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idealplastic in it's own file
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ahojukka5 committed Sep 15, 2018
1 parent 75cd64c commit 0cf074c
Showing 1 changed file with 119 additions and 0 deletions.
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions examples/idealplastic.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
# This file is a part of JuliaFEM.
# License is MIT: see

abstract type AbstractMaterial end

mutable struct IdealPlastic <: AbstractMaterial
# Material parameters
youngs_modulus :: Float64
poissons_ratio :: Float64
yield_stress :: Float64
# Internal state variables
plastic_strain :: Matrix{Float64}
dplastic_strain :: Matrix{Float64}
plastic_multiplier :: Float64
dplastic_multiplier :: Float64

function IdealPlastic(element, ip, time)
# Material parameters
youngs_modulus = element("youngs modulus", ip, time)
poissons_ratio = element("poissons ratio", ip, time)
yield_stress = element("yield stress", ip, time)
# Internal variables
plastic_strain = element("plastic strain", ip, time)
dplastic_strain = zeros(3, 3)
plastic_multiplier = 0.0
dplastic_multiplier = 0.0
return IdealPlastic(youngs_modulus, poissons_ratio, yield_stress,
plastic_strain, dplastic_strain, plastic_multiplier,

function calculate_stress!(material::AbstractMaterial, element, ip, time, dtime,
material_matrix, stress_vector)
# Update material parameters
material.youngs_modulus = element("youngs modulus", ip, time)
material.poissons_ratio = element("poissons ratio", ip, time)
material.yield_stress = element("yield stress", ip, time)

gradu0 = element("displacement", ip, time-dtime, Val{:Grad})
gradu = element("displacement", ip, time, Val{:Grad})
X = element("geometry", ip, time)

strain0 = 0.5*(gradu0 + gradu0')
strain = 0.5*(gradu + gradu')
dstrain = strain - strain0

E = material.youngs_modulus
nu = material.poissons_ratio
mu = E/(2.0*(1.0+nu))
lambda = E*nu/((1.0+nu)*(1.0-2.0*nu))
G = 0.5*E/(1.0+nu)

strain_elastic0 = strain0 - material.plastic_strain
stress0 = lambda*tr(strain_elastic0)*I + 2.0*mu*strain_elastic0

strain_elastic = strain - material.plastic_strain
stress_trial = lambda*tr(strain_elastic)*I + 2.0*mu*strain_elastic

stress_dev = stress_trial - 1.0/3.0*tr(stress_trial)*I
stress_v = sqrt(3/2*sum(stress_dev .* stress_dev))
update!(ip, "stress_v", time => stress_v)
#@info("stuff", stress_v, material.yield_stress)

fill!(material_matrix, 0.0)
material_matrix[1,1] = 2.0*mu + lambda
material_matrix[2,2] = 2.0*mu + lambda
material_matrix[3,3] = 2.0*mu + lambda
material_matrix[4,4] = mu
material_matrix[5,5] = mu
material_matrix[6,6] = mu
material_matrix[1,2] = lambda
material_matrix[2,1] = lambda
material_matrix[2,3] = lambda
material_matrix[3,2] = lambda
material_matrix[1,3] = lambda
material_matrix[3,1] = lambda

# if stress_v > 150.0
# @info("stress_v = $stress_v")
# @info("stress_trial = $stress_trial")
# error("this should not be happening")
# end

if stress_v < material.yield_stress
stress_vector[1] = stress_trial[1,1]
stress_vector[2] = stress_trial[2,2]
stress_vector[3] = stress_trial[3,3]
stress_vector[4] = stress_trial[1,2]
stress_vector[5] = stress_trial[2,3]
stress_vector[6] = stress_trial[3,1]
return nothing
# @info "Plastic strain at X = $X, element # $(, time = $time, stress_v = $stress_v"
# error("should not")
# error("plasticity on time $time")
n = 3.0/2.0*stress_dev/stress_v
dla = (stress_v - material.yield_stress)/(3.0*G)
dstrain_pl = dla*n
material.dplastic_strain = dstrain_pl
material.dplastic_multiplier = dla
dstrain_el = dstrain - dstrain_pl
dstress = lambda*tr(dstrain_el)*I + 2.0*mu*dstrain_el
stress = stress0 + dstress
stress_vector[1] = stress[1,1]
stress_vector[2] = stress[2,2]
stress_vector[3] = stress[3,3]
stress_vector[4] = stress[1,2]
stress_vector[5] = stress[2,3]
stress_vector[6] = stress[3,1]
D = material_matrix
dg = df = [n[1,1], n[2,2], n[3,3], n[1,2], n[2,3], n[3,1]]
material_matrix[:,:] .= D - (D*dg*df'*D) / (df'*D*dg)
material_matrix[abs.(material_matrix) .< 1.0e-9] .= 0.0
#@info("results", material_matrix, stress0, dstrain)

return nothing

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