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[Parallel loops](@id tutorials-parallel)

@floop supports parallel loops not only for side-effect (as in Threads.@threads) but also for complex reductions using the optional @reduce syntax.

@floop is useful even without @reduce because it supports multiple [executors](@ref tutorials-executor) for selecting specific execution mechanisms without rewriting your code. For example, FoldsThreads.jl provides additional rich set of thread-based executors from which you can choose an appropriate executor to maximize the performance of your program. FoldsCUDA.jl provides an executor for GPU. FLoops.jl also provide a simple distributed executor.

For in-place update operations (i.e., Threads.@threads-like operations), you can use @floop ThreadedEx() for:

julia> using FLoops

julia> function floop_map!(f, ys, xs, ex = ThreadedEx())
           @floop ex for i in eachindex(ys, xs)
               @inbounds ys[i] = f(xs[i])
           return ys

julia> floop_map!(x -> x + 1, zeros(3), 1:3)
3-element Vector{Float64}:

For a parallel algorithm that requires reductions, you can use @reduce(acc op= x) syntax:

julia> using FLoops

julia> @floop for (x, y) in zip(1:3, 1:2:6)
           a = x + y
           b = x - y
           @reduce(s += a, t += b)
       (s, t)
(15, -3)

With @reduce, the default executor is ThreadedEx.

Initialization with @reduce(acc = op(init, x)) syntax

Use acc = op(init, x) to specify that the identity element for the binary function op is init:

julia> using FLoops

julia> using BangBang  # for `append!!`

julia> using MicroCollections  # for `EmptyVector` and `SingletonVector`

julia> @floop for x in 1:5
           ys = SingletonVector(x)
           if isodd(x)
               @reduce(odds = append!!(EmptyVector(), ys))
               @reduce(evens = append!!(EmptyVector(), ys))
       (odds, evens)
([1, 3, 5], [2, 4])

Initialization with @reduce(acc = init op x) syntax

When op is a binary operator, the infix syntax acc = init op x can also be used:

julia> using FLoops

julia> @floop for (x, y) in zip(1:3, 1:2:6)
           a = x + y
           b = x - y
           @reduce(s = 0im + a, t = 0im + b)
       (s, t)
(15 + 0im, -3 + 0im)

NOTE: In the above examples, statements like odds = append!!(EmptyVector(), ys) and s = 0im + a are not evaluated for each iteration. These statements as-is are evaluated only for the first iteration (for each basecase) and then the expressions where the first argument is replaced by the corresponding LHS, i.e., odds = append!!(odds, ys) and s = s + a, are evaluated for the bulk of the loop.

Complex reduction with @reduce() do syntax

For more complex reduction, use @reduce() do syntax:

julia> using FLoops

julia> @floop for (i, v) in pairs([0, 1, 3, 2]), (j, w) in pairs([3, 1, 5])
           d = abs(v - w)
           @reduce() do (dmax = -1; d), (imax = 0; i), (jmax = 0; j)
               if isless(dmax, d)
                   dmax = d
                   imax = i
                   jmax = j
       (dmax, imax, jmax)
(5, 1, 3)

How to read a loop with @reduce() do syntax

When reading code with @reduce() do, a quick way to understand it is to mentally comment out the line with @reduce() do and the corresponding end. To get a full picture, move the initialization parts (in the above example, dmax = -1, imax = 0, and jmax = 0) to outside for loop:

julia> using FLoops

julia> let
           dmax = -1  # -+
           imax = 0   #  | initializers
           jmax = 0   # -+
           for (i, v) in pairs([0, 1, 3, 2]), (j, w) in pairs([3, 1, 5])
               d = abs(v - w)
               if isless(dmax, d)  # -+
                   dmax = d        #  | `do` block body
                   imax = i        #  |
                   jmax = j        #  |
               end                 # -+
           (dmax, imax, jmax)
(5, 1, 3)

This exact transformation is used for defining the sequential basecase. Consecutive basecases are combined using the code in the do block body.

Control flow syntaxes

Control flow syntaxes such as continue, break, return, and @goto work with parallel loops:

julia> using FLoops

julia> @floop for x in 1:10
           y = 2x
           @reduce() do (s; y)
               s = y
           x == 3 && break

@reduce can be used multiple times in a loop body

julia> using FLoops

julia> @floop for (i, v) in pairs([0, 1, 3, 2])
           y = 2v
           @reduce() do (ymax; y), (imax; i)
               if isless(ymax, y)
                   ymax = y
                   imax = i
           @reduce() do (ymin; y), (imin; i)
               if isless(y, ymin)
                   ymin = y
                   imin = i
       (ymax, imax), (ymin, imin)
((6, 3), (0, 1))

[Executors](@id tutorials-executor)

@floop takes optional executor argument to specify an execution strategies and the parameters of the strategy:

julia> using FLoops

julia> function demo(executor)
           @floop executor for x in 1:10
               @reduce(s += x)
           return s

julia> demo(SequentialEx(simd = Val(true)))

julia> demo(ThreadedEx(basesize = 2))

julia> demo(DistributedEx(threads_basesize = 2))

This is in particular useful for the trick to "change" the number of threads without restarting julia using basesize option.

JuliaFolds provides additional executors: