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Add Levine-Fligner-Killen tests for Equality of Variances (#204)
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wildart committed Sep 3, 2020
1 parent b4e2775 commit aef116c
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Showing 7 changed files with 419 additions and 1 deletion.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,3 +72,9 @@ ApproximateSignedRankTest

## Fligner-Killeen test

24 changes: 23 additions & 1 deletion docs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# Parametric tests

```@setup ht
using HypothesisTests

## Power divergence test
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,4 +36,22 @@ UnequalVarianceZTest
## F-test

## One-way ANOVA Test


## Levene's Test


## Brown-Forsythe Test

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/HypothesisTests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -192,5 +192,6 @@ include("f.jl")

210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions src/var_equality.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
# Tests for Equality of Variances

export OneWayANOVATest, LeveneTest, BrownForsytheTest, FlignerKilleenTest

struct VarianceEqualityTest{TD <: ContinuousUnivariateDistribution} <: HypothesisTest
# test name, parameter of interest, test statistic name
description::Tuple{String, String, String}

population_param_of_interest(t::VarianceEqualityTest) =
(t.description[2], "all equal", NaN)
testname(t::VarianceEqualityTest) = t.description[1]
teststatisticname(t::VarianceEqualityTest{TD}) where {TD <: ContinuousDistribution} =
length(t.description[3]) != 0 ? t.description[3] : (TD <: FDist ? "F" : "χ²")

StatsBase.nobs(t::VarianceEqualityTest) = t.Nᵢ
StatsBase.dof(t::VarianceEqualityTest{Chisq}) = t.DFt
StatsBase.dof(t::VarianceEqualityTest{FDist}) = (t.DFt, t.DFe)

teststatistic(t::VarianceEqualityTest{FDist}) = (t.DFe/t.DFt)*sum(t.SStᵢ)/sum(t.SSeᵢ)
function teststatistic(t::VarianceEqualityTest{Chisq})
y = sum(t.SStᵢ)/sum(t.SSeᵢ)
y*(t.DFe+t.DFt)/(1 + y) # sum(t.SStᵢ)/t.s²
pvalue(t::VarianceEqualityTest{TD}; tail=:right) where {TD <: ContinuousDistribution} =
pvalue(TD(dof(t)...), teststatistic(t), tail=tail)

function show_params(io::IO, t::VarianceEqualityTest{TD},
indent="") where {TD <: ContinuousDistribution}
println(io, indent, "number of observations: ", nobs(t))
println(io, indent, rpad("$(teststatisticname(t)) statistic:", 24), teststatistic(t))
println(io, indent, "degrees of freedom: ", dof(t))

function, t::VarianceEqualityTest)
if !get(io, :table, false) # No table
show(, t)
println(io, testname(t))
println(io, repeat("-", 55))
SSt = sum(t.SStᵢ)
SSe = sum(t.SSeᵢ)
MSt = SSt/t.DFt
MSe = SSe/t.DFe
println(io, "Source SS DF MS F P-value")
println(io, repeat("-", 55))
StatsBase.@printf(io, "Treatments %8.3f %4d %8.3f %8.3f %7.5f\n",
SSt, t.DFt, MSt, MSt/MSe, pvalue(t))
StatsBase.@printf(io, "Error %8.3f %4d %8.3f\n", SSe, t.DFe, MSe)
println(io, repeat("-", 55))
StatsBase.@printf(io, "Total %8.3f %4d\n", SSt+SSe, t.DFt+t.DFe)

function anova(scores::AbstractVector{<:Real}...)
Nᵢ = [length(g) for g in scores]
Z̄ᵢ = mean.(scores)
= mean(Z̄ᵢ)
SStᵢ = Nᵢ .* (Z̄ᵢ .- Z̄).^2
SSeᵢ = sum.( (z .- z̄).^2 for (z, z̄) in zip(scores, Z̄ᵢ) )
(Nᵢ, SStᵢ, SSeᵢ)

Perform one-way analysis of variance test of the hypothesis that that the `groups`
means are equal.
The one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) is a technique that can be used
to compare means of two or more samples. The ANOVA tests the null hypothesis, which states
that samples in all groups are drawn from populations with the same mean values.
To do this, two estimates are made of the population variance.
The ANOVA produces an F-statistic, the ratio of the variance calculated among
the means to the variance within the samples.
Implements: [`pvalue`](@ref)
# External links
* [One-way analysis of variance on Wikipedia
function OneWayANOVATest(groups::AbstractVector{<:Real}...)
Nᵢ, SStᵢ, SSeᵢ = anova(groups...)
k = length(Nᵢ)
VarianceEqualityTest{FDist}(Nᵢ, SStᵢ, SSeᵢ, k-1, sum(Nᵢ)-k,
("One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test","Means","F"))

LeveneTest(groups::AbstractVector{<:Real}...; scorediff=abs, statistic=mean)
Perform Levene's test of the hypothesis that that the `groups` variances are equal.
By default the mean `statistic` is used for centering in each of the `groups`, but
other statistics are accepted: median or truncated mean, see [`BrownForsytheTest`](@ref).
By default the absolute value of the score difference, `scorediff`, is used, but
other functions are accepted: x² or √|x|.
The test statistic, ``W``, is equivalent to the ``F`` statistic, and is defined as follows:
W = \\frac{(N-k)}{(k-1)} \\cdot \\frac{\\sum_{i=1}^k N_i (Z_{i\\cdot}-Z_{\\cdot\\cdot})^2}
{\\sum_{i=1}^k \\sum_{j=1}^{N_i} (Z_{ij}-Z_{i\\cdot})^2},
* ``k`` is the number of different groups to which the sampled cases belong,
* ``N_i`` is the number of cases in the ``i``th group,
* ``N`` is the total number of cases in all groups,
* ``Y_{ij}`` is the value of the measured variable for the ``j``th case from the ``i``th group,
* ``Z_{ij} = |Y_{ij} - \\bar{Y}_{i\\cdot}|``, ``\\bar{Y}_{i\\cdot}`` is a mean of the ``i``th group,
* ``Z_{i\\cdot} = \\frac{1}{N_i} \\sum_{j=1}^{N_i} Z_{ij}`` is the mean of the ``Z_{ij}`` for group ``i``,
* ``Z_{\\cdot\\cdot} = \\frac{1}{N} \\sum_{i=1}^k \\sum_{j=1}^{N_i} Z_{ij}`` is the mean of all ``Z_{ij}``.
The test statistic ``W`` is approximately ``F``-distributed with ``k-1`` and ``N-k`` degrees of freedom.
Implements: [`pvalue`](@ref)
# References
* Levene, Howard, "Robust tests for equality of variances".
In Ingram Olkin; Harold Hotelling; et al. (eds.).
Contributions to Probability and Statistics: Essays in Honor of Harold Hotelling.
Stanford University Press. pp. 278–292, 1960
# External links
* [Levene's test on Wikipedia
function LeveneTest(groups::AbstractVector{<:Real}...; scorediff=abs, statistic=mean)
# calculate scores
Zᵢⱼ = [scorediff.(g .- statistic(g)) for g in groups]
# anova
Nᵢ, SStᵢ, SSeᵢ = anova(Zᵢⱼ...)
k = length(Nᵢ)
VarianceEqualityTest{FDist}(Nᵢ, SStᵢ, SSeᵢ, k-1, sum(Nᵢ)-k,
("Levene's test","Variances","W"))

The Brown–Forsythe test is a statistical test for the equality of `groups` variances.
The Brown–Forsythe test is a modification of the Levene's test with the median instead
of the mean statistic for computing the spread within each group.
Implements: [`pvalue`](@ref)
# References
* Brown, Morton B.; Forsythe, Alan B., "Robust tests for the equality of variances".
Journal of the American Statistical Association. 69: 364–367, 1974
# External links
* [Brown–Forsythe test on Wikipedia
BrownForsytheTest(groups::AbstractVector{<:Real}...) = LeveneTest(groups...; statistic=median)

Perform Fligner-Killeen median test of the null hypothesis that the `groups`
have equal variances, a test for homogeneity of variances.
This test is most robust against departures from normality, see references.
It is a ``k``-sample simple linear rank method that uses the ranks of the absolute values
of the centered samples and weights
a_{N,i} = \\Phi^{-1}(1/2 + (i/2(N+1)))
The version implemented here uses median centering in each of the samples.
Implements: [`pvalue`](@ref)
# References
* Conover, W. J., Johnson, M. E., Johnson, M. M., A comparative study of tests
for homogeneity of variances, with applications to the outer continental shelf bidding data.
Technometrics, 23, 351–361, 1980
# External links
* [Fligner-Killeen test on Statistical Analysis Handbook
function FlignerKilleenTest(groups::AbstractVector{<:Real}...)
# calculate scores
Zᵢⱼ = [abs.(g .- median(g)) for g in groups]
# rank scores
(ranks, tieadj) = tiedrank_adj(vcat(Zᵢⱼ...))
qᵢⱼ = quantile.(Normal(),0.5 .+ ranks./2(length(ranks)+1))
Nᵢ = pushfirst!(cumsum([length(g) for g in groups]),0)
Qᵢⱼ = [qᵢⱼ[(Nᵢ[i]+1):(Nᵢ[i+1])] for i in 1:length(Nᵢ)-1]
# anova
Nᵢ, SStᵢ, SSeᵢ = anova(Qᵢⱼ...)
k = length(Nᵢ)
t3 = VarianceEqualityTest{Chisq}(Nᵢ, SStᵢ, SSeᵢ, k-1, sum(Nᵢ)-k,
("Fligner-Killeen test","Variances","FK"))
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions test/data/gear.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
1.006 1.000
0.996 1.000
0.998 1.000
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0.993 1.000
1.002 1.000
0.999 1.000
0.994 1.000
1.000 1.000
0.998 2.000
1.006 2.000
1.000 2.000
1.002 2.000
0.997 2.000
0.998 2.000
0.996 2.000
1.000 2.000
1.006 2.000
0.988 2.000
0.991 3.000
0.987 3.000
0.997 3.000
0.999 3.000
0.995 3.000
0.994 3.000
1.000 3.000
0.999 3.000
0.996 3.000
0.996 3.000
1.005 4.000
1.002 4.000
0.994 4.000
1.000 4.000
0.995 4.000
0.994 4.000
0.998 4.000
0.996 4.000
1.002 4.000
0.996 4.000
0.998 5.000
0.998 5.000
0.982 5.000
0.990 5.000
1.002 5.000
0.984 5.000
0.996 5.000
0.993 5.000
0.980 5.000
0.996 5.000
1.009 6.000
1.013 6.000
1.009 6.000
0.997 6.000
0.988 6.000
1.002 6.000
0.995 6.000
0.998 6.000
0.981 6.000
0.996 6.000
0.990 7.000
1.004 7.000
0.996 7.000
1.001 7.000
0.998 7.000
1.000 7.000
1.018 7.000
1.010 7.000
0.996 7.000
1.002 7.000
0.998 8.000
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1.006 8.000
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1.002 9.000
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1.004 9.000
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0.994 10.000
0.997 10.000
0.997 10.000
0.991 10.000
0.998 10.000
1.004 10.000
0.997 10.000
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,3 +38,4 @@ include("z.jl")

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