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blegat committed Jun 1, 2018
2 parents 9be00a2 + 44744ca commit d9bd49e
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Showing 11 changed files with 175 additions and 146 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions REQUIRE
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
julia 0.6
MultivariatePolynomials 0.1.0
MultivariateMoments 0.0.1
SemialgebraicSets 0.0.1
JuMP 0.17.1
98 changes: 34 additions & 64 deletions src/PolyJuMP.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,95 +3,65 @@ __precompile__()
module PolyJuMP

using MultivariatePolynomials
using MultivariateMoments
using SemialgebraicSets
using JuMP
export getslack, setpolymodule!

# Polynomial Constraint

export ZeroPoly, NonNegPoly
export ZeroPoly, NonNegPoly, NonNegPolyMatrix
abstract type PolynomialSet end
struct ZeroPoly <: PolynomialSet end
struct NonNegPoly <: PolynomialSet end
struct NonNegPolyMatrix <: PolynomialSet end

struct ZeroPoly end
struct NonNegPoly end

mutable struct PolyConstraint <: JuMP.AbstractConstraint
p # typically either be a polynomial or a Matrix of polynomials
function PolyConstraint(p, s)
new(p, s, Any[], nothing, FullSpace(), nothing)
function setpolymodule!(c::PolyConstraint, pm::Module)
c.polymodule = pm
struct PolyConstraint{PT, ST<:PolynomialSet} <: JuMP.AbstractConstraint
p::PT # typically either be a polynomial or a Matrix of polynomials
getpolymodule(c::PolyConstraint) = get(c.polymodule)

const PolyConstraintRef = ConstraintRef{Model, PolyConstraint}

function JuMP.addconstraint(m::Model, c::PolyConstraint; domain::AbstractSemialgebraicSet=FullSpace(), kwargs...)
setpolymodule!(c, getpolymodule(m))
c.domain = domain
c.kwargs = kwargs
polyconstr = getpolyconstr(m)
push!(polyconstr, c)
# Responsible for getting slack and dual values
abstract type ConstraintDelegate end

function JuMP.addconstraint(m::Model, pc::PolyConstraint; domain::AbstractSemialgebraicSet=FullSpace(), kwargs...)
delegates = getdelegates(m)
delegate = addpolyconstraint!(m, pc.p, pc.set, domain; kwargs...)
push!(delegates, delegate)
m.internalModelLoaded = false
PolyConstraintRef(m, length(polyconstr))
PolyConstraintRef(m, length(delegates))

function getdelegate(c::PolyConstraintRef, s::Symbol)
delegate = getpolyconstr(c.m)[c.idx].delegate
if isnull(delegate)
error("$(string(s)) value not defined for constraint with index $c. Check that the model was properly solved.")

function getslack(c::PolyConstraintRef)
getslack(getdelegate(c, :Slack))
function JuMP.getdual(c::PolyConstraintRef)
getdual(getdelegate(c, :Dual))
getdelegate(c::PolyConstraintRef) = getdelegates(c.m)[c.idx]
getslack(c::PolyConstraintRef) = getslack(getdelegate(c))
JuMP.getdual(c::PolyConstraintRef) = getdual(getdelegate(c))

# PolyJuMP Data

type PolyData
function PolyData()
new(PolyConstraint[], nothing)
type Data
# Delegates for polynomial constraints created
# Default set for Poly{true}
# Default set for NonNegPoly
# Default set for NonNegPolyMatrix
function Data()
new(ConstraintDelegate[], nothing, nothing, nothing)

function getpolydata(m::JuMP.Model)
if !haskey(m.ext, :Poly)
m.solvehook = solvehook
m.ext[:Poly] = PolyData()
m.ext[:Poly] = Data()

function getpolyconstr(m::JuMP.Model)

setpolymodule!(m::JuMP.Model, pm::Module) = setpolymodule!(getpolydata(m), pm)
setpolymodule!(data::PolyData, pm::Module) = data.polymodule = pm

getpolymodule(m::JuMP.Model) = getpolymodule(getpolydata(m))
function getpolymodule(data::PolyData)
if isnull(data.polymodule)
return PolyJuMP
getdelegates(m::JuMP.Model) = getpolydata(m).delegates


end # module
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions src/default.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
setdefault!(m::JuMP.Model, S::Type, T::Type) = setdefault!(getpolydata(m), S, T)
setdefault!(data::Data, ::Type{Poly{true}}, S::Type) = data.nonnegpolyvardefault = S
setdefault!(data::Data, ::Type{NonNegPoly}, S::Type) = data.nonnegpolydefault = S
setdefault!(data::Data, ::Type{NonNegPolyMatrix}, S::Type) = data.nonnegpolymatrixdefault = S

getdefault(m::JuMP.Model, s) = getdefault(getpolydata(m), s)

# includes Poly{false} but also custom types defined by other modules
getdefault(data::Data, p) = p
getdefault(data::Data, p::Poly{true, MS}) where MS = getdefault(data, Poly{true}){MS}(p.x)
getdefault(data::Data, ::Type{Poly{true}}) = get_default(data.nonnegpolyvardefault)

# includes Poly{false} but also custom types defined by other modules
getdefault(data::Data, s::Union{NonNegPoly, NonNegPolyMatrix}) = getdefault(data, typeof(s))()
getdefault(data::Data, ::Type{NonNegPoly}) = get_default(data.nonnegpolydefault)
getdefault(data::Data, ::Type{NonNegPolyMatrix}) = get_default(data.nonnegpolymatrixdefault)

setpolymodule!(m::JuMP.Model, pm::Module) = setpolymodule!(getpolydata(m), pm)
setpolymodule!(data::Data, pm::Module) = pm.setdefaults!(data)

function get_default(d::Nullable)
if isnull(d)
error("PolyJuMP is just a JuMP extension for modelling Polynomial Optimization: it does not implement any reformulation. To use automatic sums of squares (SOS) reformulations, install the SumOfSquares Julia package and try \`using SumOfSquares\` and \`setpolymodule!(SumOfSquares)\` or use \`SOSModel\` instead of \`Model\`.")
39 changes: 25 additions & 14 deletions src/default_methods.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
polytype(m::JuMP.Model, p::Poly) = getpolymodule(m).polytype(m, p, p.x)
polytype(m::JuMP.Model, p, X::AbstractVector) = getpolymodule(m).polytype(m, p, monovec(X))

# Free polynomial

JuMP.variabletype(m::JuMP.Model, p::Poly{false}) = polytype(m, p, p.x)
polytype(m::JuMP.Model, ::Poly{false}, x::AbstractVector{MT}) where MT<:AbstractMonomial = MultivariatePolynomials.polynomialtype(MT, JuMP.Variable)

# x should be sorted and without duplicates
Expand All @@ -14,27 +11,41 @@ function createpoly(m::JuMP.Model, p::Poly{false, :Gram}, category::Symbol)
_createpoly(m, p, monomials(sum(p.x)^2), category)

function createpoly(m::JuMP.Model, p::Union{Poly{false, :Default,Array{T}}, Poly{false, :Classic,Array{T}}}, category::Symbol) where T <: MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractMonomial
_createpoly(m, p, monovec(p.x), category)
function createpoly(m::JuMP.Model, p::Union{Poly{false, :Default}, Poly{false, :Classic}}, category::Symbol)
_createpoly(m, p, p.x, category)

function createpoly(m::JuMP.Model, p::Union{PolyJuMP.Poly{false, :Default}, PolyJuMP.Poly{false, :Classic}}, category::Symbol)
MultivariatePolynomials.polynomial([JuMP.Variable(m, -Inf, Inf, category)*p.x[i] for i in 1:length(p.x)])
# NonNegPoly and NonNegPolyMatrix
addpolyconstraint!(m::JuMP.Model, p, s::Union{NonNegPoly, NonNegPolyMatrix}, domain; kwargs...) = addpolyconstraint!(m, p, getdefault(m, s), domain; kwargs...)

# ZeroPoly
struct ZeroConstraint{MT <: AbstractMonomial, MVT <: AbstractVector{MT}, JC <: JuMP.AbstractConstraint} <: ConstraintDelegate
zero_constraints::Vector{JuMP.ConstraintRef{JuMP.Model, JC}} # These are typically affine or quadratic equality constraints
function ZeroConstraint(zero_constraints::Vector{JuMP.ConstraintRef{JuMP.Model, JC}}, x::MVT) where {MT <: AbstractMonomial, MVT <: AbstractVector{MT}, JC <: JuMP.AbstractConstraint}
ZeroConstraint{MT, MVT, JC}(zero_constraints, x)

JuMP.getdual(c::ZeroConstraint) = MultivariateMoments.measure(getdual.(c.zero_constraints), c.x)

function addpolyconstraint!(m::JuMP.Model, p, s::ZeroPoly, domain::FullSpace)
constraints = JuMP.constructconstraint!.(coefficients(p), :(==))
JuMP.addVectorizedConstraint(m, constraints)
zero_constraints = JuMP.addVectorizedConstraint(m, constraints)
ZeroConstraint(zero_constraints, monomials(p))

function addpolyconstraint!(m::JuMP.Model, p, s::ZeroPoly, domain::AbstractAlgebraicSet)
addpolyconstraint!(m, rem(p, ideal(domain)), s, FullSpace())

function addpolyconstraint!(m::JuMP.Model, p, s::ZeroPoly, domain::BasicSemialgebraicSet)
addpolyconstraint!(m, p, NonNegPoly(), domain)
addpolyconstraint!(m, -p, NonNegPoly(), domain)
struct ZeroConstraintWithDomain{DT<:ConstraintDelegate} <: ConstraintDelegate

addpolyconstraint!(m::JuMP.Model, args...) = error("PolyJuMP is just a JuMP extension for modelling Polynomial Optimization: it does not implement any reformulation. To use automatic sums of squares (SOS) reformulations, install the SumOfSquares Julia package and try \`using SumOfSquares\` and \`setpolymodule!(SumOfSquares)\` or use \`SOSModel\` instead of \`Model\`.")
function addpolyconstraint!(m::JuMP.Model, p, s::ZeroPoly, domain::BasicSemialgebraicSet)
lower = addpolyconstraint!(m, p, NonNegPoly(), domain)
upper = addpolyconstraint!(m, -p, NonNegPoly(), domain)
ZeroConstraintWithDomain(lower, upper)
32 changes: 14 additions & 18 deletions src/macros.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
using JuMP
import JuMP: validmodel, addtoexpr_reorder
using Base.Meta

export Poly, @set
export Poly

function JuMP.getvalue(t::AbstractTerm{<:JuMP.AbstractJuMPScalar})
getvalue(coefficient(t)) * monomial(t)
Expand All @@ -14,20 +10,20 @@ end
abstract type AbstractPoly end

# x is a vector of monomials to be used to construct a polynomial variable
# if MT is Gram, x represents the monomials of the form x^T Q x
# if MT is Classic, it represents the monomials of the form a^T x
# if MT is Default, it depends on whether the polynomials is constructed as nonnegative or not:
# if MS is Gram, x represents the monomials of the form x^T Q x
# if MS is Classic, it represents the monomials of the form a^T x
# if MS is Default, it depends on whether the polynomials is constructed as nonnegative or not:
# For a nonnegative polynomial, it corresponds to Gram, otherwise it corresponds to Classic.
struct Poly{P, MT, MV} <: AbstractPoly
struct Poly{P, MS, MT<:MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractMonomial, MV<:AbstractVector{MT}} <: AbstractPoly
Poly{P, MT}(x::MV) where {P, MT, MV} = Poly{P, MT, MV}(x)
Poly{P, MS}(x::AbstractVector{MT}) where {P, MS, MT<:MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractMonomial} = Poly{P, MS, MT, typeof(x)}(x)
Poly{P, MS}(x) where {P, MS} = Poly{P, MS}(monovec(x))
Poly{P}(x) where P = Poly{P, :Default}(x)
Poly(x) = Poly{false}(x)

function JuMP.variabletype(m::Model, p::AbstractPoly)
getpolymodule(m).polytype(m, p)
JuMP.variabletype(m::JuMP.Model, p::Poly{true}) = JuMP.variabletype(m, getdefault(m, p))

function cvarchecks(_error::Function, lowerbound::Number, upperbound::Number, start::Number; extra_kwargs...)
for (kwarg, _) in extra_kwargs
_error("Unrecognized keyword argument $kwarg")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,17 +54,17 @@ end
function JuMP.constructvariable!(m::Model, p::AbstractPoly, _error::Function, lowerbound::Number, upperbound::Number, category::Symbol, basename::AbstractString, start::Number; extra_kwargs...)
cvarchecks(_error, lowerbound, upperbound, start; extra_kwargs...)
_warnbounds(_error, p, lowerbound, upperbound)
getpolymodule(m).createpoly(m, p, category == :Default ? :Cont : category)
createpoly(m, getdefault(m, p), category == :Default ? :Cont : category)

function JuMP.constructconstraint!(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, sense::Symbol)
PolyConstraint(sense == :(<=) ? -p : p, sense == :(==) ? ZeroPoly() : NonNegPoly())
JuMP.constructconstraint!(sense == :(<=) ? -p : p, sense == :(==) ? ZeroPoly() : NonNegPoly())

function JuMP.constructconstraint!{PolyT<:AbstractPolynomialLike}(p::Union{PolyT, AbstractMatrix{PolyT}}, s)
function JuMP.constructconstraint!(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractMatrix{<:AbstractPolynomialLike}}, s)
PolyConstraint(p, s)
# there is already a method for AbstractMatrix in PSDCone in JuMP so we need a more specific here to avoid ambiguity
function JuMP.constructconstraint!{PolyT<:AbstractPolynomialLike}(p::AbstractMatrix{PolyT}, s::PSDCone)
PolyConstraint(p, s)
function JuMP.constructconstraint!(p::AbstractMatrix{<:AbstractPolynomialLike}, s::PSDCone)
PolyConstraint(p, NonNegPolyMatrix())
10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions src/module.jl

This file was deleted.

8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions src/solve.jl

This file was deleted.

27 changes: 17 additions & 10 deletions test/constraint.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,9 +24,18 @@ _iszero(m, p::AbstractArray) = all(q -> _iszero(m, q), p)
#@test macroexpand(:(@constraint(m, p >= 0, domain = (@set x >= -1 && x <= 1, domain = y >= -1 && y <= 1)))).head == :error
@test macroexpand(:(@constraint(m, p + 0, domain = (@set x >= -1 && x <= 1)))).head == :error

function testcon(m, cref, set::ZeroPoly, p, ineqs, eqs, kwargs=[])
@test isa(cref, ConstraintRef{Model, PolyJuMP.PolyConstraint})
c = PolyJuMP.getdelegate(cref)
if isempty(ineqs)
@test c isa PolyJuMP.ZeroConstraint
@test c isa PolyJuMP.ZeroConstraintWithDomain
function testcon(m, cref, set, p, ineqs, eqs, kwargs=[])
@test isa(cref, ConstraintRef{Model, PolyJuMP.PolyConstraint})
c = PolyJuMP.getpolyconstr(m)[cref.idx]
c = PolyJuMP.getdelegate(cref)
@test c.set == set
@test c.kwargs == kwargs
# == between JuMP affine expression is not accurate, e.g. β + α != α + β
Expand All @@ -49,15 +58,13 @@ _iszero(m, p::AbstractArray) = all(q -> _iszero(m, q), p)

f(x, y) = @set x + y == 2
dom = @set x^2 + y^2 == 1 && x^3 + x*y^2 + y >= 1
testcon(m, @constraint(m, p >= q + 1, domain = @set y >= 1 && dom), NonNegPoly(), p - q - 1, [y-1, x^3 + x*y^2 + y - 1], [x^2 + y^2 - 1])
testcon(m, @constraint(m, p <= q), NonNegPoly(), q - p, [], [])
testcon(m, @constraint(m, q - p in NonNegPoly()), NonNegPoly(), q - p, [], [])
testcon(m, @constraint(m, p + q >= 0, domain = @set x == y^3), NonNegPoly(), p + q, [], [x - y^3])
testcon(m, @constraint(m, p >= q + 1, domain = @set y >= 1 && dom), TestPolyModule.TestNonNegConstraint(), p - q - 1, [y-1, x^3 + x*y^2 + y - 1], [x^2 + y^2 - 1])
testcon(m, @constraint(m, p <= q), TestPolyModule.TestNonNegConstraint(), q - p, [], [])
testcon(m, @constraint(m, q - p in NonNegPoly()), TestPolyModule.TestNonNegConstraint(), q - p, [], [])
testcon(m, @constraint(m, p + q >= 0, domain = @set x == y^3), TestPolyModule.TestNonNegConstraint(), p + q, [], [x - y^3])
testcon(m, @constraint(m, p == q, domain = @set x == 1 && f(x, y)), ZeroPoly(), p - q, [], [x - 1, x + y - 2])
testcon(m, @constraint(m, p == q, domain = dom), ZeroPoly(), p - q, [x^3 + x*y^2 + y - 1], [x^2 + y^2 - 1])
testcon(m, @constraint(m, p - q in ZeroPoly(), domain = @set x == 1 && f(x, y)), ZeroPoly(), p - q, [], [x - 1, x + y - 2])
testcon(m, @SDconstraint(m, [p q; q 0] [0 0; 0 p]), PSDCone(), [p q; q -p], [], [])
testcon(m, @constraint(m, p <= q, maxdegree=1), NonNegPoly(), q - p, [], [], [(:maxdegree, 1)])

cref = @constraint(m, p >= 0)
@test_throws ErrorException PolyJuMP.getdelegate(cref, :Test)
testcon(m, @SDconstraint(m, [p q; q 0] [0 0; 0 p]), TestPolyModule.TestNonNegMatrixConstraint(), [p q; q -p], [], [])
testcon(m, @constraint(m, p <= q, maxdegree=1), TestPolyModule.TestNonNegConstraint(), q - p, [], [], [(:maxdegree, 1)])
14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions test/polymodule.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
@testset "PolyModule" begin
m = Model()
# Triggers the creation of polydata
@test isnull(PolyJuMP.getpolydata(m).polymodule)
@test PolyJuMP.getpolymodule(m) == PolyJuMP
@test isnull(PolyJuMP.getpolydata(m).nonnegpolyvardefault)
@test_throws ErrorException PolyJuMP.getdefault(m, Poly{true})
@test isnull(PolyJuMP.getpolydata(m).nonnegpolydefault)
@test_throws ErrorException PolyJuMP.getdefault(m, NonNegPoly)
@test isnull(PolyJuMP.getpolydata(m).nonnegpolymatrixdefault)
@test_throws ErrorException PolyJuMP.getdefault(m, NonNegPolyMatrix)
setpolymodule!(m, TestPolyModule)
@test PolyJuMP.getpolymodule(m) == TestPolyModule
@test PolyJuMP.getdefault(m, Poly{true}) == TestPolyModule.TestPoly
@test PolyJuMP.getdefault(m, NonNegPoly) == TestPolyModule.TestNonNegConstraint
@test PolyJuMP.getdefault(m, NonNegPolyMatrix) == TestPolyModule.TestNonNegMatrixConstraint
PolyJuMP.setdefault!(m, NonNegPolyMatrix, TestPolyModule.TestNonNegConstraint)
@test PolyJuMP.getdefault(m, NonNegPolyMatrix) == TestPolyModule.TestNonNegConstraint

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