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New SubArrays based on stagedfunctions
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timholy committed Sep 28, 2014
1 parent 98c32a3 commit d4cab1d
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Showing 6 changed files with 513 additions and 58 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions base/array.jl
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Expand Up @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ typealias DenseVector{T} DenseArray{T,1}
typealias DenseMatrix{T} DenseArray{T,2}
typealias DenseVecOrMat{T} Union(DenseVector{T}, DenseMatrix{T})

typealias StridedArray{T,N,A<:DenseArray} Union(DenseArray{T,N}, SubArray{T,N,A})
typealias StridedVector{T,A<:DenseArray} Union(DenseArray{T,1}, SubArray{T,1,A})
typealias StridedMatrix{T,A<:DenseArray} Union(DenseArray{T,2}, SubArray{T,2,A})
typealias StridedArray{T,N,A<:DenseArray,I<:(RangeIndex...)} Union(DenseArray{T,N}, SubArray{T,N,A,I})
typealias StridedVector{T,A<:DenseArray,I<:(RangeIndex...)} Union(DenseArray{T,1}, SubArray{T,1,A,I})
typealias StridedMatrix{T,A<:DenseArray,I<:(RangeIndex...)} Union(DenseArray{T,2}, SubArray{T,2,A,I})
typealias StridedVecOrMat{T} Union(StridedVector{T}, StridedMatrix{T})

## Basic functions ##
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127 changes: 97 additions & 30 deletions base/multidimensional.jl
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unsafe_getindex(v::Real, ind::Int) = v
unsafe_getindex(v::Range, ind::Int) = first(v) + (ind-1)*step(v)
unsafe_getindex(v::BitArray, ind::Int) = Base.unsafe_bitgetindex(v.chunks, ind)
unsafe_getindex(v::AbstractArray, ind::Int) = v[ind]
unsafe_getindex(v, ind::Real) = unsafe_getindex(v, to_index(ind))

unsafe_setindex!{T}(v::AbstractArray{T}, x::T, ind::Int) = (v[ind] = x; v)
unsafe_setindex!(v::BitArray, x::Bool, ind::Int) = (Base.unsafe_bitsetindex!(v.chunks, x, ind); v)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,42 +93,113 @@ end

### subarray.jl

# Here we want to skip creating the dict-based cached version,
# so use the ngenerate function
function gen_getindex_body(N::Int)
function gen_setindex_body(N::Int)
strd_1 = 1
@nexprs $N d->(@inbounds strd_{d+1} = strd_d*s.dims[d])
ind -= 1
indp = s.first_index
@nexprs $N d->begin
i = div(ind, strd_{$N-d+1})
@inbounds indp += i*s.strides[$N-d+1]
ind -= i*strd_{$N-d+1}
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $N d->(J_d = J[d])
Base.Cartesian.@ncall $N checkbounds V J
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $N d->(I_d = Base.to_index(J_d))
if !isa(x, AbstractArray)
Base.Cartesian.@nloops $N i d->(1:length(I_d)) d->(@inbounds j_d = Base.unsafe_getindex(I_d, i_d)) begin
@inbounds (Base.Cartesian.@nref $N V j) = x
X = x
Base.Cartesian.@ncall $N Base.setindex_shape_check X I
k = 1
Base.Cartesian.@nloops $N i d->(1:length(I_d)) d->(@inbounds j_d = Base.unsafe_getindex(I_d, i_d)) begin
@inbounds (Base.Cartesian.@nref $N V j) = X[k]
k += 1

eval(ngenerate(:N, nothing, :(getindex{T}(s::SubArray{T,N}, ind::Integer)), gen_getindex_body, 2:5, false))

## SubArray index merging
# A view created like V = A[2:3:8, 5:2:17] can later be indexed as V[2:7],
# creating a new 1d view.
# In such cases we have to collapse the 2d space spanned by the ranges.
# API:
# merge_indexes(indexes::NTuple, dims::Dims, linindex)
# where dims encodes the trailing dimensions of the parent array,
# indexes encodes the view's trailing indexes into the parent array,
# and linindex encodes the subset of these elements that we'll select.
# The generic algorithm makes use of div to convert elements
# of linindex into a cartesian index into indexes, looks up
# the corresponding cartesian index into the parent, and then uses
# dims to convert back to a linear index into the parent array.
# However, a common case is linindex::UnitRange.
# Since div is slow and in(j::Int, linindex::UnitRange) is fast,
# it can be much faster to generate all possibilities and
# then test whether the corresponding linear index is in linindex.
# One exception occurs when only a small subset of the total
# is desired, in which case we fall back to the div-based algorithm.
stagedfunction merge_indexes(indexes::NTuple, dims::Dims, linindex::UnitRange{Int})
N = length(indexes)
N > 0 || error("Cannot merge empty indexes")
n = length(linindex)
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $N d->(I_d = indexes[d])
L = 1
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $N d->(L *= length(I_d))
if n < 0.1L # this has not been carefully tuned
return merge_indexes_div(indexes, dims, linindex)
Pstride_1 = 1 # parent strides
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $(N-1) d->(Pstride_{d+1} = Pstride_d*dims[d])
Istride_1 = 1 # indexes strides
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $(N-1) d->(Istride_{d+1} = Istride_d*length(I_d))
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $N d->(counter_d = 1) # counter_0 is a linear index into indexes
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $N d->(offset_d = 1) # offset_0 is a linear index into parent
k = 0
index = Array(Int, n)
Base.Cartesian.@nloops $N i d->(1:length(I_d)) d->(offset_{d-1} = offset_d + (I_d[i_d]-1)*Pstride_d; counter_{d-1} = counter_d + (i_d-1)*Istride_d) begin
if in(counter_0, linindex)
index[k+=1] = offset_0
merge_indexes(indexes::NTuple, dims::Dims, linindex) = merge_indexes_div(indexes, dims, linindex)

function gen_setindex!_body(N::Int)
# This could be written as a regular function, but performance
# will be better using Cartesian macros to avoid the heap and
# an extra loop.
stagedfunction merge_indexes_div(indexes::NTuple, dims::Dims, linindex)
N = length(indexes)
N > 0 || error("Cannot merge empty indexes")
Istride_N = symbol("Istride_$N")
strd_1 = 1
@nexprs $N d->(@inbounds strd_{d+1} = strd_d*s.dims[d])
ind -= 1
indp = s.first_index
@nexprs $N d->begin
i = div(ind, strd_{$N-d+1})
@inbounds indp += i*s.strides[$N-d+1]
ind -= i*strd_{$N-d+1}
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $N d->(I_d = indexes[d])
Pstride_1 = 1 # parent strides
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $(N-1) d->(Pstride_{d+1} = Pstride_d*dims[d])
Istride_1 = 1 # indexes strides
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $(N-1) d->(Istride_{d+1} = Istride_d*length(I_d))
n = length(linindex)
L = $(Istride_N) * length(indexes[end])
index = Array(Int, n)
for i = 1:n
k = linindex[i] # k is the indexes-centered linear index
1 <= k <= L || throw(BoundsError())
k -= 1
j = 0 # j will be the new parent-centered linear index
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $N d->(d < $N ?
c, k = divrem(k, Istride_{$N-d+1})
j += (Base.unsafe_getindex(I_{$N-d+1}, c+1)-1)*Pstride_{$N-d+1}
end : begin
j += Base.unsafe_getindex(I_1, k+1)
index[i] = j
s.parent[indp] = v

eval(ngenerate(:N, nothing, :(setindex!{T}(s::SubArray{T,N}, v, ind::Integer)), gen_setindex!_body, 2:5, false))

cumsum(A::AbstractArray, axis::Integer=1) = cumsum!(similar(A, Base._cumsum_type(A)), A, axis)
cumprod(A::AbstractArray, axis::Integer=1) = cumprod!(similar(A), A, axis)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -493,7 +560,7 @@ for (V, PT, BT) in {((:N,), BitArray, BitArray), ((:T,:N), Array, StridedArray)}
offset = 1 - sum(@ntuple N d->strides_{d+1})

if isa(B, SubArray)
offset += B.first_index - 1
offset += first_index(B) - 1
B = B.parent

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