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JumpMaster edited this page Sep 4, 2016 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the WheelLogAndroid wiki!

A quick outline of what I want this Wiki to contain.

Compatible Makes/Models (list) Icon states and meaning Permissions required and explanation Change log and version history Log location

Pages Android App overview -Notification -Page 1 (GUI) --Change max arc speed in settings -Page 2 (Text) --Field descriptions -Page 3 (Chart) --Pinch to zoom --scrolling

Compatibility -Android OS (API 18) -Pebbles -Wheels --KingSong ---KS14 (post October 2015?) ---KS16 ---KS18 --Gotway ---ACM ---Others?

Android App Settings -Opening the menu -Speed ---MPH ---Max (for GUI arc) -Logging --Auto Log --Auto Upload --Log Location ---GPS -Alarms --Speed

Permissions Required -Location -Read -Write -Bluetooth

Pebble App Overview

Pebble App Settings -Display items -Max Speed (for arc) -Alarms --Speed

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