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a framework of cross-platform applications, interactive techniques, and communication protocols for improved multi-person correspondence about spatial 3D datasets

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Visualization Mail (V-Mail)

V-Mail is a framework of cross-platform applications, interactive techniques, and communication protocols for improved multi-person correspondence about spatial 3D datasets. Please check out our paper:

Jung Who Nam, Tobias Isenberg, and Daniel F. Keefe. V-Mail: 3D-Enabled Correspondence about Spatial Data on (Almost) All Your Devices. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 30(4):1853–1867, April 2024. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2022.3229017. An open access paper version is available on HAL.

If you use the code in this repository we would appreciate a citation of our paper.


  author      = {Nam, Jung Who and Tobias Isenberg and Daniel F. Keefe},
  title       = {{V}-{M}ail: {3D}-Enabled Correspondence about Spatial Data on (Almost) All Your Devices},
  journal     = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  year        = {2024},
  volume      = {30},
  number      = {4},
  month       = apr,
  pages       = {1853--1867},
  doi         = {10.1109/TVCG.2022.3229017},
  shortdoi    = {10/kt43},
  doi_url     = {},
  oa_hal_url  = {},
  osf_url     = {},
  url         = {},
  github_url  = {},
  github_url2 = {},
  github_url3 = {},
  video       = {},

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Running PC/Mac, Android V-Mail Clients

This Unity project provides implemention of two V-Mail clients. The PC/Mac client is tested with Windows 11 and macOS Ventura. The Android client is tested with Samsung Galaxy S10 (running on Android version 12).

Steps to run these clients:

  • First, start the server by following the steps written in the server repo.
  • Open this project in Unity (this is built-in Unity 2022.3.3f1).
  • Start the demo PC/Mac client (left)
    • Play VMail/Demos/Dummy/Dummy Demo - VMail.unity
    • Use left-mouse to rotate, mouse-wheel to zoom, mouse-wheel click to pan.
    • Press 'r' to change the object's color and scale.
    • Press down or up arrow key to change the geometry, e.g., cube, sphere, cylinder.
  • Or start the Android client (right)
    • Play VMail/_Scenes/VMail Mobile.unity

Integrating V-Mail into another Unity project

Import V-Mail

Check out the latest relase:

Import VisualizationMail_v*_*_*.unitypackage into your project. These directories should be in your project: VMail, StreamingAssets/VMail, StreamingAssets/ffmpeg, and Plugins/Android.

Configure Unity project

Add TextMeshPro

  • When you load V-Mail, a panel will appear with a button to install TextMeshPro.
  • Do Windows/TextMeshPro/Import TMP Essential Resources if not.

Set Resolutions

  • The mobile application is designed for S10 (2280x1080).
  • The desktop application is designed for (1920x1080).

Add Annotation layer

  • Set User Layer 27 to Annotation. See this link to see how to add a layer.
  • Also make sure DrawingLayer property in DrawingSettings is set to the Annotation layer (search ViewerSpatialAnnotation GameObject in the scene).

Implement interfaces and abstract classes

See our example scripts under VMail/Demos/Dummy/ and use VMail/Demos/Dummy/VMail-Dummy-Desktop prefab as a start.

  • Implement VisIntegrator and VisStateComparator and assigns these into ViewerExploratoryVis (left).
  • Assign GameObject(s) that contain your data visualization to dataVisToOnOff in your implementation of VisIntegrator (right). These objects will be turned off in the story mode. Also, these will be off when opening a menu panel for uploading or downloading a V-Mail.

Configure Main Camera

  • Set Camera's Viewport Rect 'Y' to 0.2593 and Viewport Rect 'H' to 0.7407.
  • Set HDR property of Camera to Use Graphics Settings (instead of Off);

Integrate the camera navigation

  • Attach VMail/_Scripts/Utils/CamMoveAroundOrigin.cs to a GameObject and configure the parameters. Make sure to add an event to OnInteracted() and set ViewerModeTracker.SetExploreView (left).
  • Link the GameObject with CamMoveAroundOrigin as Nav in ManagerDesktop (right).

Changing the V-Mail Server

Change values of these variables to link your own server.

  • Change CodeDirURL in VMail/_Scripts/Servers_php/WebIntegration.cs; the default is "http://localhost/".
  • Change ServerDir in VMail/_Scripts/VMailWebManager.cs; the default is "http://localhost/data/".
  • Change rootDirNameServer in VMail/_Scripts/VMailWebManager.cs; the default is "data".

Deep Linking

Known Issues

ffmpeg can't be opened because it's from an unidentified developer.

  • This error might appear when playing the demo scene in the Editor and uploading changes. This can be solved by running Assets/StreamingAssets/ffmpeg/Mac/ffmpeg in Terminal once. This should be not be a problem in build.

Deep linking does not work in a Windows build.

  • Currently, Unity does not support deep linking in Windows builds but supports UWP. However, Pipe does not work in UWP, which is needed for calling ffmpeg executable.


a framework of cross-platform applications, interactive techniques, and communication protocols for improved multi-person correspondence about spatial 3D datasets




