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Ansible NXOS Spine Leaf Infrastructure


This repo is based on a great post by Rick Donato. I wanted to see if I could automate this guide using Ansible. Ansible is a popular configuration management framework that probably doesn't need much more of an introduction. In the repo you will see a decent amount of use cases. Whether thats using built in modules for specific tasks, jinja templating (building configurations), conditionals, and variable placements.


  1. Ansible ≤ 2.9
  2. NXOSv 9K Version 9.2.4
  3. Validate Ansible control machine has access to nodes

Project Structure

juliopdx@librenms:~/repos$ tree nxos_spine_leaf/
├── ansible.cfg
├── deploy.yaml
├── group_vars
│   ├── leafs.yaml
│   ├── network.yaml
│   └── spines.yaml
├── hosts
├── host_vars
│   ├── leaf1.yaml
│   ├── leaf2.yaml
│   ├── leaf3.yaml
│   ├── leaf4.yaml
│   ├── spine1.yaml
│   └── spine2.yaml
├── images
│   └── spine_leaf.PNG
└── roles
    ├── base
    │   └── tasks
    │       └── main.yaml
    ├── bgp
    │   ├── files
    │   ├── tasks
    │   │   └── main.yaml
    │   └── templates
    │       └── bgp.j2
    ├── enhancements
    │   └── tasks
    │       └── main.yaml
    ├── features
    │   └── tasks
    │       └── main.yaml
    ├── interfaces
    │   └── tasks
    │       └── main.yaml
    ├── ospf
    │   └── tasks
    │       └── main.yaml
    ├── pim
    │   └── tasks
    │       └── main.yaml
    └── vlan_vxlan
        ├── files
        ├── tasks
        │   └── main.yaml
        └── templates
            └── vlan_vxlan.j2

Each host has an individual file under the host_vars folder and each group has an individual file under the group_vars folder. This is again for organization. If a variable is used throughout all devices, then it will be placed in network.yaml file. If a variable is specific to the leafs then it will be placed in the leafs.yaml file. lastly, if a variable is host specific, it will be under the host_vars folder for each host.


I tried to make the hosts file as basic as possible, grouping together nodes where it made sense to me.


spine1 ansible_host=
spine2 ansible_host=
leaf1 ansible_host=
leaf2 ansible_host=
leaf3 ansible_host=
leaf4 ansible_host=




Not much to look at in the ansible.cfg file, these are just normal settings with some timers set to account for any latency. After the hosts file and config file are created, we can get started on the fun stuff.


This file will kick off each role listed. Roles are broken out by function, again going with what made sense to me. These could probably be split off even more for organization.

- name: Deploying Infrastructure
  connection: network_cli
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: network
    - base
    - features
    - interfaces
    - ospf
    - pim
    - bgp
    - enhancements
    - vlan_vxlan


My original thought with this repo was to use as many native nxos modules that come with Ansible. For example, if there was a module only to configure a hostname for nxos devices then I would use that. Eventually I found it easier and more flexible to just make a jinja template and run with the nxos_config module. More on that later.

- name: configure necessities
      - hostname {{ hostname }}
      - cli alias name wr copy run start
    save_when: modified
  when: hostname is defined


You will notice this is the first time you see a variable that wil be populated, hostname {{ hostname }}. Since this is device specific, here is a snip from leaf1.yaml.

hostname: leaf1


    name: Ethernet1/1
    enabled: True
    mode: layer3
    mtu: 9216
    description: connection to spine1
    ospf_enabled: True
    pim: True


When that task is run against leaf1, the final output will be hostname leaf1 ...


- name: enable features for fabric
    feature: "{{ item }}"
    state: enabled
  loop: "{{ features }}"
  when: features is defined

- name: enable additional features without using nxos_feature module
    lines: ['feature fabric forwarding', 'nv overlay evpn']

This file is a pretty cool example on how to solve the same task in two different ways. The first task uses the nxos_feature module and loops over the features variable. Since all features are the same for each node, they are located under group_vars/network.yaml. The second option uses the nxos_config module and we pass in a list.

ospf_instance: OSPF_UNDERLAY_NET

  - ospf
  - pim
  - bgp
  - interface-vlan
  - vn-segment-vlan-based
  - nv overlay



- name: configure ethernet interface settings
      - name: "{{ }}"
        description: "{{ item.value.description }}"
        enabled: "{{ item.value.enabled }}"
        mtu: "{{ item.value.mtu }}"
        mode: "{{ item.value.mode }}"
  with_dict: "{{ interfaces }}"
  when: interfaces is defined


As you can see this is usable but a bit messy. In this case we are looping over a dict that we've defined as interfaces for each host. Remember the leaf1.yaml snip shown earlier.


- name: enabling ospf on interfaces
      - medium p2p
      - ip unnumbered loopback0
      - ip router ospf {{ ospf_instance }} area
    parents: interface {{ }}
  with_dict: "{{ interfaces }}"
  when: interfaces is defined and item.value.ospf_enabled == True

- name: enabling ospf on loopbacks
    interface: "{{ }}"
    ospf: "{{ ospf_instance }}"
    area: ''
  with_dict: "{{ loopbacks }}"
  when: loopbacks is defined and item.value.ospf_enabled == True

Similar to before, two different approaches to enable OSPF on an interface. Ill move into the bgp and vlan_vxlan roles as they both utilize jinja templates.


- name: generate bgp configurations
    src: ./roles/bgp/templates/bgp.j2
    dest: ./roles/bgp/files/{{ hostname }}.cfg
  delegate_to: localhost

- name: configure bgp
    src: ./roles/bgp/files/{{ hostname }}.cfg

Nothing crazy here, we are asking the local Ansible control machine to generate configuration files and then using that file with the nxos_config module to send the configuration. Ill include a small section of the bgp.j2 template used to build the configuration file.

router bgp {{ bgp.asn }}
  address-family ipv4 unicast
  address-family l2vpn evpn
{% if bgp.spine %}
    retain route-target all
{% endif %}
  template peer VXLAN
    remote-as 64520
    update-source loopback0
    address-family ipv4 unicast
      send-community extended
{% if bgp.spine %}
{% endif %}



- name: configure fabric enhancements
      - fabric forwarding anycast-gateway-mac 0000.0011.1234
      - hardware access-list tcam region vpc-convergence 0
      - hardware access-list tcam region span 0
      - hardware access-list tcam region rp-ipv6-qos 0
      - hardware access-list tcam region rp-mac-qos 0
      - hardware access-list tcam region arp-ether 256 double-wide
    save_when: modified
  when: "'leafs' in group_names"
  register: enhancements
# Thanks to Brian Mitchell in the comments for pointing out double-wide requirement

- name: reboot switches for enhancements to take effect
    confirm: true
  when: enhancements.changed == 'true'
  ignore_errors: yes

- name: Wait 10 minutes for ssh to come back up
    timeout: 600
    delay: 120
    sleep: 10
    host: "{{ ansible_host }}"
    port: 22
  delegate_to: localhost
  when: enhancements.changed == 'true'

I faced a similar issue as a fellow reader, I needed to lower more TCAM resources for arp suppression to work. Once the first task is executed the rest of the playbook deals with rebooting the switch for changes to take effect and become available again.


- name: generate vlan/vni/evpn configurations
    src: ./roles/vlan_vxlan/templates/vlan_vxlan.j2
    dest: ./roles/vlan_vxlan/files/{{ hostname }}.cfg
  delegate_to: localhost
  when: "'leafs' in group_names"

- name: configure vlan/vni/evpn
    src: ./roles/vlan_vxlan/files/{{ hostname }}.cfg
  when: "'leafs' in group_names"

Same thought as before with the bgp role. Local Ansible to generate configurations and then send. One neat wrinkle here is that these configuration only apply to leafs. So we use a conditional statement to only run on nodes in the leafs group. Here's a small snip of the vlan_vxlan.j2 template.

{% for vlan in vlans %}
vlan {{ }}
  name {{ vlan.description }}
{% if not vlan.enabled %}
{% endif %}
{% if vlan.vn_segment %}
  vn-segment {{ vlan.vn_segment }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% for vrf in vrfs %}
{% if vrf.enabled %}
vrf context {{ }}
{% if vrf.vn_segment %}
  vni {{ vrf.vn_segment }}
{% if vrf.rd %}
  rd {{ vrf.rd }}
{% if vrf.address_family %}
  {{ vrf.address_family }}
    route-target both auto
    route-target both auto evpn
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}


Running Playbook

juliopdx@librenms:~/repos/nxos_spine_leaf$ ansible-playbook deploy.yaml 

PLAY [Deploying Infrastructure] ****************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [base : configure necessities] ************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [leaf4]
changed: [spine2]

TASK [base : configure motd banner] ************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [spine2]
ok: [leaf4]

TASK [base : configure exec banner] ************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [leaf4]
ok: [spine2]

TASK [features : enable features for fabric] ***************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [spine2] => (item=ospf)
ok: [leaf4] => (item=ospf)
ok: [spine2] => (item=pim)
ok: [leaf4] => (item=pim)
ok: [leaf4] => (item=bgp)
ok: [spine2] => (item=bgp)
ok: [leaf4] => (item=interface-vlan)
ok: [spine2] => (item=interface-vlan)
ok: [spine2] => (item=vn-segment-vlan-based)
ok: [spine2] => (item=nv overlay)
ok: [leaf4] => (item=vn-segment-vlan-based)
ok: [leaf4] => (item=nv overlay)

TASK [features : enable additional features without using nxos_feature module] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [leaf4]
ok: [spine2]

TASK [interfaces : configure ethernet interface settings] **************************************************************************************************************
ok: [leaf4] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/1', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/1', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to spine1', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [leaf4] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/2', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/2', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to spine2', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/1', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/1', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to leaf1', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [leaf4] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/3', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/3', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer2', 'vlan': 20, 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to server4', 'ospf_enabled': False, 'pim': False}})
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/2', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/2', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to leaf2', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/3', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/3', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to leaf3', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/4', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/4', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to leaf4', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})

TASK [interfaces : configure loopback interface settings] **************************************************************************************************************
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'loopback0', 'value': {'name': 'loopback0', 'ip_address': '', 'description': 'loopback 0', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'loopback1', 'value': {'name': 'loopback1', 'ip_address': '', 'description': 'loopback 0', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [leaf4] => (item={'key': 'loopback0', 'value': {'name': 'loopback0', 'ip_address': '', 'description': 'loopback 0', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})

TASK [interfaces : configure nve interfaces] ***************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [spine2]
ok: [leaf4]

TASK [ospf : creating OSPF instance] ***********************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [leaf4]
ok: [spine2]

TASK [ospf : enabling ospf on interfaces] ******************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [leaf4] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/1', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/1', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to spine1', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/1', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/1', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to leaf1', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/2', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/2', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to leaf2', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [leaf4] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/2', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/2', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to spine2', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
skipping: [leaf4] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/3', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/3', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer2', 'vlan': 20, 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to server4', 'ospf_enabled': False, 'pim': False}}) 
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/3', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/3', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to leaf3', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/4', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/4', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to leaf4', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})

TASK [ospf : enabling ospf on loopbacks] *******************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'loopback0', 'value': {'name': 'loopback0', 'ip_address': '', 'description': 'loopback 0', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [leaf4] => (item={'key': 'loopback0', 'value': {'name': 'loopback0', 'ip_address': '', 'description': 'loopback 0', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'loopback1', 'value': {'name': 'loopback1', 'ip_address': '', 'description': 'loopback 0', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})

TASK [pim : configure pim rp-address and group-list] *******************************************************************************************************************
changed: [spine2]
changed: [leaf4]

TASK [pim : configure ssm range] ***************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [leaf4]
changed: [spine2]

TASK [pim : configure rp/anycast-rp set] *******************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [leaf4] => (item= 
skipping: [leaf4] => (item= 
ok: [spine2] => (item=
ok: [spine2] => (item=

TASK [pim : enable pim sparse mode on interfaces] **********************************************************************************************************************
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/1', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/1', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to leaf1', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [leaf4] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/1', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/1', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to spine1', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [leaf4] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/2', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/2', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to spine2', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
skipping: [leaf4] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/3', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/3', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer2', 'vlan': 20, 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to server4', 'ospf_enabled': False, 'pim': False}}) 
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/2', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/2', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to leaf2', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/3', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/3', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to leaf3', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'Ethernet1/4', 'value': {'name': 'Ethernet1/4', 'enabled': True, 'mode': 'layer3', 'mtu': 9216, 'description': 'connection to leaf4', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})

TASK [pim : enable pim sparse mode on loopbacks] ***********************************************************************************************************************
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'loopback0', 'value': {'name': 'loopback0', 'ip_address': '', 'description': 'loopback 0', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [spine2] => (item={'key': 'loopback1', 'value': {'name': 'loopback1', 'ip_address': '', 'description': 'loopback 0', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})
ok: [leaf4] => (item={'key': 'loopback0', 'value': {'name': 'loopback0', 'ip_address': '', 'description': 'loopback 0', 'ospf_enabled': True, 'pim': True}})

TASK [bgp : generate bgp configurations] *******************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [leaf4 -> localhost]
ok: [spine2 -> localhost]

TASK [bgp : configure bgp] *********************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [spine2]
ok: [leaf4]

TASK [vlan_vxlan : generate vlan/vni/evpn configurations] **************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [spine2]
ok: [leaf4 -> localhost]

TASK [vlan_vxlan : configure vlan/vni/evpn] ****************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [spine2]
changed: [leaf4]

PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
leaf4                      : ok=19   changed=4    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0   
spine2                     : ok=17   changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=3    rescued=0    ignored=0   



# This task is using the bgp.neighbors variable in group_vars 
# to loop over loopback addresses and test basic reachability.
- name: testing node to node reachability
    dest: "{{ item }}"
    source: "{{ loopbacks.loopback0.ip_address | ipv4('address') }}"
    count: 1
  loop: "{{ bgp.neighbors }}"
  register: pings

# This one was a bit interesting, since running a trace has a header,
# I am comparing the length to 2. Since the header is one and the first
# hop is the second. We expect each trace to only be one hop away.
- name: run traceroutes to gather expected number of hops
    commands: traceroute {{ item }}
  loop: "{{ bgp.neighbors }}"
  register: traces
  failed_when: "{{ traces.stdout_lines.0 | length }} > 2"

- name: run show command to view bgp neighbors
    commands: show bgp vrf all all neighbors | inc Established
  register: bgp_neighbors

# Similar idea here, since we are using the | include syntax there is no
# header and we can do an exact comparison. Spines should all have four neighbors
# and leafs should all have two neighbors.

- name: BGP validation check
      - "{{ bgp_neighbors.stdout_lines.0 | length }} == {{ bgp.neighbors | length }}"
    fail_msg: "{{ inventory_hostname }} has missing BGP neighbors"
    success_msg: "{{ inventory_hostname }} has passed BGP checks"

Running validation on one spine and leaf

juliopdx@librenms:~/repos/nxos_spine_leaf$ ansible-playbook test.yaml 

PLAY [Deploying Infrastructure] ****************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [test : testing node to node reachability] ************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [leaf1] => (item=
ok: [spine1] => (item=
ok: [spine1] => (item=
ok: [leaf1] => (item=
ok: [spine1] => (item=
ok: [spine1] => (item=

TASK [test : run traceroutes to gather expected number of hops] ********************************************************************************************************
[WARNING]: conditional statements should not include jinja2 templating delimiters such as {{ }} or {% %}. Found: {{ traces.stdout_lines.0 | length }} > 2
ok: [spine1] => (item=
[WARNING]: conditional statements should not include jinja2 templating delimiters such as {{ }} or {% %}. Found: {{ traces.stdout_lines.0 | length }} > 2
ok: [leaf1] => (item=
ok: [leaf1] => (item=
ok: [spine1] => (item=
ok: [spine1] => (item=
ok: [spine1] => (item=

TASK [test : run show command to view bgp neighbors] *******************************************************************************************************************
ok: [leaf1]
ok: [spine1]

TASK [test : BGP validation check] *************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [leaf1] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "leaf1 has passed BGP checks"
ok: [spine1] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "spine1 has passed BGP checks"

PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
leaf1                      : ok=4    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
spine1                     : ok=4    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   



  • Julio Perez


This repo is licensed under the MIT License


Thank you very much for reading this far! I really do appreciate it. I'm sure this repo could be much improved but this was an exercise for me on automating this deployment. Thanks again and I wish you the best in your automation journey!

  • Rick Donato (inspiration for this repo)
  • Dinesh Dutt (Check out his book Cloud Native Data Center)
  • Ansible Documentation (yay)


Based on the great write up from Rick Donato






No releases published


