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Devectorize norm calculation and avoid code dublication.
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andreasnoack committed Jan 31, 2014
1 parent 8a94301 commit 6d02e63
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Showing 6 changed files with 196 additions and 65 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions base/linalg/blas.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -161,14 +161,14 @@ for (fname, elty, ret_type) in ((:dnrm2_,:Float64,:Float64),
@eval begin
function nrm2(n::Integer, X::Union(Ptr{$elty},Array{$elty}), incx::Integer)
function nrm2(n::Integer, X::Union(Ptr{$elty},StridedVector{$elty}), incx::Integer)
ccall(($(string(fname)),libblas), $ret_type,
(Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
&n, X, &incx)
nrm2(A::Array) = nrm2(length(A), A, 1)
nrm2(x::StridedVector) = nrm2(length(x), x, stride(x,1))

## asum
for (fname, elty, ret_type) in ((:dasum_,:Float64,:Float64),
Expand All @@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ for (fname, elty, ret_type) in ((:dasum_,:Float64,:Float64),
@eval begin
function asum(n::Integer, X::Union(Ptr{$elty},Array{$elty}), incx::Integer)
function asum(n::Integer, X::Union(Ptr{$elty},StridedVector{$elty}), incx::Integer)
ccall(($(string(fname)),libblas), $ret_type,
(Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
&n, X, &incx)
asum(A::Array) = asum(length(A), A, 1)
asum(x::StridedVector) = asum(length(x), x, stride(x,1))

## axpy
for (fname, elty) in ((:daxpy_,:Float64),
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30 changes: 6 additions & 24 deletions base/linalg/dense.jl
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Expand Up @@ -14,34 +14,16 @@ isposdef{T<:Number}(A::Matrix{T}, UL::Char) = isposdef!(float64(A), UL)
isposdef{T<:Number}(A::Matrix{T}) = isposdef!(float64(A))
isposdef(x::Number) = imag(x)==0 && real(x) > 0

norm{T<:BlasFloat}(x::Vector{T}) = BLAS.nrm2(length(x), x, 1)

function norm{T<:BlasFloat, TI<:Integer}(x::Vector{T}, rx::Union(Range1{TI},Range{TI}))
function norm{T<:BlasFloat, TI<:Integer}(x::StridedVector{T}, rx::Union(Range1{TI},Range{TI}))
(minimum(rx) < 1 || maximum(rx) > length(x)) && throw(BoundsError())
BLAS.nrm2(length(rx), pointer(x)+(first(rx)-1)*sizeof(T), step(rx))

function norm{T<:BlasFloat}(x::Vector{T}, p::Number)
n = length(x)
if n == 0
return zero(T)
elseif p == 2
return BLAS.nrm2(n, x, 1)
elseif p == 1
return BLAS.asum(n, x, 1)
elseif p == Inf
return maximum(abs(x))
elseif p == -Inf
return minimum(abs(x))
elseif p == 0
return convert(T, nnz(x))
absx = abs(x)
dx = maximum(absx)
dx==zero(T) && return zero(T)
scale!(absx, 1/dx)
return dx * (sum(absx.^p).^(1/p))
function norm{T<:BlasFloat}(x::StridedVector{T}, p::Number=2)
length(x) == 0 && return zero(T)
p == 1 && T <: Real && return BLAS.asum(x)
p == 2 && return BLAS.nrm2(x)
invoke(norm, (AbstractVector, Number), x, p)

function triu!{T}(M::Matrix{T}, k::Integer)
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104 changes: 69 additions & 35 deletions base/linalg/generic.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,59 +43,93 @@ diag(A::AbstractVector) = error("use diagm instead of diag to construct a diagon


function norm{T}(x::AbstractVector{T}, p::Number)
if length(x) == 0
a = zero(T)
elseif p == Inf
a = maximum(abs(x))
elseif p == -Inf
a = minimum(abs(x))
absx = abs(x)
dx = maximum(absx)
if dx != zero(T)
scale!(absx, 1/dx)
a = dx * (sum(absx.^p).^(1/p))
a = sum(absx.^p).^(1/p)
function normMinusInf(x::AbstractVector)
n = length(x)
n > 0 || return real(zero(eltype(x)))
a = abs(x[1])
@inbounds for i = 2:n
a = min(a, abs(x[i]))
return a
function normInf(x::AbstractVector)
a = real(zero(eltype(x)))
@inbounds for i = 1:length(x)
a = max(a, abs(x[i]))
return a
function norm1(x::AbstractVector)
a = real(zero(eltype(x)))
@inbounds for i = 1:length(x)
a += abs(x[i])
return a
function norm2(x::AbstractVector)
nrmInfInv = inv(norm(x,Inf))
isinf(nrmInfInv) && return zero(nrmInfInv)
a = abs2(x[1]*nrmInfInv)
@inbounds for i = 2:length(x)
a += abs2(x[i]*nrmInfInv)
return sqrt(a)/nrmInfInv
function normp(x::AbstractVector,p::Number)
absx = convert(Vector{typeof(sqrt(abs(x[1])))}, abs(x))
dx = maximum(absx)
dx == 0 && return zero(typeof(absx))
scale!(absx, 1/dx)
pp = convert(eltype(absx), p)
return dx*sum(absx.^pp)^inv(pp)
function norm(x::AbstractVector, p::Number=2)
p == 0 && return nnz(x)
p == Inf && return normInf(x)
p == -Inf && return normMinusInf(x)
p == 1 && return norm1(x)
p == 2 && return norm2(x)
norm{T<:Integer}(x::AbstractVector{T}, p::Number) = norm(float(x), p)
norm(x::AbstractVector) = norm(x, 2)

function norm{T}(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, p::Number=2)
m, n = size(A)
if m == 0 || n == 0
return zero(real(zero(T)))
elseif m == 1 || n == 1
return norm(reshape(A, length(A)), p)
elseif p == 1
nrm = zero(real(zero(T)))
function norm1{T}(A::AbstractMatrix{T})
m,n = size(A)
nrm = zero(real(zero(T)))
@inbounds begin
for j = 1:n
nrmj = zero(real(zero(T)))
for i = 1:m
nrmj += abs(A[i,j])
nrm = max(nrm,nrmj)
return nrm
elseif p == 2
return svdvals(A)[1]
elseif p == Inf
nrm = zero(real(zero(T)))
return nrm
function norm2(A::AbstractMatrix)
m,n = size(A)
if m == 0 || n == 0 return real(zero(eltype(A))) end

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jiahao Feb 1, 2014


or, m==n==0 && return real(zero(eltype(A)))

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andreasnoack Feb 1, 2014

Author Member

Nope. Your set is smaller than mine.

function normInf{T}(A::AbstractMatrix{T})
m,n = size(A)
nrm = zero(real(zero(T)))
@inbounds begin
for i = 1:m
nrmi = zero(real(zero(T)))
for j = 1:n
nrmi += abs(A[i,j])
nrm = max(nrm,nrmi)
return nrm
throw(ArgumentError("invalid p-norm p=$p. Valid: 1, 2, Inf"))
return nrm
function norm{T}(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, p::Number=2)
p == 1 && return norm1(A)
p == 2 && return norm2(A)
p == Inf && return normInf(A)
throw(ArgumentError("invalid p-norm p=$p. Valid: 1, 2, Inf"))

norm(x::Number, p=nothing) = abs(x)
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions base/subarray.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -403,6 +403,7 @@ stride(s::SubArray, i::Integer) = i <= length(s.strides) ? s.strides[i] : s.stri

convert{T}(::Type{Ptr{T}}, x::SubArray{T}) =
pointer(x.parent) + (x.first_index-1)*sizeof(T)
convert{T,S,N}(::Type{Array{T,N}},A::SubArray{S,N}) = copy!(Array(T,size(A)), A)

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jiahao Feb 1, 2014


pointer(s::SubArray, i::Int) = pointer(s, ind2sub(size(s), i))

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions doc/stdlib/linalg.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -270,9 +270,9 @@ Linear algebra functions in Julia are largely implemented by calling functions f

.. function:: norm(A, [p])

Compute the ``p``-norm of a vector or a matrix ``A``, defaulting to the ``p=2``-norm.
Compute the ``p``-norm of a vector or the operator norm of a matrix ``A``, defaulting to the ``p=2``-norm.

For vectors, ``p`` can be any numeric value is valid (even though not all values produce a mathematically valid vector norm). In particular, `norm(A, Inf)`` returns the largest value in ``abs(A)``, whereas ``norm(A, -Inf)`` returns the smallest.
For vectors, ``p`` can assume any numeric value (even though not all values produce a mathematically valid vector norm). In particular, `norm(A, Inf)`` returns the largest value in ``abs(A)``, whereas ``norm(A, -Inf)`` returns the smallest.

For matrices, valid values of ``p`` are ``1``, ``2``, or ``Inf``. Use :func:`normfro` to compute the Frobenius norm.

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114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions test/linalg.jl
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Expand Up @@ -908,6 +908,120 @@ for elty in (Float32, Float64, Complex64, Complex128)
@test norm(F[:vectors]*Diagonal(F[:values])/F[:vectors] - A) > 0.01

# Tests norms
nnorm = 1000
mmat = 100
nmat = 80
for elty in (Float16, Float32, Float64, BigFloat, Complex{Float16}, Complex{Float32}, Complex{Float64}, Complex{BigFloat}, Int32, Int64, BigInt)
debug && println(elty)
## Vector
x = ones(elty,10)
xs = sub(x,1:2:10)
@test_approx_eq norm(x, -Inf) 1
@test_approx_eq norm(x, -1) 1/10
@test_approx_eq norm(x, 0) 10
@test_approx_eq norm(x, 1) 10
@test_approx_eq norm(x, 2) sqrt(10)
@test_approx_eq norm(x, 3) cbrt(10)
@test_approx_eq norm(x, Inf) 1
@test_approx_eq norm(xs, -Inf) 1
@test_approx_eq norm(xs, -1) 1/5
@test_approx_eq norm(xs, 0) 5
@test_approx_eq norm(xs, 1) 5
@test_approx_eq norm(xs, 2) sqrt(5)
@test_approx_eq norm(xs, 3) cbrt(5)
@test_approx_eq norm(xs, Inf) 1

for i = 1:10
x = elty <: Integer ? convert(Vector{elty}, rand(1:10, nnorm)) :
elty <: Complex ? convert(Vector{elty}, complex(randn(nnorm), randn(nnorm))) :
convert(Vector{elty}, randn(nnorm))
xs = sub(x,1:2:nnorm)
y = elty <: Integer ? convert(Vector{elty}, rand(1:10, nnorm)) :
elty <: Complex ? convert(Vector{elty}, complex(randn(nnorm), randn(nnorm))) :
convert(Vector{elty}, randn(nnorm))
ys = sub(y,1:2:nnorm)
α = elty <: Integer ? randn() :
elty <: Complex ? convert(elty, complex(randn(),randn())) :
convert(elty, randn())
# Absolute homogeneity
@test_approx_eq norm*x,-Inf) abs(α)*norm(x,-Inf)
@test_approx_eq norm*x,-1) abs(α)*norm(x,-1)
@test_approx_eq norm*x,1) abs(α)*norm(x,1)
@test_approx_eq norm*x) abs(α)*norm(x) # two is default
@test_approx_eq norm*x,3) abs(α)*norm(x,3)
@test_approx_eq norm*x,Inf) abs(α)*norm(x,Inf)

@test_approx_eq norm*xs,-Inf) abs(α)*norm(xs,-Inf)
@test_approx_eq norm*xs,-1) abs(α)*norm(xs,-1)
@test_approx_eq norm*xs,1) abs(α)*norm(xs,1)
@test_approx_eq norm*xs) abs(α)*norm(xs) # two is default
@test_approx_eq norm*xs,3) abs(α)*norm(xs,3)
@test_approx_eq norm*xs,Inf) abs(α)*norm(xs,Inf)

# Triangle inequality
@test norm(x + y,1) <= norm(x,1) + norm(y,1)
@test norm(x + y) <= norm(x) + norm(y) # two is default
@test norm(x + y,3) <= norm(x,3) + norm(y,3)
@test norm(x + y,Inf) <= norm(x,Inf) + norm(y,Inf)

@test norm(xs + ys,1) <= norm(xs,1) + norm(ys,1)
@test norm(xs + ys) <= norm(xs) + norm(ys) # two is default
@test norm(xs + ys,3) <= norm(xs,3) + norm(ys,3)
@test norm(xs + ys,Inf) <= norm(xs,Inf) + norm(ys,Inf)

# Against vectorized versions
@test_approx_eq norm(x,-Inf) minimum(abs(x))
@test_approx_eq norm(x,-1) inv(sum(1./abs(x)))
@test_approx_eq norm(x,0) sum(x .!= 0)
@test_approx_eq norm(x,1) sum(abs(x))
@test_approx_eq norm(x) sqrt(sum(abs2(x)))
@test_approx_eq norm(x,3) cbrt(sum(abs(x).^3.))
@test_approx_eq norm(x,Inf) maximum(abs(x))
## Matrix (Operator)
A = ones(elty,10,10)
As = sub(A,1:5,1:5)
@test_approx_eq norm(A, 1) 10
elty <: Union(BigFloat,Complex{BigFloat},BigInt) || @test_approx_eq norm(A, 2) 10
@test_approx_eq norm(A, Inf) 10
@test_approx_eq norm(As, 1) 5
elty <: Union(BigFloat,Complex{BigFloat},BigInt) || @test_approx_eq norm(As, 2) 5
@test_approx_eq norm(As, Inf) 5

for i = 1:10
A = elty <: Integer ? convert(Matrix{elty}, rand(1:10, mmat, nmat)) :
elty <: Complex ? convert(Matrix{elty}, complex(randn(mmat, nmat), randn(mmat, nmat))) :
convert(Matrix{elty}, randn(mmat, nmat))
As = sub(A,1:nmat,1:nmat)
B = elty <: Integer ? convert(Matrix{elty}, rand(1:10, mmat, nmat)) :
elty <: Complex ? convert(Matrix{elty}, complex(randn(mmat, nmat), randn(mmat, nmat))) :
convert(Matrix{elty}, randn(mmat, nmat))
Bs = sub(B,1:nmat,1:nmat)
α = elty <: Integer ? randn() :
elty <: Complex ? convert(elty, complex(randn(),randn())) :
convert(elty, randn())

# Absolute homogeneity
@test_approx_eq norm*A,1) abs(α)*norm(A,1)
elty <: Union(BigFloat,Complex{BigFloat},BigInt) || @test_approx_eq norm*A) abs(α)*norm(A) # two is default
@test_approx_eq norm*A,Inf) abs(α)*norm(A,Inf)

@test_approx_eq norm*As,1) abs(α)*norm(As,1)
elty <: Union(BigFloat,Complex{BigFloat},BigInt) || @test_approx_eq norm*As) abs(α)*norm(As) # two is default
@test_approx_eq norm*As,Inf) abs(α)*norm(As,Inf)

# Triangle inequality
@test norm(A + B,1) <= norm(A,1) + norm(B,1)
elty <: Union(BigFloat,Complex{BigFloat},BigInt) || @test norm(A + B) <= norm(A) + norm(B) # two is default
@test norm(A + B,Inf) <= norm(A,Inf) + norm(B,Inf)

@test norm(As + Bs,1) <= norm(As,1) + norm(Bs,1)
elty <: Union(BigFloat,Complex{BigFloat},BigInt) || @test norm(As + Bs) <= norm(As) + norm(Bs) # two is default
@test norm(As + Bs,Inf) <= norm(As,Inf) + norm(Bs,Inf)

## Issue related tests
# issue 1447
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