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Setting up a New Macbook M1 apple ARM

For web development - 2021

Install Development tools

  • Open the run this command

  • xcode-select --install

  • If you want to remove this tools, then run sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools

Check ROSSETA Option (Brew does not support apple ARM yet)

  • Open Finder, search the in Applications (not open)

  • Right click on Terminal > Get Info > Check Open Using Rosseta

Install Brew

  • Go to this website: then copy the link

  • Paste in Terminal (the link is like the show below, but maybe it will change)

  • /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install iTerm2 and wget

  • brew install iterm2

  • brew install wget

Close the

In Application right click on iTerm2 and Check ROSSETA Option.

Open iTerm (with ROSSETA)

While in your home directory, get some of my run commands.
  • wget

Continue installing packages

  • brew install git

  • brew install vcprompt

  • brew install spectacle

  • brew install firefox

  • brew install visual-studio-code

Autosuggestions & Syntax Highlighting & Autojump & fzf

  • brew install zsh-autosuggestions

  • brew install zsh-syntax-highlighting

  • brew install autojump

  • brew install fzf

  • for keybindings follow the instruction in your terminal.

  • /usr/local/opt/fzf/install Yes to all

  • Use: type fzf in iterm, CTR + r (bash_history) CTR + t (search_files), to close, use ESC or CTR + c

  • While searching, you can select multiple files using TAB

  • cd ** to show the options where to cd

  • ssh **

Install nvm (Nodejs Version Manager) & npm (Node Package Manager)

  • The command below was found at

  • curl -o- | bash

  • nvm install stable

Close and relaunch iterm & check it versions

  • nvm --version

  • npm --version

  • nvm list

  • node --version

With this you can install any version (example)

  • no not do this, only example nvm install 14

Create workdirectory and Install lite-server

  • mkdir ~/dev

  • npm install -g lite-server eslint

Get the Anonimous Pro (install all .ttf's)

  • wget

  • unzip from your finder and install it

Visual Studio Code - code.extensions

  • Go to ~/dev and got this with the first line, then run the second line to install.

  • wget

  • while read line; do code --install-extension "$line";done < code.extensions

Go to ~/dev open code . Visual Studio Code - code.settings

  • In vscode press Cmd + Shift + P --> Open Settings (JSON) and paste it.

Visual Studio Code - code.keybindings

  • In vscode press Cmd + Shift + P --> Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON) and paste it.

Relaunch Visual Studio Code

SSH & Remote Servers

Configuring SSH in your Mac (create public key)

  • ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Loging in your Remote Machine

  • In your mac, copy your public key

  • cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy

  • Login in your Remote Machine

  • Set correct permission to ssh

  • If Synology --> sudo chmod 700 your_user_main_directory

  • ssh your_user@your_ip_remote -p your_port

  • Paste your public key in the next file

  • vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

VIM settings

  • Use github junegunn/vim-plug
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
  • mkdir -p ~/.vim/undodir

  • Go to your home directory cd ~ and get my .vimrc

  • wget

  • rename it mv .vimrc-mac .vimrc

  • open .vimrc (no matter if errors, continue) vim .vimrc

  • inside .vimrc press ESC and then write :source % (if error, continues)

  • inside .vimrc press ESC and then write :PlugInstall

  • when finished quit from both windows :q :q then relaunch iterm

  • check the effect vim .vimrc

Python & djando for Development

For Python dev

  • To use python3 as default do this:

  • Create .zprofile

  • Add this to the file alias python='python3'

  • Relaunch iTerm

  • Now you are ready to rock.

Pipenv (virtual enviroment)

  • brew install pipenv

  • check with pipenv --version

  • also check the default pip --version or pip3 --version

Make pipenv create the virtualenv in the same folder

  • export PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT="enabled"

  • To remove the option above unset PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT

Installing django with pipenv

  • pipenv install django

  • To activate the virtual environment pipenv shell

  • To see what's inside the virtual environment pip freeze

  • If chargion previous project, install dependencies pipenv install --dev

If want specific version of python, you must have install that version.

  • Opcional --> With specific versions pipenv install django==3.0.4 --python python3.8


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