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My Music Match, shortened to MMM, is an online matching application where people can find other people based on their musical tastes. MMM uses the Spotify API to create playlists with the favorite songs of users when matches occur. This github page will only show a part of the application because I will only work on one feature. This feature will be the matching of users.


My Music Match is a node.js app that works with express and Spotify. The application implements the Spotify API and uses express to host the application. For more information on the Spotify API check the following link;


This project uses a number of libraries in able to make te project work. The following libraries are used:


To install this project you will need to install node, if you already installed node skip to Install project.

install node

  1. In your terminal run the following code: curl -o- | bash
  2. To check if the installation is succesful run nvm --version if a number is printed the installation was succeeded.
  3. Restart your terminal and run nvm install stable to install node.
  4. node is now installed. you can check this by running npm --version and ```node --version

install project

To make use of this project you need to clone this github repository by executing the following command in your terminal:

  1. $git clone
  2. navigate to the cloned github folders in the terminal
  3. if you're in the right folder run the following code npm install the packages that are requirert for this project will now be installed and you're app is ready for running

Author and collaborators




What will the My Music Match look like?

More information about that later on this week.


My Music Match is released under terms of the MIT License.


Feel free to ask questions or contact us!