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WatchJuliaBurn aims at destroying the look of your code by adding emojis like 😄 and kaomojis like c╯°□°ↄ╯ instead of your favorite Julia functions. For a serious use of unicode characters see also Ueauty.jl

Add your own awfulness!

Don't hesitate to add your worst creations via PR. All you need to do is to add the function and emoji to the 😃📖 internal 📖 in src/📖.jl. Don't touch the README! It will be automatically generated after your PR is merged. Also tests are optional since tests are for losers!

Emojify your code

You can use the emojify function to recursively emojify all the files in a given path. emojify will replace all functions for which an alias is known by the corresponding emoji (a random one is picked every ⏲️ if multiple options are possible). For example:

vcat(round(log(pi)), broadcast(tan  inv, rand(3)))

will return

⬇️🐈(🎠(🪵(🥧)), 📡(👩🏻➡️👩🏽  , 🎲(3)))

List of emojis

Function Emojis Julia Version
AbstractChar 🫥🚗 1.8
AbstractDict 🫥📖 1.8
AbstractDisplay 🫥📺 1.8
AbstractFloat 🫥🛟 1.8
AbstractMatrix 🫥🔢 1.8
AbstractString 🫥🧵 1.8
ArgumentError 💬🚨
Bool 👍👎
Char 🚗
Dict 📖
IO 🪀½, 👁️😲 1.2, 1
Matrix 🔢
Pair 🍐
String 🧵
Threads 🪢 1.5
abs 👔💪, 🎽💪
any 👩
axes 🪓🪓 1.2
broadcast 📡
cat 😻, 😹, 🐈
cd 💿, 🇨🇩
chop 🥢, 🌳🪓 1, 1.2
clamp 🗜️
collect 🧺
cot 🧥, 🥼
count 🧮
count_ones 🧮1️⃣1️⃣
count_zeros 🧮0️⃣0️⃣
delete! 🔥
display 📺
div (Symbol(Char(0x0001f93f)), 1.2)
download 📥
dump 💩
eachindex ☝️☝️
error 💣
exit 🚪
false 👎
fill 🚰
findall 🕵️
findfirst 🔎🥇
findnext 🔎⏭
first 🥇
float ⛵️, 🛟 1, 1.8
flush 😳
foldr 🗂, 📁
get 🤲
getfield 🤲🌽, 🤲🌾
getindex 🤲☝️
getkey 🤲🔑, 🤲🗝
getproperty 🤲🏡
hcat ➡️😻, ➡️😹, ➡️🐈
im 🇮🇲
imag 🔮
isreal 🛸❓
join 🚪🚶
keys 🔑, 🗝
kill ⚰️
length 📏
log 🪵 1.5
map 🗺
mean ∘ skipmissing 😠
mod 🛵🔧
peek ⛰️ 1.5
pi 🥧, 🍰
pop! 🍾, 🏹🎈
print 🖨️
push! 🏋️
rand 🎰, 🎲
raw 🥩
round 🎠, 🔵
run 🏃
searchsorted 🔎🔤
secd 🥈
show ☝️
sign 🪧, 🚏 1.5, 1.5
sleep 😴, 💤
sort 🔤
string 🎻
tan 🧑🏻➡️🧑🏽, 👩🏻➡️👩🏽
throw c╯°□°ↄ╯, 🤮, 🚮
time 🕛, ⏱️, ⌛, ⏲️
tr 🇹🇷
true ✅, 👍, 👌
vcat ⬇️😻, ⬇️😹, ⬇️🐈
view 👀, 👁️
write 🖊️, ✍️, 🖋️
zip 🤐

Control Flow

You can now replace boring old try/catch/finally clauses with fancy monkey flow!

@🐒 begin

Parsing may behave weird when there are infix operators around the block. Try enclosing everything with parenthesis like @🐒(begin ... end) if that happens.


You can use the EmojiSymbols.jl package to super-turbo-charge your REPL experience!

You can press space to launch space invaders (julia>[space]). This feature is helpfully bundled with ⌚🔥 version 0.2.0 and above and all packages that depend on it.