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Various 0.6 fixes
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andreasnoack committed Jan 16, 2017
1 parent 83d2440 commit 30eaeb1
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Showing 5 changed files with 57 additions and 63 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/generics.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ unwhiten(a::AbstractPDMat, x::StridedVecOrMat) = unwhiten!(similar(x), a, x)

function quad{T<:Real, S<:Real}(a::AbstractPDMat{T}, x::StridedMatrix{S})
@check_argdims dim(a) == size(x, 1)
quad!(Array(promote_type(T, S), size(x,2)), a, x)
quad!(Array{promote_type(T, S)}(size(x,2)), a, x)

function invquad{T<:Real, S<:Real}(a::AbstractPDMat{T}, x::StridedMatrix{S})
@check_argdims dim(a) == size(x, 1)
invquad!(Array(promote_type(T, S), size(x,2)), a, x)
invquad!(Array{promote_type(T, S)}(size(x,2)), a, x)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/scalmat.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ end

### quadratic forms

quad(a::ScalMat, x::Vector) = sumabs2(x) * a.value
invquad(a::ScalMat, x::Vector) = sumabs2(x) * a.inv_value
quad(a::ScalMat, x::Vector) = sum(abs2, x) * a.value
invquad(a::ScalMat, x::Vector) = sum(abs2, x) * a.inv_value

quad!(r::AbstractArray, a::ScalMat, x::Matrix) = colwise_sumsq!(r, x, a.value)
invquad!(r::AbstractArray, a::ScalMat, x::Matrix) = colwise_sumsq!(r, x, a.inv_value)
Expand Down
70 changes: 35 additions & 35 deletions src/testutils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# the implementation of a subtype of AbstractPDMat

import Base.Test: @test, @test_approx_eq
import Base.Test: @test

## driver function
function test_pdmat(C::AbstractPDMat, Cmat::Matrix;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ function pdtest_cmat(C::AbstractPDMat, Cmat::Matrix, cmat_eq::Bool, verbose::Int
if cmat_eq
@test full(C) == Cmat
@test_approx_eq full(C) Cmat
@test full(C) Cmat

Expand All @@ -91,47 +91,47 @@ function pdtest_diag(C::AbstractPDMat, Cmat::Matrix, cmat_eq::Bool, verbose::Int
if cmat_eq
@test diag(C) == diag(Cmat)
@test_approx_eq diag(C) diag(Cmat)
@test diag(C) diag(Cmat)

function pdtest_scale(C::AbstractPDMat, Cmat::Matrix, verbose::Int)
_pdt(verbose, "scale")
@test_approx_eq full(C * convert(eltype(C),2)) Cmat * convert(eltype(C),2)
@test_approx_eq full(convert(eltype(C),2) * C) convert(eltype(C),2) * Cmat
@test full(C * convert(eltype(C),2)) Cmat * convert(eltype(C),2)
@test full(convert(eltype(C),2) * C) convert(eltype(C),2) * Cmat

function pdtest_add(C::AbstractPDMat, Cmat::Matrix, verbose::Int)
M = rand(eltype(C),size(Cmat))
_pdt(verbose, "add")
@test_approx_eq C + M Cmat + M
@test_approx_eq M + C M + Cmat
@test C + M Cmat + M
@test M + C M + Cmat

_pdt(verbose, "add_scal")
@test_approx_eq pdadd(M, C, convert(eltype(C),2)) M + Cmat * convert(eltype(C),2)
@test pdadd(M, C, convert(eltype(C),2)) M + Cmat * convert(eltype(C),2)

_pdt(verbose, "add_scal!")
R = M + Cmat * convert(eltype(C),2)
Mr = pdadd!(M, C, convert(eltype(C),2))
@test Mr === M
@test_approx_eq Mr R
@test Mr R

function pdtest_logdet(C::AbstractPDMat, Cmat::Matrix, verbose::Int)
_pdt(verbose, "logdet")
@test_approx_eq logdet(C) logdet(Cmat)
@test logdet(C) logdet(Cmat)

function pdtest_eig(C::AbstractPDMat, Cmat::Matrix, verbose::Int)
_pdt(verbose, "eigmax")
@test_approx_eq eigmax(C) eigmax(Cmat)
@test eigmax(C) eigmax(Cmat)

_pdt(verbose, "eigmin")
@test_approx_eq eigmin(C) eigmin(Cmat)
@test eigmin(C) eigmin(Cmat)

Expand All @@ -140,33 +140,33 @@ function pdtest_mul(C::AbstractPDMat, Cmat::Matrix, verbose::Int)
X = rand(eltype(C),dim(C), n)

_pdt(verbose, "multiply")
@test_approx_eq C * X Cmat * X
@test C * X Cmat * X

for i = 1:n
xi = vec(copy(X[:,i]))
@test_approx_eq C * xi Cmat * xi
@test C * xi Cmat * xi

function pdtest_mul(C::AbstractPDMat, Cmat::Matrix, X::Matrix, verbose::Int)
_pdt(verbose, "multiply")
@test_approx_eq C * X Cmat * X
@test C * X Cmat * X

for i = 1:size(X,2)
xi = vec(copy(X[:,i]))
@test_approx_eq C * xi Cmat * xi
@test C * xi Cmat * xi

function pdtest_rdiv(C::AbstractPDMat, Imat::Matrix, X::Matrix, verbose::Int)
_pdt(verbose, "rdivide")
@test_approx_eq C \ X Imat * X
@test C \ X Imat * X

for i = 1:size(X,2)
xi = vec(copy(X[:,i]))
@test_approx_eq C \ xi Imat * xi
@test C \ xi Imat * xi

Expand All @@ -179,70 +179,70 @@ function pdtest_quad(C::AbstractPDMat, Cmat::Matrix, Imat::Matrix, X::Matrix, ve
for i = 1:n
xi = vec(X[:,i])
r_quad[i] = dot(xi, Cmat * xi)
@test_approx_eq quad(C, xi) r_quad[i]
@test quad(C, xi) r_quad[i]
@test_approx_eq quad(C, X) r_quad
@test quad(C, X) r_quad

_pdt(verbose, "invquad")
r_invquad = zeros(eltype(C),n)
for i = 1:n
xi = vec(X[:,i])
r_invquad[i] = dot(xi, Imat * xi)
@test_approx_eq invquad(C, xi) r_invquad[i]
@test invquad(C, xi) r_invquad[i]
@test_approx_eq invquad(C, X) r_invquad
@test invquad(C, X) r_invquad

function pdtest_triprod(C::AbstractPDMat, Cmat::Matrix, Imat::Matrix, X::Matrix, verbose::Int)
Xt = copy(transpose(X))

_pdt(verbose, "X_A_Xt")
@test_approx_eq X_A_Xt(C, Xt) Xt * Cmat * X
@test X_A_Xt(C, Xt) Xt * Cmat * X

_pdt(verbose, "Xt_A_X")
@test_approx_eq Xt_A_X(C, X) Xt * Cmat * X
@test Xt_A_X(C, X) Xt * Cmat * X

_pdt(verbose, "X_invA_Xt")
@test_approx_eq X_invA_Xt(C, Xt) Xt * Imat * X
@test X_invA_Xt(C, Xt) Xt * Imat * X

_pdt(verbose, "Xt_invA_X")
@test_approx_eq Xt_invA_X(C, X) Xt * Imat * X
@test Xt_invA_X(C, X) Xt * Imat * X

function pdtest_whiten(C::AbstractPDMat, Cmat::Matrix, verbose::Int)
Y = chol_lower(Cmat)
Q = qr(convert(Array{eltype(C),2},randn(size(Cmat))))[1]
Y = Y * Q' # generate a matrix Y such that Y * Y' = C
@test_approx_eq Y * Y' Cmat
@test Y * Y' Cmat
d = dim(C)

_pdt(verbose, "whiten")
Z = whiten(C, Y)
@test_approx_eq Z * Z' eye(eltype(C),d)
@test Z * Z' eye(eltype(C),d)
for i = 1:d
@test_approx_eq whiten(C, Y[:,i]) Z[:,i]
@test whiten(C, Y[:,i]) Z[:,i]

_pdt(verbose, "whiten!")
Z2 = copy(Y)
whiten!(C, Z2)
@test_approx_eq Z Z2
@test Z Z2

_pdt(verbose, "unwhiten")
X = unwhiten(C, Z)
@test_approx_eq X * X' Cmat
@test X * X' Cmat
for i = 1:d
@test_approx_eq unwhiten(C, Z[:,i]) X[:,i]
@test unwhiten(C, Z[:,i]) X[:,i]

_pdt(verbose, "unwhiten!")
X2 = copy(Z)
unwhiten!(C, X2)
@test_approx_eq X X2
@test X X2

_pdt(verbose, "whiten-unwhiten")
@test_approx_eq unwhiten(C, whiten(C, eye(eltype(C),d))) eye(eltype(C),d)
@test_approx_eq whiten(C, unwhiten(C, eye(eltype(C),d))) eye(eltype(C),d)
@test unwhiten(C, whiten(C, eye(eltype(C),d))) eye(eltype(C),d)
@test whiten(C, unwhiten(C, eye(eltype(C),d))) eye(eltype(C),d)
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test/addition.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ for T in [Float64,Float32]
for p1 in pmats, p2 in pmats
pr = p1 + p2
@test size(pr) == size(p1)
@test_approx_eq full(pr) full(p1) + full(p2)
@test full(pr) full(p1) + full(p2)

pr = pdadd(p1, p2, convert(T,1.5))
@test size(pr) == size(p1)
@test_approx_eq full(pr) full(p1) + full(p2) * convert(T,1.5)
@test full(pr) full(p1) + full(p2) * convert(T,1.5)

for p1 in pmats
pr = p1 + pm4
@test size(pr) == size(p1)
@test_approx_eq full(pr) full(p1) + pm4
@test full(pr) full(p1) + pm4

Expand Down
36 changes: 15 additions & 21 deletions test/pdmtypes.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,25 +4,23 @@ using Base.Test

call_test_pdmat(p::AbstractPDMat,m::Matrix) = test_pdmat(p,m,cmat_eq=true,verbose=1)

for T in [Float64,Float32]
#test that all external constructors are accessible
m = eye(T,2) ; @test PDMat(m,cholfact(m)).mat == PDMat(Symmetric(m)).mat == PDMat(m).mat == PDMat(cholfact(m)).mat
d = ones(T,2) ; @test PDiagMat(d,d).inv_diag == PDiagMat(d).inv_diag
x = one(T) ; @test ScalMat(2,x,x).inv_value == ScalMat(2,x).inv_value
#for Julia v0.3, do not test sparse matrices with Float32 (see issue #14076)
(T == Float64 || VERSION >= v"0.4.2") && (s = speye(T,2,2) ; @test PDSparseMat(s,cholfact(s)).mat == PDSparseMat(s).mat == PDSparseMat(cholfact(s)).mat)
for T in [Float64, Float32]
#test that all external constructors are accessible
m = eye(T,2)
@test PDMat(m, cholfact(m)).mat == PDMat(Symmetric(m)).mat == PDMat(m).mat == PDMat(cholfact(m)).mat
d = ones(T,2)
@test PDiagMat(d,d).inv_diag == PDiagMat(d).inv_diag
x = one(T)
@test ScalMat(2,x,x).inv_value == ScalMat(2,x).inv_value

#test the functionality
M = convert(Array{T,2}, [4. -2. -1.; -2. 5. -1.; -1. -1. 6.])
V = convert(Array{T,1}, [1.5, 2.5, 2.0])
X = convert(T,2.0)

#test the functionality
M = convert(Array{T,2},[4. -2. -1.; -2. 5. -1.; -1. -1. 6.])
V = convert(Array{T,1},[1.5, 2.5, 2.0])
X = convert(T,2.0)

call_test_pdmat(PDMat(M),M) #tests of PDMat
call_test_pdmat(PDiagMat(V),diagm(V)) #tests of PDiagMat
call_test_pdmat(ScalMat(3,x),x*eye(T,3)) #tests of ScalMat
#for Julia v0.3, do not test sparse matrices with Float32 (see issue #14076)
(T == Float64 || VERSION >= v"0.4.2") && call_test_pdmat(PDSparseMat(sparse(M)),M)
call_test_pdmat(PDMat(M), M) #tests of PDMat
call_test_pdmat(PDiagMat(V), diagm(V)) #tests of PDiagMat
call_test_pdmat(ScalMat(3,x), x*eye(T,3)) #tests of ScalMat

m = eye(Float32,2)
Expand All @@ -31,7 +29,3 @@ m = ones(Float32,2)
@test convert(PDiagMat{Float64}, PDiagMat(m)).diag == PDiagMat(convert(Array{Float64}, m)).diag
x = one(Float32); d = 4
@test convert(ScalMat{Float64}, ScalMat(d, x)).value == ScalMat(d, convert(Float64, x)).value
if VERSION >= v"0.4.2"
s = speye(Float32, 2, 2)
@test convert(PDSparseMat{Float64}, PDSparseMat(s)).mat == PDSparseMat(convert(SparseMatrixCSC{Float64}, s)).mat

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