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Multiple experiments capability
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During distribution fit to elite particles, the matrix of particles with
each column being a different particle would not be positive definite
and hence cholesky would fail. A try catch has been implemented for
this. However, I saw that this cholesky problem disappered as soon as I
added some noise to the tranisition function i.e. f.

Added capability to run multiple experiments and then take the average
rmse from all those runs
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Raunak Bhattacharyya committed Jun 19, 2019
1 parent 0e7af82 commit 73e4ff9
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Showing 2 changed files with 68 additions and 38 deletions.
88 changes: 58 additions & 30 deletions src/fixedvel_aircraft.jl
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,16 @@ using Plots
using Reel
using Statistics

function runexp()
function kalman_filter(mu,sigma,u,z,A,B,C,R,Q)
mu_bar = A*mu + B*u
sigma_bar = A*sigma*A' + R
K = sigma_bar*C'*(inv(C*sigma_bar*C'+Q))
mu_new = mu_bar+K*(z-C*mu_bar)
sigma_new = (I-K*C)*sigma_bar
return mu_new,sigma_new

function runexp(num_particles)
rng = Random.GLOBAL_RNG

dt = 0.1 # time step
Expand All @@ -22,18 +31,17 @@ function runexp()
0.0 0.0;
0.0 0.0;
0.0 0.0]
W = Matrix(0.001*Diagonal{Float64}(I, 4)) # Process noise covariance
V = Matrix(5.0*Diagonal{Float64}(I, 2)) # Measurement noise covariance

W = Matrix(0.0*Diagonal{Float64}(I, 4)) # No noise i.e. stochastic
V = Matrix(Diagonal{Float64}(I, 2)) # Measurement noise covariance

f(x, u, rng) = A*x
f(x, u, rng) = A*x + rand(rng, MvNormal(W))

h(x, rng) = rand(rng, MvNormal(x[1:2], V)) #Generates an observation
g(x0, u, x, y) = pdf(MvNormal(x[1:2], V), y) #Creates likelihood

model = ParticleFilterModel{Vector{Float64}}(f, g)

N = 1000
N = num_particles

filter_sir = SIRParticleFilter(model, N) # Vanilla particle filter
filter_cem = CEMParticleFilter(model, N) # CEM filter
Expand All @@ -44,31 +52,27 @@ function runexp()

plots = []

num_iter = 10
num_iter = 100
rmse = zeros(num_iter,2)
rmse_elites = zeros(num_iter,2)

for i in 1:num_iter #RpB: was 100 before
@show i
#@show i
m = mean(b) # b is an array of particles. Each element in b is a 4 element tuple

#@show m
u = [-m[1], -m[2]] # Control law - try to orbit the origin
@show x
u = [-m[1], -m[2]] # Control law - try to orbit the origin
x = f(x, u, rng)
@show x
y = h(x, rng)
@show y
b = update(filter_sir, b, u, y)
@show "sir update done"
#display("SIR update done")

b_cem = update(filter_cem,b,u,y)
@show "cem update done"
plt = scatter([p[1] for p in particles(b)], [p[2] for p in particles(b)], color=:black, markersize=2.0, label="",markershape=:diamond)
scatter!(plt, [x[1]], [x[2]], color=:blue, xlim=(-5,5), ylim=(-5,5), label="")
#@show "cem update done"
plt = scatter([p[1] for p in particles(b)], [p[2] for p in particles(b)], color=:black, markersize=2.0, label="sir",markershape=:diamond)
scatter!(plt, [x[1]], [x[2]], color=:blue, xlim=(-5,15), ylim=(-5,15),
label = "true")

# RpB: Testing adding another group of particles
scatter!([p[1] for p in particles(b_cem)], [p[2] for p in particles(b_cem)], color=:red, markersize=2.0, label="",markershape=:cross)
scatter!([p[1] for p in particles(b_cem)], [p[2] for p in particles(b_cem)], color=:red, markersize=2.0, label="cem",markershape=:cross)
push!(plots, plt)

Expand All @@ -88,9 +92,9 @@ function runexp()

return plots
return plots,rmse

end # End of the runexp function

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,20 +130,44 @@ function calc_rmse_elites(b::ParticleCollection,x)
return calc_rmse(ParticleCollection(elite_particles),x)

function write_particles_gif(plots)
function write_particles_gif(plots,filename)
@show "Making gif"
frames = Frames(MIME("image/png"), fps=10)
for plt in plots
push!(frames, plt)
write("output.mp4", frames)
write(filename, frames)
return nothing
end # End of the reel gif writing function

@show "Start experiement: noisy aircraft"
plots = runexp()

@show length(plots)
# Run the filtering multiple times and average the results from all the experiments
# Third dimension of the `data` data structure denotes experiment number
# Each exp returns a table with timeslices in rows and rmse_sir and rmse_cem
# in columns. Each new table is stacked on top of table from previous experiment
function run_many_exps(;num_exp,num_particles)
display("Running $(num_exp) experiments with $(num_particles) particles")
data = zeros(100,2,num_exp)
for i in 1:num_exp
if i%20 == 0.
@show i
plt,data[:,:,i] = runexp(num_particles)
rmse_avg = mean(data,dims=3)[:,:,1] #Extract 100x2 array from 100x2x1 array
return nothing

makegif = true
if makegif write_particles_gif(plots) end
run1exp = false
if run1exp
# Single experiment and make associated video
display("Running a single experiment and making associated video")
plots, rmse = runexp(1000)
@show length(plots) # Should be equal to the number of iterations of the particle filter
makegif = true
if makegif write_particles_gif(plots,"100particles_HighMeasCov.mp4") end
# Mulitple experiments to make average rmse plot
run_many_exps(num_exp = 100, num_particles = 100)
18 changes: 10 additions & 8 deletions src/resamplers.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,12 +108,14 @@ function resample(re::CEMResampler, b::AbstractParticleBelief{S}, rng::AbstractR
best_particles = b.particles[sortedidx[1:numtop]]
temp = hcat(best_particles...)'
best_particles = temp'
p_distb = fit(MvNormal,best_particles)
#@show p_distb
new_p_mat = rand(p_distb,re.n)
new_p_array = slicematrix(new_p_mat')
#@show typeof(new_p_array)
#@show size(new_p_array)
#@show new_p_array
return ParticleCollection(new_p_array)

p_distb = fit(MvNormal,best_particles)
new_p_mat = rand(p_distb,re.n)
new_p_array = slicematrix(new_p_mat')
return ParticleCollection(new_p_array)
display("posdef exception was thrown")
return ParticleCollection(b.particles)

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