
Δt=1, Ttr=100, mx_chk_lost=1000, horizon_limit=1e3, verbose = false
dimension(ds) == dimension(first(attractors)[2]) ||
dimension(ds) == dimension(first(attractors)[2]) ||
error("Dimension of the dynamical system and candidate attractors must match")
search_trees = Dict(k => KDTree(, Euclidean()) for (k, att) in attractors)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ function (mapper::AttractorsViaProximity)(u0; show_progress = false)
while lost_count < mapper.mx_chk_lost
step!(mapper.ds, mapper.Δt)
lost_count += 1
u = get_state(mapper.ds)
u = current_state(mapper.ds)
for (k, tree) in mapper.search_trees # this is a `Dict`
tree, u, false, mapper.dist, mapper.idx, Neighborhood.alwaysfalse
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117 changes: 50 additions & 67 deletions src/mapping/attractor_mapping_recurrences.jl
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Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ so that a finite state machine can operate on top of it. Possibilities are:
yg = range(-5, 5; length = 100)`.
3. An instance of the special grid type
[`SubdividedBasedGrid`](@ref), which can be created either manually or by using [`subdivision_based_grid`](@ref).
This will allow user to automatically analyze and adapt grid discretization
This automatically analyzes and adapts grid discretization
levels in accordance with state space flow speed in different regions.
The grid has to be the same dimensionality as
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,9 +232,19 @@ Base.@kwdef struct RegularGrid{D, R <: AbstractRange} <: Grid
grid::NTuple{D, R}

minmax_grid_extent(g::RegularGrid) = g.grid_minima, g.grid_maxima
mean_cell_diagonal(g::RegularGrid{D}) where {D} = norm(g.grid_steps)

struct IrregularGrid{D} <: Grid
minmax_grid_extent(g::RegularGrid) = minmax_grid_extent(g.grid)

minmax_grid_extent(g::NTuple) = map(minimum, g), map(maximum, g)
function mean_cell_diagonal(g::NTuple)
steps = map(r -> mean(diff(r)), g)
return norm(steps)

SubdivisionBasedGrid(grid::NTuple{D, <:AbstractRange}, lvl_array::Array{Int, D})
Expand All @@ -255,6 +265,8 @@ struct SubdivisionBasedGrid{D, R <: AbstractRange} <:Grid
grid::NTuple{D, R}
max_grid::NTuple{D, R}
minmax_grid_extent(g::SubdivisionBasedGrid) = g.grid_minima, g.grid_maxima
mean_cell_diagonal(g::SubdivisionBasedGrid) = mean_cell_diagonal(g.grid)

subdivision_based_grid(ds::DynamicalSystem, grid; maxlevel = 4)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,8 +301,8 @@ function SubdivisionBasedGrid(grid::NTuple{D, <:AbstractRange}, lvl_array::Array
for i in unique_lvls
grid_steps[i] = [length(axis)*2^i for axis in grid]
grid_maxima = SVector{D,Float64}(maximum.(grid))
grid_minima = SVector{D,Float64}(minimum.(grid))
grid_maxima = SVector{D, Float64}(maximum.(grid))
grid_minima = SVector{D, Float64}(minimum.(grid))

function scale_axis(axis, multiplier)
new_length = length(axis) * (2^multiplier)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,30 +361,24 @@ mutable struct BasinsInfo{D, G <:Grid, Δ, T, Q, A <: AbstractArray{Int, D}}

function initialize_basin_info(ds::DynamicalSystem, grid_nfo, Δtt, sparse)

grid = grid_nfo.grid

Δt = if isnothing(Δtt)
if grid_nfo isa IrregularGrid
throw(error("Provide the Dt for irregular grid"))
isdiscretetime(ds) ? 1 : automatic_Δt_basins(ds, grid)
isdiscretetime(ds) ? 1 : automatic_Δt_basins(ds, grid_nfo)

grid = grid_nfo.grid # this is always a Tuple irrespectively of grid type
D = dimension(ds)
T = eltype(current_state(ds))
G = length(grid)
if D G && (ds isa PoincareMap && G (D, D-1))
error("Grid and dynamical system do not have the same dimension!")

D = length(grid)

multiplier = 0
if grid_nfo isa SubdivisionBasedGrid
multiplier = maximum(keys(grid_nfo.grid_steps))
multiplier = 0
basins_array = if sparse
SparseArray{Int}(undef, (map(length, grid ).*(2^multiplier)))
Expand All @@ -395,52 +401,51 @@ function initialize_basin_info(ds::DynamicalSystem, grid_nfo, Δtt, sparse)

using LinearAlgebra: norm

automatic_Δt_basins(ds::DynamicalSystem, grid; N = 5000) → Δt
Calculate an optimal `Δt` value for [`basins_of_attraction`](@ref).
This is done by evaluating the dynamic rule `f` (vector field) at `N` randomly chosen
points of the grid. The average `f` is then compared with the diagonal length of a grid
points within the bounding box of the grid.
The average `f` is then compared with the average diagonal length of a grid
cell and their ratio provides `Δt`.
Notice that `Δt` should not be too small which happens typically if the grid resolution
is high. It is okay for [`basins_of_attraction`](@ref) if the trajectory skips a few cells.
But if `Δt` is too small the default values for all other keywords such
as `mx_chk_hit_bas` need to be increased drastically.
is high. It is okay if the trajectory skips a few cells.
Also, `Δt` that is smaller than the internal step size of the integrator will cause
a performance drop.
function automatic_Δt_basins(ds, grid; N = 5000)
function automatic_Δt_basins(ds, grid_nfo; N = 5000)
isdiscretetime(ds) && return 1
if ds isa ProjectedDynamicalSystem
error("Automatic Δt finding is not implemented for `ProjectedDynamicalSystem`.")
steps = step.(grid)
s = sqrt(sum(x^2 for x in steps)) # diagonal length of a cell
indices = CartesianIndices(length.(grid))
random_points = [generate_ic_on_grid(grid, ind) for ind in rand(indices, N)]
dudt = 0.0

# Create a random sampler with min-max the grid range
mins, maxs = minmax_grid_extent(grid_nfo)
sampler, = statespace_sampler(HRectangle([mins...], [maxs...]))
# Sample velocity at random points
f, p, t0 = dynamic_rule(ds), current_parameters(ds), initial_time(ds)
udummy = copy(current_state(ds))
f, p = dynamic_rule(ds), current_parameters(ds)
for point in random_points
dudt = 0.0
for _ in 1:N
point = sampler()
deriv = if !isinplace(ds)
f(point, p, 0.0)
f(point, p, t0)
f(udummy, point, p, 0.0)
f(udummy, point, p, t0)
dudt += norm(deriv)

s = mean_cell_diagonal(grid_nfo)
Δt = 10*s*N/dudt
return Δt

# Implementation of the Finite State Machine (low level code)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -707,62 +712,40 @@ end
# Mapping a state to a cartesian index
function basin_cell_index(y_grid_state, grid_nfo::RegularGrid)
iswithingrid = true
D = length(grid_nfo.grid_minima) # compile-type deduction
@inbounds for i in eachindex(grid_nfo.grid_minima)
if !(grid_nfo.grid_minima[i] y_grid_state[i] grid_nfo.grid_maxima[i])
iswithingrid = false
return CartesianIndex{D}(-1)
if iswithingrid
# Snap point to grid
ind = @. round(Int, (y_grid_state - grid_nfo.grid_minima)/grid_nfo.grid_steps) + 1
return CartesianIndex(ind...)
return CartesianIndex(-1)
# Snap point to grid
ind = @. round(Int, (y_grid_state - grid_nfo.grid_minima)/grid_nfo.grid_steps) + 1
return CartesianIndex{D}(ind...)

function basin_cell_index(y_grid_state, grid_nfo::IrregularGrid)
for axis in grid_nfo.grid
if !issorted(axis)
throw(error("Please provide sorted vectors for each axis"))

D = length(grid_nfo.grid) # compile-type deduction
for (axis, coord) in zip(grid_nfo.grid, y_grid_state)
if coord < first(axis) || coord > last(axis)
return CartesianIndex(-1)
return CartesianIndex{D}(-1)
cell_indices = map((x, y) -> searchsortedlast(x, y), grid_nfo.grid, y_grid_state)
return CartesianIndex(cell_indices...)
return CartesianIndex{D}(cell_indices...)

function basin_cell_index(y_grid_state, grid_nfo::SubdivisionBasedGrid)
D = length(grid_nfo.grid)
D = length(grid_nfo.grid) # compile-type deduction
initial_index = basin_cell_index(y_grid_state, RegularGrid(SVector{D,Float64}(step.(grid_nfo.grid)), grid_nfo.grid_minima, grid_nfo.grid_maxima, grid_nfo.grid))
if initial_index == CartesianIndex(-1)
return CartesianIndex(-1)
if initial_index == CartesianIndex{D}(-1)
return initial_index
cell_area = grid_nfo.lvl_array[initial_index]
grid_maxima = grid_nfo.grid_maxima
grid_minima = grid_nfo.grid_minima
grid_steps = grid_nfo.grid_steps
max_level = maximum(keys(grid_steps))
grid_step = (grid_maxima - grid_minima .+1)./ grid_steps[cell_area]
iswithingrid = true
@inbounds for i in eachindex(grid_minima)
if !(grid_minima[i] y_grid_state[i] grid_maxima[i])
iswithingrid = false
if iswithingrid
ind = @. round(Int,(y_grid_state - grid_minima)/grid_step, RoundDown) * (2^(max_level-cell_area)) + 1
return CartesianIndex(ind...)
return CartesianIndex(-1)
grid_step = (grid_maxima - grid_minima .+ 1) ./ grid_steps[cell_area]
ind = @. round(Int, (y_grid_state - grid_minima)/grid_step, RoundDown) * (2^(max_level-cell_area)) + 1
return CartesianIndex{D}(ind...)
46 changes: 21 additions & 25 deletions test/mapping/irregular_grid.jl
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Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ newton_f(x, p) = x^p - 1
newton_df(x, p)= p*x^(p-1)

ds = DiscreteDynamicalSystem(newton_map, [0.1, 0.2], [3.0])
yg = collect(range(-1.5, 1.5; length = 400))
yg = collect(range(-1.5, 1.5; length = 400))
xg = log.(collect(range(exp(-1.5), exp(1.5), length=400)))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,30 +90,6 @@ lvl_array = grid.lvl_array
#### SubdivisionBasedGrid tests ####

function newton_map(z, p, n)
z1 = z[1] + im*z[2]
dz1 = newton_f(z1, p[1])/newton_df(z1, p[1])
z1 = z1 - dz1
return SVector(real(z1), imag(z1))
newton_f(x, p) = x^p - 1
newton_df(x, p)= p*x^(p-1)

ds = DiscreteDynamicalSystem(newton_map, [0.1, 0.2], [3.0])
xg = yg = range(-1.5, 1.5, length = 30)

grid_nfo = subdivision_based_grid(ds, (xg,yg))

newton = AttractorsViaRecurrences(ds, grid_nfo;
sparse = false, mx_chk_lost = 1000, Dt =1,

@test ((newton([-0.5, 0.86]) != newton([-0.5, -0.86]))& (newton([-0.5, 0.86]) != newton([1.0, 0.0])) & (newton([-0.5, -0.86]) != newton([1.0, 0.0])))

function predator_prey_fastslow(u, p, t)
α, γ, ϵ, ν, h, K, m = p
N, P = u
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,3 +168,23 @@ attractors_reg = extract_attractors(mapper)

@test (length(vec(attractors_SBD[1]))/10) > length(vec(attractors_reg[1]))

#### Automatic Δt works ####

xg = yg = range(0, 18, length = 30)
grid0 = (xg, yg)
xg = yg = range(0, 18.0^(1/2); length = 20).^2
grid1 = (xg, yg)
grid2 = SubdivisionBasedGrid(grid0, rand([0, 1, 2], (30, 30)))

Dt0 = automatic_Δt_basins(ds, grid0)
Dt1 = automatic_Δt_basins(ds, grid1)
Dt2 = automatic_Δt_basins(ds, grid2)

@test Dt0 > 0
@test Dt1 > 0
@test Dt2 > 0
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/mfs/mfstest.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ using LinearAlgebra

test = true
for i in (keys(randomised))
if norm(randomised[i]) >= 0.64 || norm(randomised[i]) <= 0.61 || newton(randomised[i] + i) == newton(i)
if norm(randomised[i]) >= 0.65 || norm(randomised[i]) <= 0.60 || newton(randomised[i] + i) == newton(i)
test = false
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