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File metadata and controls

108 lines (106 loc) · 16.3 KB

[Comparison with other image processing frameworks](@id page_api_comparison)

The following table may be useful for people migrating from other frameworks, and for identifying missing functionality in JuliaImages. Note that there are relevant packages which have not been integrated into more general frameworks or hosted at JuliaImages (e.g., DICOM.jl, etc.); such functionality is not documented here. This table is certainly not complete, and additions/corrections are welcome.

Operation JuliaImages scikit-image + NumPy Matlab (ImageProcessing + ComputerVision)
Read image file load imread imread
Write image file save imsave imwrite
Image file metadata magickinfo (ImageMagick.jl) imfinfo
Test images testimage astronaut etc. “cameraman.tif” etc
Element type and color
Change numeric precision float32, float64, n0f8, etc. img_as_float etc im2double etc
Change color space HSV.(img) etc. rgb2hsv etc. rgb2lab etc.
Whitepoint adjustment map whitebalance (Colors.jl) makecform
High dynamic range tonemap
Intensity & quantization
Clamping clamp01, clamp01nan
Linear scaling LinearStretching, scaleminmax, etc. rescale_intensity imadjust
Nonlinear scaling GammaCorrection adjust_gamma imadjust
Compute histogram build_histogram histogram imhist
Histogram equalization Equalization equalize_hist histeq
Adaptive equalization AdaptiveEqualization equalize_adapthist adapthisteq
Reference histogram matching Matching match_histograms imhistmatch
Quantization map anonymous function imquantize
Threshold estimation otsu_threshold threshold_otsu etc. graythresh etc.
Visualization and interactivity
Visualization imshow (ImageView.jl), mosaicview imshow imshow, implay, montage, etc.
Contrast adjustment ImageView.jl imcontrast
Pixel information ImageView.jl impixelinfo
Distance measurement imdistline
Text display of region impixelregion
Zooming/scrolling ImageView.jl and GtkUtilities.jl imshow imscrollpanel etc.
Interactive colormap imcolormaptool
Region selection RectangleTool etc. imrect, imellipse, imfreehand, etc.
Image comparison colorview, mosaicview imshowpair, imfuse
Label colorization IndirectArray, ColorizedArray label2rgb label2rgb
Draw lines line, line! (ImageDraw.jl) line, polygon line (visualization only)
Draw circles/ellipses circle!, ellipse! (ImageDraw.jl) circle, ellipse viscircles (visualization only)
Resize imresize, restrict resize imresize
Image pyramids gaussian_pyramid, restrict pyramid_gaussian etc. impyramid
Rotate imrotate rotate imrotate
Translate warp imtranslate
General geometric transformation warp warp imwarp
Hough transform hough_transform_standard, hough_circle_gradient hough_circle, etc. hough
Radon transform radon, iradon radon, iradon
Distance transform feature_transform, distance_transform bwdist, graydist
Statistics and image comparison
Image differences ssd, sad, mse, rmse etc. compare_mse, compare_nrmse immse
Min/max/mean minfinite, maxfinite, meanfinite minimum, maximum, mean nanmax, etc.
Entropy entropy entropy entropy
quality assessment PSNR, SSIM compare_psnr, compare_ssim psnr, ssim
colorfulness colorfulness
Filtering and padding
Linear filtering imfilter gaussian, etc. imfilter
Median/max/quantile filtering mapwindow median/max etc. nlfilter, medfilt2, etc.
Other nonlinear filtering (e.g., std) mapwindow nlfilter, stdfilt
Gradients imgradients sobel_h etc. imgradientxy etc.
Integral image integral_image integral_image integralImage
Padding padarray pad padarray
Deconvolution wiener (Deconvolution.jl) richardson_lucy, weiner, etc. deconvlucy, deconvwnr, etc.
Edge detection imedge, canny canny edge
Corner detection imcorner, fastcorners corner_harris etc. detectFASTFeatures
Blob detection blob_LoG blob_log etc.
Local binary patterns lbp etc. (ImageFeatures.jl) local_binary_pattern extractLBPFeatures
Histogram of oriented gradients HOG (ImageFeatures.jl) hog extractHOGFeatures
Gray-level co-occurence glcm etc. (ImageFeatures.jl) greycomatrix graycomatrix
Point descriptors BRIEF, ORB, etc. (ImageFeatures.jl) BRIEF, ORB, etc. detectBRISK etc.
Feature matching match_keypoints (ImageFeatures.jl) match_descriptors matchFeatures
Connected components label_components label bwconncomp, bwlabel
Foreground/background active_contour activecontour
Clustering kmeans, fuzzy_cmeans, mean_shift (Clustering.jl) quickshift, slic
Marker segmentation seeded_region_growing random_walker imsegfmm
Watershed watershed watershed watershed
Morphological operations
Dilation dilate dilation, binary_dilation imdilate
Erosion erode
Opening opening opening imopen
Closing closing closing imclose
Top-hat filtering tophat tophat etc. imtophat
Bottom-hat filtering bothat bottomhat imbothat
Regional max/min mapwindow filters.rank.maximum etc. imregionalmax etc.
Convex hull convexhull convex_hull_image bwconvhull
Borders clearborder clear_border imclearborder
Boundaries find_boundaries boundarymask
Filling imfill remove_small_holes imfill, regionfill