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Extend RootProblem
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Kolaru committed Jan 11, 2024
1 parent b4a54a2 commit 8087feb
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Showing 4 changed files with 127 additions and 252 deletions.
141 changes: 43 additions & 98 deletions src/contractors.jl
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@@ -1,97 +1,46 @@
export Bisection, Newton, Krawczyk

Abstract type for contractors.
abstract type AbstractContractor{F} end
abstract type AbstractContractor end

Bisection{F} <: AbstractContractor{F}
struct Bisection <: AbstractContractor end
struct Newton <: AbstractContractor end
struct Krawczyk <: AbstractContractor end

AbstractContractor type for the bisection method.
struct Bisection{F} <: AbstractContractor{F}
function contract(::Type{Newton}, f, derivative, X::Interval, where_mid)
m = interval(mid(X, where_mid))
return m - (f(m) / derivative(X))

Newton{F, FP} <: AbstractContractor{F}
AbstractContractor type for the interval Newton method.
# Fields
- `f::F`: function whose roots are searched
- `f::FP`: derivative or jacobian of `f`
(N::Newton)(X, α=where_bisect)
Contract an interval `X` using Newton operator and return the
contracted interval together with its status.
# Inputs
- `R`: Root object containing the interval to contract.
- `α`: Point of bisection of intervals.
struct Newton{F, FP} <: AbstractContractor{F}
f′::FP # use \prime<TAB> for ′

function (N::Newton)(X::Interval ; α=where_bisect)
m = interval(mid(X, α))
return m - (N.f(m) / N.f′(X))

function (N::Newton)(X::SVector{M, <:Interval} ; α=where_bisect) where M
m = interval.(mid.(X, α))
J = N.f′(X)
y = gauss_elimination_interval(J, N.f(m)) # J \ f(m)
function contract(::Type{Newton}, f, derivative, X::AbstractVector, where_mid)
m = interval.(mid.(X, where_mid))
J = derivative(X)
y = gauss_elimination_interval(J, f(m)) # J \ f(m)
return m .- y

Krawczyk{F, FP} <: AbstractContractor{F}
AbstractContractor type for the interval Krawczyk method.
function contract(::Type{Krawczyk}, f, derivative, X::Interval, where_mid)
m = interval(mid(X, where_mid))
Y = 1 / derivative(m)

# Fields
- `f::F`: function whose roots are searched
- `f::FP`: derivative or jacobian of `f`
(K::Krawczyk)(X ; α=where_bisect)
Contract an interval `X` using Krawczyk operator and return the
contracted interval together with its status.
# Inputs
- `R`: Root object containing the interval to contract.
- `α`: Point of bisection of intervals.
struct Krawczyk{F, FP} <: AbstractContractor{F}
f′::FP # use \prime<TAB> for ′
return m - Y*f(m) + (1 - Y*derivative(X)) * (X - m)

function (K::Krawczyk)(X::Interval ; α=where_bisect)
m = interval(mid(X, α))
Y = 1 / K.f′(m)
function contract(::Type{Krawczyk}, f, derivative, X::AbstractVector, where_mid)
mm = mid.(X, where_mid)
J = derivative(X)
Y = mid.(inv(derivative(mm)))

return m - Y*K.f(m) + (1 - Y*K.f′(X)) * (X - m)
return m - Y*f(mm) + (I - Y*J) * (X.v - m)

function (K::Krawczyk)(X::SVector{N, <:Interval} ; α=where_bisect) where N
jacobian = K.f′
mm = mid.(X, α)
J = jacobian(X)
Y = mid.(inv(jacobian(mm)))

return m - Y*K.f(mm) + (I - Y*J) * (X.v - m)
function contract(root_problem::RootProblem{C}, X::region) where C
CX = contract(C, root_problem.f, root_problem.derivative, region(X), root_problem.where_bisect)
return Region(CX)

Expand All @@ -102,16 +51,11 @@ of `Interval`.
safe_isempty(X) = any(isempty_interval.(X))

contract(contractor, R)
Contract the region R using the given contractor.
function contract(B::Bisection, R::Root)
function image_contains_zero(f, R::Root)
X = interval(R)
R.status == :empty && return Root(X, :empty)

imX = B.f(X)
imX = f(X)

if !(all(in_interval.(0, imX))) || safe_isempty(imX)
return Root(X, :empty)
Expand All @@ -120,14 +64,15 @@ function contract(B::Bisection, R::Root)
return Root(X, :unknown)

function contract(C::Union{Newton, Krawczyk}, R::Root)
function contract_root(root_problem::RootProblem{C}, R::Root) where C
# We first check with the simple bisection method
# If we can prove it is empty at this point, we don't go further
R2 = contract(Bisection(C.f), R)
R2 = image_contains_zero(root_problem.f, R)
C == Bisection && return R2
R2.status == :empty && return R2

X = interval(R)
contracted_X = C(X)
contracted_X = contract(root_problem, X)

# Only happens if X is partially out of the domain of f
safe_isempty(contracted_X) && return Root(X, :unknown) # force bisection
Expand All @@ -145,14 +90,25 @@ function contract(C::Union{Newton, Krawczyk}, R::Root)
return Root(NX, :unknown)

refine(op, X::Root, tol)
Wrap the refine method to leave unchanged intervals that are not guaranteed to
contain an unique solution.
function refine(root_problem::RootProblem, R::Root)
root_status(R) != :unique && return R
return Root(refine_root(root_problem, region(R)))

refine(C, X::Region, tol)
Refine a interval known to contain a solution.
This function assumes that it is already known that `X` contains a unique root.
function refine(C::Union{Newton, Krawczyk}, X::Region, root_problem)
function refine_root(root_problem::RootProblem, X::Region)
while diam(X) > root_problem.abstol
NX = intersect_interval(bareinterval(C(X)), bareinterval(X))
NX = IntervalArithmetic._unsafe_interval(NX, min(decoration(C(X)), decoration(X)), isguaranteed(C(X)))
Expand All @@ -161,15 +117,4 @@ function refine(C::Union{Newton, Krawczyk}, X::Region, root_problem)

return X

refine(op, X::Tuple{Symbol, Region}, tol)
Wrap the refine method to leave unchanged intervals that are not guaranteed to
contain an unique solution.
function refine(C::AbstractContractor, R::Root, root_problem)
root_status(R) != :unique && return R
return Root(refine(C, interval(R), root_problem), :unique)
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions src/region.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
struct Region{T, N}

Region(X::T) where {T <: Interval} = Region{T, 1}(X)

function Region(Xs::AbstractVector{T}) where {T <: Interval}
N = length(Xs)
N == 1 && return Region{T, 1}(only(Xs))
return Region{T, N}(Xs)

function Base.intersect(X::Region{<:Any, 1}, Y::Region{<:Any, 1})
x = only(X.intervals)
y = only(Y.intervals)
intersection = intersect_interval(bareinterval(x), bareinterval(x))
dec = min(decoration(x), decoration(y))
guarantee = isguaranteed(x) && isguaranteed(y)
decorated = IntervalArithmetic._unsafe_interval(intersection, dec, guarantee)
return Region(decorated)

function Base.intersect(X::Region{<:Any, N}, Y::Region{<:Any, N}) where N
return Region(intersect.(X.intervals, Y.intervals))
18 changes: 8 additions & 10 deletions src/root_object.jl
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Expand Up @@ -15,14 +15,11 @@ the `roots` function.
- `status`: the status of the region, valid values are `:empty`, `unknown`
and `:unique`.
struct Root{T}
struct Root{T, N}
region::IntervalRegion{T, N}

interval(rt::Root) = rt.interval

Expand All @@ -35,7 +32,7 @@ root_status(rt::Root) = rt.status # Use root_status since just `status` is too
Return the region associated to a `Root`.
root_region(rt::Root) = rt.interval # More generic name than `interval`.
root_region(rt::Root) = rt.region

Expand All @@ -44,9 +41,10 @@ Return whether a `Root` is unique.
isunique(rt::Root{T}) where {T} = (rt.status == :unique)

show(io::IO, rt::Root) = print(io, "Root($(rt.interval), :$(rt.status))")
show(io::IO, rt::Root) = print(io, "Root($(rt.region), :$(rt.status))")

(a::Interval, b::Root) = a b.interval # the Root object has the interval in the first entry
(a::Root, b::Root) = a.interval b.interval
(a::Interval, b::Root) = a b.region
(a::Root, b::Root) = a.region b.region

big(a::Root) = Root(big(a.interval), a.status)
diam(r::Root) = diam(interval(r))
isnai(r::Root) = isnai(interval(r))

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