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memory: add docstrings
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Technologicat committed Aug 10, 2020
1 parent 29e2eb1 commit 7f64c2a
Showing 1 changed file with 63 additions and 2 deletions.
65 changes: 63 additions & 2 deletions src/memory.jl
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
# This file is a part of JuliaFEM.
# License is MIT: see

# TODO: write docstrings for all public functions

module MemoryModule

using LinearAlgebra, ForwardDiff, Tensors, NLsolve, Parameters
Expand All @@ -22,6 +20,24 @@ export Memory, MemoryDriverState, MemoryParameterState, MemoryVariableState
strain::Symm2{T} = zero(Symm2{T})

# TODO: complete this docstring
"""Parameter state for Memory material.
`E`: Young's modulus
`nu`: Poisson's ratio
`R0`: initial yield strength
`Kn`: plasticity multiplier divisor (drag stress)
`nn`: plasticity multiplier exponent
`C1`, `D1`: parameters governing behavior of backstress X1
`C2`, `D2`: parameters governing behavior of backstress X2
`Q0`: ???
`QM`: ???
`mu`: ???
`b`: ???
`eta`: ???
`m`: ???
`pt`: memory evanescence threshold for cumulative equivalent plastic strain
@with_kw struct GenericMemoryParameterState{T <: Real} <: AbstractMaterialState
E::T = 0.0
nu::T = 0.0
Expand All @@ -42,6 +58,19 @@ end
xi::T = 0.0

# TODO: complete this docstring
"""Problem state for Memory material.
`stress`: stress tensor
`X1`: backstress 1
`X2`: backstress 2
`plastic_strain`: plastic part of strain tensor
`cumeq`: cumulative equivalent plastic strain (scalar, ≥ 0)
`R`: yield strength
`q`: ???
`zeta`: ???
`jacobian`: ∂σij/∂εkl
@with_kw struct GenericMemoryVariableState{T <: Real} <: AbstractMaterialState
stress::Symm2{T} = zero(Symm2{T})
X1::Symm2{T} = zero(Symm2{T})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,6 +125,14 @@ function state_from_vector(x::AbstractVector{T}) where T <: Real
return sigma, R, X1, X2

integrate_material!(material::GenericMemory{T}) where T <: Real
Material model with memory effect.
This is similar to the Chaboche material with two backstresses, with both
kinematic and isotropic hardening, but this model also features a memory term.
function integrate_material!(material::GenericMemory{T}) where T <: Real
p = material.parameters
v = material.variables
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,6 +210,30 @@ function integrate_material!(material::GenericMemory{T}) where T <: Real
return nothing

create_nonlinear_system_of_equations(material::GenericMemory{T}) where T <: Real
Create and return an instance of the equation system for the incremental form of
the evolution equations of the Memory material.
Used internally for computing the plastic contribution in `integrate_material!`.
The input `material` represents the problem state at the end of the previous
timestep. The created equation system will hold its own copy of that state.
The equation system is represented as a mutating function `g!` that computes the
g!(F::V, x::V) where V <: AbstractVector{<:Real}
Both `F` (output) and `x` (input) are length-19 vectors containing
[sigma, R, X1, X2], in that order. The tensor quantities sigma, X1,
X2 are encoded in Voigt format.
The function `g!` is intended to be handed over to `nlsolve`.
function create_nonlinear_system_of_equations(material::GenericMemory{T}) where T <: Real
p = material.parameters
v = material.variables
Expand Down

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