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122 lines (103 loc) · 15.5 KB


File metadata and controls

122 lines (103 loc) · 15.5 KB


This object represents a framed plot, where the axes surround the plotting region, instead of intersecting it. You build a plot by adding components:

p = FramedPlot()
add(p, component...)

Components are rendered in the order they're added.

Basic Attributes

xlabel String The x-axis label (bottom of the frame).
xlog Bool If true use log scaling, otherwise linear.
xrange (Real,Real)  
ylabel String The y-axis label (left of the frame).
ylog Bool If true use log scaling, otherwise linear.
yrange (Real,Real)  

These should be sufficient for casual use, but often you'll want greater control over the frame.

Axis Attributes

Each side of the frame is an independent axis object: p.x1 (bottom), p.y1 (left), p.x2 (top), and p.y2 (right). The axis attributes below apply to each of these objects. So for example, to label the right side of the frame, you would say:

setattr( p.y2, "label", "something" )

The label, log, and range attributes are the same as the ones above. For instance, when you set p.xlog you're actually setting p.x1.log.

draw_axis Bool If false the spine, ticks, and subticks are not drawn; otherwise it has no effect.
draw_grid Bool Grid lines are parallel to and coincident with the ticks.
draw_nothing Bool If true nothing is drawn; otherwise it has no effect.
draw_spine Bool The spine is the line perpendicular to the ticks.
draw_subticks Nothing | Bool If set to nothing subticks will be drawn only if ticks are drawn.
draw_ticks Bool  
draw_ticklabels Bool  
grid_style Style  
label String  
label_offset Real  
label_style Style  
log Bool  
range (Real, Real)  
spine_style Style  
subticks Nothing | Integer | Real[] Similar to ticks, except when set to an integer it sets the number of subticks drawn between ticks, not the total number of subticks.
subticks_size Real  
subticks_style Style  
ticks Nothing | Integer | Real[] If set to nothing ticks will be automagically generated. If set to an integer n, n equally spaced ticks will be drawn. You can provide your own values by setting ticks to a sequence.
ticks_size Real  
ticks_style Style  
tickdir +1 | -1 This controls the direction the ticks and subticks are drawn in. If +1 they point toward the ticklabels and if -1 they point away from the ticklabels.
ticklabels Nothing | String[] Ticklabels are the labels marking the values of the ticks. You can provide your own labels by setting ticklabels to a list of strings.
ticklabels_dir +1 | -1  
ticklabels_offset Real  
ticklabels_style Style  

So let's say you wanted to color all the ticks red. You could write:

# XXX:doesn't work yet
p.x1.ticks_style["color"] = "red"
p.x2.ticks_style["color"] = "red"
p.y1.ticks_style["color"] = "red"
p.y2.ticks_style["color"] = "red"

but it's tedious, and hazardous for your hands. FramedPlot provides a mechanism for manipulating groups of axes, through the use of the following pseudo-attributes:

frame          ==>     .x1, .x2, .y1, .y2
frame1         ==>     .x1, .y1
frame2         ==>     .x2, .y2
x              ==>     .x1, .x2
y              ==>     .y1, .y2

which lets you write:

# XXX:doesn't work yet
p.frame.ticks_style["color"] = "red"
