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Releases: Julie-Fabre/bombcell


21 Apr 18:44
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Handles kilosort4 spike sorting output.


05 Dec 13:56
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Added feature: option to fine-tune the non-somatic classification. Now, if a unit has a its largest detected peak before the trough, it is no longer automatically classified as non-somatic. The peak needs to be param.firstPeakRatio times larger than any value after the waveform's trough. Thanks @LaurenzMuessig .

Fixed a bug in classifying MUA unit. Thanks @JRegg66.


29 Nov 12:18
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New module to compute a host of ephys parameters and to classify striatal and cortical units.


24 Nov 12:38
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New option to separate non-axonal spikes into MUA and good. Thanks @cbimbo !

If param.splitGoodAndMua_NonSomatic is set to 1, non-somatic units are further separated into non-somatic multi-unit and non-somatic good unit.

Bombcell v1.1.0

29 Oct 16:29
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Added features:

  • New option to remove duplicate spikes. if param.removeDuplicateSpikes is true, for any pairs of spikes on the same channel that are within param.duplicateSpikeWindow_s of each other, the lowest amplitude spike or the spike belonging to the cluster with the least spikes is removed. see MouseLand/Kilosort#29 for a discussion on duplicate spikes in Kilosort.

  • Better back-compatibility management. Introduced the function bc_checkParameterFields that checks the inputed parameter structure/table has all necessary fields. This code adds any missing fields with values resulting in the same behavior as before any new feature or feature flag was added.

Bombcell v1.0.1

15 Oct 15:47
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  • Optional compatibility with phy. If param.saveAsTSV is true, bombcell saves a tsv file per quality metric in the param.ephysKilosortPath path. This needs to be the same path as where all your kilosort output paths are saved.

  • Move makepretty function to a separate repo, so it can be easily used across different projects. Users now need to download and add it to their matlab path.

  • Other minor bug fixes