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Make it possible to exclude methods from non-direct dependencies
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tkf committed Jun 27, 2019
1 parent 5318b1c commit 0da6453
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Showing 2 changed files with 50 additions and 50 deletions.
62 changes: 33 additions & 29 deletions src/ambiguities.jl
Expand Up @@ -10,15 +10,13 @@ false-positive.
- `color::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing`: Enable/disable colorful
output if a `Bool`. `nothing` (default) means to inherit the
setting in the current process.
- `exclude::AbstractArray = []`: A vector of functions, types, or
strings for excluding them from ambiguity testing. A function means
to exclude _all_ its methods. A type means to exclude _all_ its
methods of the callable (sometimes also called "functor"). That is
to say, `MyModule.MyType` means to ignore ambiguities between
`(::MyType)(x, y::Int)` and `(::MyType)(x::Int, y)`. Note that
there is no way to exclude the constructor of a specific type at the
moment. A fully qualified name of function or type can also be
specified as a string (e.g., `"Base.foldl"`).
- `exclude::AbstractArray = []`: A vector of functions or types to be
excluded from ambiguity testing. A function means to exclude _all_
its methods. A type means to exclude _all_ its methods of the
callable (sometimes also called "functor"). That is to say,
`MyModule.MyType` means to ignore ambiguities between `(::MyType)(x,
y::Int)` and `(::MyType)(x::Int, y)`. Note that there is no way to
exclude the constructor of a specific type at the moment.
- `recursive::Bool = true`: Passed to `Test.detect_ambiguities`.
Note that the default here (`true`) is different from
`detect_ambiguities`. This is for testing ambiguities in methods
Expand All @@ -29,6 +27,8 @@ false-positive.
test_ambiguities(packages; kwargs...) =
_test_ambiguities(aspkgids(packages); kwargs...)

const ExcludeSpec = Pair{Base.PkgId,String}

aspkgids(pkg::Union{Module, PkgId}) = aspkgids([pkg])
aspkgids(packages) = mapfoldl(aspkgid, push!, packages, init=PkgId[])

Expand All @@ -55,32 +55,36 @@ ispackage(m::Module) =
strnameof(x) = string(x)
strnameof(x::Type) = string(nameof(x))

normalize_exclude(x::String) = x
rootmodule(x) = rootmodule(parentmodule(x))
rootmodule(m::Module) = Base.require(PkgId(m)) # this handles Base/Core well

normalize_exclude(x::Union{Type, Function}) =
Base.PkgId(rootmodule(x)) =>
join((fullname(parentmodule(x))..., strnameof(x)), ".")
normalize_exclude(::Any) =
error("Only a function and type can be excluded.")

function getobj(spec::String, modules)
nameparts = Symbol.(split(spec, "."))
for m in modules
if nameparts[1] === nameof(m)
return foldl(getproperty, nameparts[2:end], init=m)
error("Object $spec not found in following modules:\n$modules")
function getobj((pkgid, name)::ExcludeSpec)
nameparts = Symbol.(split(name, "."))
m = Base.require(pkgid)
return foldl(getproperty, nameparts, init=m)

function normalize_and_check_exclude(exclude::AbstractVector, packages)
strexclude = mapfoldl(normalize_exclude, push!, exclude, init=String[])
modules = map(Base.require, packages)
for (str, obj) in zip(strexclude, exclude)
obj isa String && continue
if getobj(str, modules) !== obj
function normalize_and_check_exclude(exclude::AbstractVector)
exspecs = mapfoldl(normalize_exclude, push!, exclude, init=ExcludeSpec[])
for (spec, obj) in zip(exspecs, exclude)
if getobj(spec) !== obj
error("Name `$str` is resolved to a different object.")
return strexclude :: Vector{String}
return exspecs :: Vector{ExcludeSpec}

function reprexclude(exspecs::Vector{ExcludeSpec})
itemreprs = map(exspecs) do (pkgid, name)
string("(", reprpkgid(pkgid), " => ", repr(name), ")")
return string("Aqua.ExcludeSpec[", join(itemreprs, ", "), "]")

function _test_ambiguities(
Expand All @@ -98,7 +102,7 @@ function _test_ambiguities(
imported = imported,
ambiguous_bottom = ambiguous_bottom,
exclude_repr = repr(normalize_and_check_exclude(exclude, packages))
exclude_repr = reprexclude(normalize_and_check_exclude(exclude))

# Ambiguity test is run inside a clean process.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,14 +149,14 @@ getobj(m::Method) = getproperty(m.module,
function test_ambiguities_impl(
modules = map(Base.require, packages)
@debug "Testing method ambiguities" modules
ambiguities = detect_ambiguities(modules...; options...)

if !isempty(exclude)
exclude_objs = getobj.(exclude, Ref(modules))
if !isempty(exspecs)
exclude_objs = getobj.(exspecs)
ambiguities = filter(ambiguities) do (m1, m2)
# `getobj(m1) == getobj(m2)` so no need to check `m2`
getobj(m1) exclude_objs
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38 changes: 17 additions & 21 deletions test/test_exclude.jl
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
module TestExclude

using Aqua: getobj, normalize_exclude, normalize_and_check_exclude

rootmodule(m::Module) = Base.require(Base.PkgId(m))
rootmodule(x) = rootmodule(parentmodule(x))
using Base: PkgId
using Aqua: getobj, normalize_exclude, normalize_and_check_exclude, rootmodule,

@assert parentmodule(Tuple) === Core
@assert parentmodule(foldl) === Base
Expand All @@ -19,31 +18,28 @@ rootmodule(x) = rootmodule(parentmodule(x))
modules = [rootmodule(x)]
@test getobj(normalize_exclude(x), modules) == x
@test getobj(normalize_exclude(x)) == x

@testset "$(repr(y))" for (y, modules) in [
("Base.foldl", [Base])
("Base.Some", [Base])
("Core.Tuple", [Core])
("Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted", [Base])
@testset "$(repr(last(spec)))" for spec in [
(PkgId(Base) => "Base.foldl")
(PkgId(Base) => "Base.Some")
(PkgId(Core) => "Core.Tuple")
(PkgId(Base) => "Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted")
@test normalize_exclude(getobj(y, modules)) == y
@test normalize_exclude(getobj(spec)) === spec

@testset "normalize_and_check_exclude" begin
@testset "$i" for (i, (exclude, modules)) in enumerate([
([foldl], [Base])
(["Base.foldl"], [Base])
([foldl, Some], [Base])
(["Base.foldl", "Base.Some"], [Base])
([foldl, Tuple], [Base, Core])
(["Base.foldl", "Core.Tuple"], [Base, Core])
@testset "$i" for (i, exclude) in enumerate([
[foldl, Some],
[foldl, Tuple],
packages = Base.PkgId.(modules)
@test normalize_and_check_exclude(exclude, packages) isa Vector{String}
local specs
@test (specs = normalize_and_check_exclude(exclude)) isa Vector
@test Base.include_string(@__MODULE__, reprexclude(specs)) == specs

Expand Down

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