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Added capsule shape #204

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/GeometryTypes.jl
Expand Up @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ include("polygon.jl")

export AABB,
Expand All @@ -64,6 +65,9 @@ export AABB,
Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions src/capsule.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
origin(c::Capsule{N, T}) where {N, T} = c.origin
extremity(c::Capsule{N, T}) where {N, T} = c.extremity
radius(c::Capsule{N, T}) where {N, T} = c.r
height(c::Capsule{N, T}) where {N, T} = norm(c.extremity - c.origin)
direction(c::Capsule{N, T}) where {N, T} = (c.extremity .- c.origin) ./ height(c)

function rotation(c::Capsule{2, T}) where T
d2 = direction(c); u = @SVector [d2[1], d2[2], T(0)]
v = @MVector [u[2], -u[1], T(0)]
return hcat(v, u, @SVector T[0, 0, 1])
function rotation(c::Capsule{3, T}) where T
d3 = direction(c); u = @SVector [d3[1], d3[2], d3[3]]
if abs(u[1]) > 0 || abs(u[2]) > 0
v = @MVector [u[2], -u[1], T(0)]
v = @MVector [T(0), -u[3], u[2]]
w = @SVector [u[2] * v[3] - u[3] * v[2], -u[1] * v[3] + u[3] * v[1], u[1] * v[2] - u[2] * v[1]]
return hcat(v, w, u)
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions src/decompose.jl
Expand Up @@ -447,3 +447,73 @@ function decompose(::Type{FT}, c::Cylinder{3}, facets = 30) where FT <: Face
return indexes

isdecomposable(::Type{T}, ::Type{C}) where {T <:Point, C <:Capsule3} = true
isdecomposable(::Type{T}, ::Type{C}) where {T <:Face, C <:Capsule3} = true
isdecomposable(::Type{T}, ::Type{C}) where {T <:Point, C <:Capsule2} = true
isdecomposable(::Type{T}, ::Type{C}) where {T <:Face, C <:Capsule2} = true

# def of resolution + rotation
function decompose(PT::Type{Point{3, T}}, c::Capsule{2}, resolution = 10) where T
origin = length(c.origin) == 2 ? Point{3, T}(c.origin[1], c.origin[2], 0) : c.origin
nbv = 2*max.(4, resolution)
M = rotation(c); h = height(c)
vertices = Vector{PT}(undef, 2 * (nbv + 1))
for i = 0:nbv
theta = T((π * i) / nbv)
vertices[i + 1] = PT(M * Point{3, T}( cos(theta) * c.r, - sin(theta) * c.r, 0)) + origin
vertices[i + nbv + 2] = PT(M * Point{3, T}(-cos(theta) * c.r, h + sin(theta) * c.r, 0)) + origin
return vertices

function decompose(PT::Type{Point{3, T}}, c::Capsule{3}, resolution = (30, 10)) where T
nbv = max.(4, resolution)
M = rotation(c); h = height(c)
position = 1; vertices = Vector{PT}(undef, nbv[1] * (2 * nbv[2]) + 2)
for j = 1:nbv[1]
phi = T((2π * (j - 1)) / nbv[1])
for i = 0:(nbv[2]-1)
theta = T((π/2 * i) / nbv[2])
vertices[position + i] = PT(M * Point{3, T}(cos(theta) * cos(phi) * c.r, cos(theta) * sin(phi) * c.r, - sin(theta) * c.r)) + PT(c.origin)
vertices[position + i + nbv[2]] = PT(M * Point{3, T}(cos(theta) * cos(phi) * c.r, cos(theta) * sin(phi) * c.r, h + sin(theta) * c.r)) + PT(c.origin)
position += nbv[2] * 2
vertices[end-1] = PT(c.origin) + PT(M * Point{3, T}(0, 0, -c.r))
vertices[end] = PT(c.extremity) + PT(M * Point{3, T}(0, 0, c.r))
return vertices

function decompose(::Type{FT}, c::Capsule{2}, facets = 10) where FT <: Face
nbv = 4*max.(4, facets)
indexes = Vector{FT}(undef, nbv)
for j = 1:nbv
indexes[j] = (1, j + 2, j + 1)
return indexes

function decompose(::Type{FT}, c::Capsule{3}, facets = (30, 10)) where FT <: Face
nbv = max.(4, facets)
indexes = Vector{FT}(undef, nbv[1] * (4 * (nbv[2]-1) + 4))
index = 1
slice = nbv[2] * 2
last = nbv[1] * (2 * nbv[2]) + 2
for j = 0:(nbv[1]-1)
j_next = (j+1) % nbv[1]
indexes[index+0] = (j_next * slice + nbv[2] + 1, j_next * slice + 1, j * slice + 1)
indexes[index+1] = (j * slice + nbv[2] + 1, j_next * slice + nbv[2] + 1, j * slice + 1)
indexes[index+2] = (j * slice + nbv[2], j_next * slice + nbv[2], last - 1)
indexes[index+3] = (j_next * slice + 2 * nbv[2], j * slice + 2 * nbv[2], last)
for i = 0:(nbv[2]-2)
indexes[index + 4 + i*4 + 0] = (j_next * slice + i + 1, j_next * slice + i + 2, j * slice + i + 1)
indexes[index + 4 + i*4 + 1] = (j_next * slice + i + 2, j * slice + i + 2, j * slice + i + 1)
indexes[index + 4 + i*4 + 2] = (j_next * slice + nbv[2] + i + 2, j_next * slice + nbv[2] + i + 1, j * slice + nbv[2] + i + 1)
indexes[index + 4 + i*4 + 3] = (j_next * slice + nbv[2] + i + 2, j * slice + nbv[2] + i + 1, j * slice + nbv[2] + i + 2)
index += 4 * (nbv[2]-1) + 4
return indexes
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/typealias.jl
Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,12 @@ its extremity and a radius. `origin`, `extremity` and `r`, must be specified.
const Cylinder2{T} = Cylinder{2, T}
const Cylinder3{T} = Cylinder{3, T}

A `Capsule2` or `Capsule3` is a 2D/3D capsule defined by its origin point,
its extremity and a radius. `origin`, `extremity` and `r`, must be specified.
const Capsule2{T} = Capsule{2, T}
const Capsule3{T} = Capsule{3, T}

const UV{T} = TextureCoordinate{2, T}
const UVW{T} = TextureCoordinate{3, T}
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/types.jl
Expand Up @@ -233,6 +233,16 @@ struct Cylinder{N,T<: AbstractFloat} <: GeometryPrimitive{N,T}

A `Capsule` is a 2D line segment with a radius or a 3D Capsule defined by its origin point,
its extremity and a radius. `origin`, `extremity` and `r`, must be specified.
struct Capsule{N,T<: AbstractFloat} <: GeometryPrimitive{N,T}


Expand Down
185 changes: 185 additions & 0 deletions test/capsule.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
@testset "Capsule" begin
@testset "constructors" begin
o, extr, r = Point2f0(1, 2), Point2f0(3, 4), 5f0
s = Capsule(o, extr, r)
@test typeof(s) == Capsule{2,Float32}
@test typeof(s) == Capsule2{Float32}
@test origin(s) == o
@test extremity(s) == extr
@test radius(s) == r
#@test abs(height(s)- norm([1,2]-[3,4]))<1e-5
h = norm(o - extr)
@test isapprox(height(s), h)
#@test norm(direction(s) - Point{2,Float32}([2,2]./norm([1,2]-[3,4])))<1e-5
@test isapprox(direction(s), Point2f0(2, 2) ./ h)
v1 = rand(Point{3, Float64}); v2 = rand(Point{3, Float64}); R = rand()
s = Capsule(v1, v2, R)
@test typeof(s) == Capsule{3, Float64}
@test typeof(s) == Capsule3{Float64}
@test origin(s) == v1
@test extremity(s) == v2
@test radius(s) == R
@test height(s) == norm(v2 - v1)
#@test norm(direction(s) - Point{3,Float64}((v2-v1)./norm(v2-v1)))<1e-10
@test isapprox(direction(s), (v2-v1) ./ norm(v2 .- v1))

@testset "decompose" begin
o, extr, r = Point2f0(1, 2), Point2f0(3, 4), 5f0
s = Capsule(o, extr, r)
positions = Point{3, Float32}[
(4.535534, -1.5355341, 0.0),
(2.9134173, -2.619398, 0.0),
(1.0000002, -3.0, 0.0),
(-0.913417, -2.6193976, 0.0),
(-2.5355341, -1.5355337, 0.0),
(-3.6193976, 0.08658302, 0.0),
(-4.0, 2.0000002, 0.0),
(-3.619398, 3.9134173, 0.0),
(-2.535534, 5.5355344, 0.0),
(-0.53553426, 7.535534, 0.0),
(1.0865824, 8.619398, 0.0),
(2.9999998, 9.0, 0.0),
(4.913417, 8.619397, 0.0),
(6.535534, 7.535534, 0.0),
(7.619397, 5.913417, 0.0),
(8.0, 3.9999998, 0.0),
(7.619398, 2.0865827, 0.0),
(6.535534, 0.4644655, 0.0)
@test decompose(Point3f0, s, 4) ≈ positions
FT = Face{3, Int}
faces = FT[
(1, 3, 2),
(1, 4, 3),
(1, 5, 4),
(1, 6, 5),
(1, 7, 6),
(1, 8, 7),
(1, 9, 8),
(1, 10, 9),
(1, 11, 10),
(1, 12, 11),
(1, 13, 12),
(1, 14, 13),
(1, 15, 14),
(1, 16, 15),
(1, 17, 16),
(1, 18, 17)
@test faces == decompose(FT, s, 4)

v1 = Point{3, Float64}(1,2,3); v2 = Point{3, Float64}(4,5,6); R = 5.0
s = Capsule(v1, v2, R)
positions = Point{3,Float64}[
(4.535533905932738, -1.5355339059327373, 3.0),
(3.1616954987389683, -2.3711193256429137, 1.8952880865480273),
(1.4587585476806852, -2.5412414523193148, 0.9587585476806852),
(-0.31402023360539255, -2.020000734336378, 0.332989516029115),
(7.535533905932738, 1.4644660940672627, 6.0),
(8.371119325642914, 2.8383045012610317, 7.104711913451973),
(8.541241452319316, 4.541241452319315, 8.041241452319316),
(8.020000734336378, 6.314020233605392, 8.667010483970884),
(3.0412414523193148, 4.041241452319315, -1.0824829046386295),
(1.7811492852594561, 2.7811492852594557, -1.8764343108748296),
(0.4021342206547498, 1.4021342206547494, -1.927992798267443),
(-0.8858611987114287, 0.11413880128857112, -1.2293090544897973),
(6.041241452319315, 7.041241452319315, 1.9175170953613705),
(6.990573112163402, 7.990573112163402, 3.3329895160291154),
(7.484617125293379, 8.48461712529338, 5.1544901063711865),
(7.448159769230341, 8.44815976923034, 7.104711913451973),
(-2.535533905932737, 5.535533905932738, 2.9999999999999996),
(-3.3711193256429137, 4.161695498738968, 1.8952880865480268),
(-3.5412414523193148, 2.4587585476806852, 0.9587585476806848),
(-3.020000734336378, 0.6859797663946074, 0.332989516029115),
(0.46446609406726314, 8.535533905932738, 6.0),
(1.8383045012610322, 9.371119325642914, 7.104711913451972),
(3.5412414523193148, 9.541241452319316, 8.041241452319316),
(5.314020233605392, 9.020000734336378, 8.667010483970884),
(-1.0412414523193152, -0.04124145231931431, 7.0824829046386295),
(-1.990573112163402, -0.9905731121634007, 5.667010483970884),
(-2.4846171252933793, -1.4846171252933784, 3.845509893628814),
(-2.4481597692303416, -1.4481597692303412, 1.8952880865480275),
(1.9587585476806848, 2.9587585476806857, 10.08248290463863),
(3.2188507147405434, 4.218850714740545, 10.87643431087483),
(4.59786577934525, 5.597865779345251, 10.927992798267443),
(5.885861198711429, 6.885861198711429, 10.229309054489796),
(-1.8867513459481287, -0.8867513459481287, 0.11324865405187134),
(6.886751345948129, 7.886751345948129, 8.886751345948129)
@test decompose(Point3{Float64},s,(4, 4)) ≈ positions
faces = Face[
(13, 9, 1),
(5, 13, 1),
(4, 12, 33),
(16, 8, 34),
(9, 10, 1),
(10, 2, 1),
(14, 13, 5),
(14, 5, 6),
(10, 11, 2),
(11, 3, 2),
(15, 14, 6),
(15, 6, 7),
(11, 12, 3),
(12, 4, 3),
(16, 15, 7),
(16, 7, 8),
(21, 17, 9),
(13, 21, 9),
(12, 20, 33),
(24, 16, 34),
(17, 18, 9),
(18, 10, 9),
(22, 21, 13),
(22, 13, 14),
(18, 19, 10),
(19, 11, 10),
(23, 22, 14),
(23, 14, 15),
(19, 20, 11),
(20, 12, 11),
(24, 23, 15),
(24, 15, 16),
(29, 25, 17),
(21, 29, 17),
(20, 28, 33),
(32, 24, 34),
(25, 26, 17),
(26, 18, 17),
(30, 29, 21),
(30, 21, 22),
(26, 27, 18),
(27, 19, 18),
(31, 30, 22),
(31, 22, 23),
(27, 28, 19),
(28, 20, 19),
(32, 31, 23),
(32, 23, 24),
(5, 1, 25),
(29, 5, 25),
(28, 4, 33),
(8, 32, 34),
(1, 2, 25),
(2, 26, 25),
(6, 5, 29),
(6, 29, 30),
(2, 3, 26),
(3, 27, 26),
(7, 6, 30),
(7, 30, 31),
(3, 4, 27),
(4, 28, 27),
(8, 7, 31),
(8, 31, 32)
@test faces == decompose(Face{3, Int}, s, (4, 4))
m = GLPlainMesh(s, (4, 4))
@test m.faces == faces
@test m.vertices ≈ positions
m = GLNormalMesh(s)# just test that it works without explicit resolution parameter
@test m isa GLNormalMesh

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Expand Up @@ -27,5 +27,6 @@ using Test: @inferred