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JeffBezanson committed Sep 23, 2017
2 parents 1eb0827 + 19921aa commit d67a0b1
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Showing 65 changed files with 1,919 additions and 1,366 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -221,11 +221,20 @@ This section lists changes that do not have deprecation warnings.
consistent with its documentation. Previously it would return a `BitArray{0}` for scalar
`x` ([#20233]).

* The rules for mixed-signedness integer arithmetic (e.g. `Int32(1) + UInt64(1)`) have been
simplified: if the arguments have different sizes (in bits), then the type of the larger
argument is used. If the arguments have the same size, the unsigned type is used ([#9292]).

* All command line arguments passed via `-e`, `-E`, and `-L` will be executed in the order
given on the command line ([#23665]).

Library improvements

* The functions `strip`, `lstrip` and `rstrip` now return `SubString` ([#22496]).

* The functions `strwidth` and `charwidth` have been merged into `textwidth`([#20816]).

* The functions `base` and `digits` digits now accept a negative
base (like `ndigits` did) ([#21692]).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,6 +310,11 @@ Deprecated or removed
* The keyword `immutable` is fully deprecated to `struct`, and
`type` is fully deprecated to `mutable struct` ([#19157], [#20418]).

* Indexing into multidimensional arrays with more than one index but fewer indices than there are
dimensions is no longer permitted when those trailing dimensions have lengths greater than 1.
Instead, reshape the array or add trailing indices so the dimensionality and number of indices
match ([#14770], [#23628]).

* `writecsv(io, a; opts...)` has been deprecated in favor of
`writedlm(io, a, ','; opts...)` ([#23529]).

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/abstractarray.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ function checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, ::Tuple{}, I::Tuple)
checkindex(Bool, OneTo(1), I[1]) & checkbounds_indices(Bool, (), tail(I))
checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, ::Tuple, ::Tuple{}) = true
checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, IA::Tuple, ::Tuple{}) = (@_inline_meta; all(x->unsafe_length(x)==1, IA))
checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, ::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}) = true

throw_boundserror(A, I) = (@_noinline_meta; throw(BoundsError(A, I)))
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions base/abstractarraymath.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,18 +67,18 @@ julia> squeeze(a,3)
function squeeze(A::AbstractArray, dims::Dims)
for i in 1:length(dims)
1 <= dims[i] <= ndims(A) || throw(ArgumentError("squeezed dims must be in range 1:ndims(A)"))
size(A, dims[i]) == 1 || throw(ArgumentError("squeezed dims must all be size 1"))
length(indices(A, dims[i])) == 1 || throw(ArgumentError("squeezed dims must all be size 1"))
for j = 1:i-1
dims[j] == dims[i] && throw(ArgumentError("squeezed dims must be unique"))
d = ()
for i = 1:ndims(A)
if !in(i, dims)
d = tuple(d..., size(A, i))
d = tuple(d..., indices(A, i))
reshape(A, d::typeof(_sub(size(A), dims)))
reshape(A, d::typeof(_sub(indices(A), dims)))

squeeze(A::AbstractArray, dim::Integer) = squeeze(A, (Int(dim),))
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104 changes: 56 additions & 48 deletions base/client.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -250,74 +250,82 @@ function process_options(opts::JLOptions)
idxs = find(x -> x == "--", ARGS)
length(idxs) > 0 && deleteat!(ARGS, idxs[1])
repl = true
quiet = (opts.quiet != 0)
startup = (opts.startupfile != 2)
history_file = (opts.historyfile != 0)
color_set = (opts.color != 0)
global have_color = (opts.color == 1)
global is_interactive = (opts.isinteractive != 0)

# pre-process command line argument list
arg_is_program = !isempty(ARGS)
repl = !arg_is_program
cmds = unsafe_load_commands(opts.commands)
for (cmd, arg) in cmds
if cmd == 'e'
arg_is_program = false
repl = false
elseif cmd == 'E'
arg_is_program = false
repl = false
elseif cmd == 'L'
# nothing
warn("unexpected command -$cmd'$arg'")

# remove filename from ARGS
arg_is_program = opts.eval == C_NULL && opts.print == C_NULL && !isempty(ARGS)
global PROGRAM_FILE = arg_is_program ? shift!(ARGS) : ""

while true
# startup worker.
# opts.startupfile, opts.load, etc should should not be processed for workers.
if opts.worker == 1
# does not return
if opts.cookie != C_NULL
# startup worker.
# opts.startupfile, opts.load, etc should should not be processed for workers.
if opts.worker == 1
# does not return
if opts.cookie != C_NULL

# add processors
if opts.nprocs > 0
# load processes from machine file
if opts.machinefile != C_NULL
# add processors
if opts.nprocs > 0
# load processes from machine file
if opts.machinefile != C_NULL

# load ~/.juliarc file
startup && load_juliarc()
# load ~/.juliarc file
startup && load_juliarc()

# load file immediately on all processors
if opts.load != C_NULL
# process cmds list
for (cmd, arg) in cmds
if cmd == 'e'
eval(Main, parse_input_line(arg))
elseif cmd == 'E'
invokelatest(show, eval(Main, parse_input_line(arg)))
elseif cmd == 'L'
# load file immediately on all processors
@sync for p in procs()
@async remotecall_fetch(include, p, Main, unsafe_string(opts.load))
@async remotecall_wait(include, p, Main, arg)
# eval expression
if opts.eval != C_NULL
repl = false
eval(Main, parse_input_line(unsafe_string(opts.eval)))
# eval expression and show result
if opts.print != C_NULL
repl = false
show(eval(Main, parse_input_line(unsafe_string(opts.print))))
# load file
if !isempty(PROGRAM_FILE)
# program
repl = false
if !is_interactive
ccall(:jl_exit_on_sigint, Void, (Cint,), 1)
include(Main, PROGRAM_FILE)

# load file
if arg_is_program
# program
if !is_interactive
ccall(:jl_exit_on_sigint, Void, (Cint,), 1)
include(Main, PROGRAM_FILE)
repl |= is_interactive
return (quiet,repl,startup,color_set,history_file)
return (quiet, repl, startup, color_set, history_file)

function load_juliarc()
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28 changes: 27 additions & 1 deletion base/deprecated.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@ end

# PR #23187
@deprecate cpad(s, n::Integer, p=" ") rpad(lpad(s, div(n+strwidth(s), 2), p), n, p) false
@deprecate cpad(s, n::Integer, p=" ") rpad(lpad(s, div(n+textwidth(s), 2), p), n, p) false

# PR #22088
function hex2num(s::AbstractString)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1746,6 +1746,24 @@ function countnz(x)
return count(t -> t != 0, x)

# issue #14470
# TODO: More deprecations must be removed in src/cgutils.cpp:emit_array_nd_index()
# TODO: Re-enable the disabled tests marked PLI
# On the Julia side, this definition will gracefully supercede the new behavior (already coded)
@inline function checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, IA::Tuple{Any,Vararg{Any}}, ::Tuple{})
any(x->unsafe_length(x)==0, IA) && return false
any(x->unsafe_length(x)!=1, IA) && return _depwarn_for_trailing_indices(IA)
return true
function _depwarn_for_trailing_indices(n::Integer) # Called by the C boundscheck
depwarn("omitting indices for non-singleton trailing dimensions is deprecated. Add `1`s as trailing indices or use `reshape(A, Val($n))` to make the dimensionality of the array match the number of indices.", (:getindex, :setindex!, :view))
function _depwarn_for_trailing_indices(t::Tuple)
depwarn("omitting indices for non-singleton trailing dimensions is deprecated. Add `$(join(map(first, t),','))` as trailing indices or use `reshape` to make the dimensionality of the array match the number of indices.", (:getindex, :setindex!, :view))

# issue #22791
@deprecate select partialsort
@deprecate select! partialsort!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1804,6 +1822,10 @@ import .Iterators.enumerate
return p

# ease transition for return type change of e.g. indmax due to PR #22907 when used in the
# common pattern `ind2sub(size(a), indmax(a))`
@deprecate(ind2sub(dims::NTuple{N,Integer}, idx::CartesianIndex{N}) where N, Tuple(idx))

@deprecate contains(eq::Function, itr, x) any(y->eq(y,x), itr)

# PR #23690
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1863,6 +1885,10 @@ end
# also remove deprecation warnings in find* functions in array.jl, sparse/sparsematrix.jl,
# and sparse/sparsevector.jl.

# issue #20816
@deprecate strwidth textwidth
@deprecate charwidth textwidth

# END 0.7 deprecations

# BEGIN 1.0 deprecations
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions base/dict.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

function _truncate_at_width_or_chars(str, width, chars="", truncmark="")
truncwidth = strwidth(truncmark)
truncwidth = textwidth(truncmark)
(width <= 0 || width < truncwidth) && return ""

wid = truncidx = lastidx = 0
idx = start(str)
while !done(str, idx)
lastidx = idx
c, idx = next(str, idx)
wid += charwidth(c)
wid += textwidth(c)
wid >= width - truncwidth && truncidx == 0 && (truncidx = lastidx)
(wid >= width || c in chars) && break
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion base/distributed/Distributed.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ import Base: getindex, wait, put!, take!, fetch, isready, push!, length,
using Base: Process, Semaphore, JLOptions, AnyDict, buffer_writes, wait_connected,
VERSION_STRING, sync_begin, sync_add, sync_end, async_run_thunk,
binding_module, notify_error, atexit, julia_exename, julia_cmd,
AsyncGenerator, display_error, acquire, release, invokelatest
AsyncGenerator, display_error, acquire, release, invokelatest, warn_once,
shell_escape, uv_error

# NOTE: clusterserialize.jl imports additional symbols from Base.Serializer for use

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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions base/distributed/managers.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -188,15 +188,15 @@ function launch_on_machine(manager::SSHManager, machine, cnt, params, launched,
cmd = `cd $dir '&&' $tval $exename $exeflags`

# shell login (-l) with string command (-c) to launch julia process
cmd = `sh -l -c $(Base.shell_escape(cmd))`
cmd = `sh -l -c $(shell_escape(cmd))`

# remote launch with ssh with given ssh flags / host / port information
# -T → disable pseudo-terminal allocation
# -a → disable forwarding of auth agent connection
# -x → disable X11 forwarding
# -o ClearAllForwardings → option if forwarding connections and
# forwarded connections are causing collisions
cmd = `ssh -T -a -x -o ClearAllForwardings=yes $sshflags $host $(Base.shell_escape(cmd))`
cmd = `ssh -T -a -x -o ClearAllForwardings=yes $sshflags $host $(shell_escape(cmd))`

# launch the remote Julia process

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ connection to worker with id `pid`, specified by `config` and return a pair of `
objects. Messages from `pid` to current process will be read off `instrm`, while messages to
be sent to `pid` will be written to `outstrm`. The custom transport implementation must
ensure that messages are delivered and received completely and in order.
`Base.connect(manager::ClusterManager.....)` sets up TCP/IP socket connections in-between
`connect(manager::ClusterManager.....)` sets up TCP/IP socket connections in-between
function connect(manager::ClusterManager, pid::Int, config::WorkerConfig)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ end
function bind_client_port(s)
err = ccall(:jl_tcp_bind, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, UInt16, UInt32, Cuint),
s.handle, hton(client_port[]), hton(UInt32(0)), 0)
Base.uv_error("bind() failed", err)
uv_error("bind() failed", err)

_addr, port = getsockname(s)
client_port[] = port
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ end
Implemented by cluster managers.
It is called on the master process, by [`rmprocs`](@ref).
It should cause the remote worker specified by `pid` to exit.
`Base.kill(manager::ClusterManager.....)` executes a remote `exit()`
`kill(manager::ClusterManager.....)` executes a remote `exit()`
on `pid`.
function kill(manager::ClusterManager, pid::Int, config::WorkerConfig)
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions base/exports.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -730,7 +730,6 @@ export
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -800,8 +799,8 @@ export
Expand Down
33 changes: 15 additions & 18 deletions base/int.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -602,24 +602,21 @@ end

## integer promotions ##

promote_rule(::Type{Int8}, ::Type{Int16}) = Int16
promote_rule(::Type{UInt8}, ::Type{UInt16}) = UInt16
promote_rule(::Type{Int32}, ::Type{<:Union{Int8,Int16}}) = Int32
promote_rule(::Type{UInt32}, ::Type{<:Union{UInt8,UInt16}}) = UInt32
promote_rule(::Type{Int64}, ::Type{<:Union{Int8,Int16,Int32}}) = Int64
promote_rule(::Type{UInt64}, ::Type{<:Union{UInt8,UInt16,UInt32}}) = UInt64
promote_rule(::Type{Int128}, ::Type{<:BitSigned64}) = Int128
promote_rule(::Type{UInt128}, ::Type{<:BitUnsigned64}) = UInt128
for T in BitSigned_types
@eval promote_rule(::Type{<:Union{UInt8,UInt16}}, ::Type{$T}) =
$(sizeof(T) < sizeof(Int) ? Int : T)
@eval promote_rule(::Type{UInt32}, ::Type{<:Union{Int8,Int16,Int32}}) =
$(Core.sizeof(Int) == 8 ? Int : UInt)
promote_rule(::Type{UInt32}, ::Type{Int64}) = Int64
promote_rule(::Type{UInt64}, ::Type{<:BitSigned64}) = UInt64
promote_rule(::Type{<:Union{UInt32, UInt64}}, ::Type{Int128}) = Int128
promote_rule(::Type{UInt128}, ::Type{<:BitSigned}) = UInt128
# with different sizes, promote to larger type
promote_rule(::Type{Int16}, ::Union{Type{Int8}, Type{UInt8}}) = Int16
promote_rule(::Type{Int32}, ::Union{Type{Int16}, Type{Int8}, Type{UInt16}, Type{UInt8}}) = Int32
promote_rule(::Type{Int64}, ::Union{Type{Int16}, Type{Int32}, Type{Int8}, Type{UInt16}, Type{UInt32}, Type{UInt8}}) = Int64
promote_rule(::Type{Int128}, ::Union{Type{Int16}, Type{Int32}, Type{Int64}, Type{Int8}, Type{UInt16}, Type{UInt32}, Type{UInt64}, Type{UInt8}}) = Int128
promote_rule(::Type{UInt16}, ::Union{Type{Int8}, Type{UInt8}}) = UInt16
promote_rule(::Type{UInt32}, ::Union{Type{Int16}, Type{Int8}, Type{UInt16}, Type{UInt8}}) = UInt32
promote_rule(::Type{UInt64}, ::Union{Type{Int16}, Type{Int32}, Type{Int8}, Type{UInt16}, Type{UInt32}, Type{UInt8}}) = UInt64
promote_rule(::Type{UInt128}, ::Union{Type{Int16}, Type{Int32}, Type{Int64}, Type{Int8}, Type{UInt16}, Type{UInt32}, Type{UInt64}, Type{UInt8}}) = UInt128
# with mixed signedness and same size, Unsigned wins
promote_rule(::Type{UInt8}, ::Type{Int8} ) = UInt8
promote_rule(::Type{UInt16}, ::Type{Int16} ) = UInt16
promote_rule(::Type{UInt32}, ::Type{Int32} ) = UInt32
promote_rule(::Type{UInt64}, ::Type{Int64} ) = UInt64
promote_rule(::Type{UInt128}, ::Type{Int128}) = UInt128

_default_type(::Type{Unsigned}) = UInt
_default_type(::Union{Type{Integer},Type{Signed}}) = Int
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