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Bringing up Contrail Ocata Openstack containers on Centos 7.4 base host

Ramprakash Ram Mohan edited this page Dec 14, 2017 · 3 revisions

This page describes the steps involved in bringing up the Openstack Containers packaged with Contrail in an effort to bring up a cluster based on Contrail micro services (using contrail-ansible-deployer).

Pre-requisites for the base host

The steps given below assume a Centos 7.4 base host.

  1. yum install -y epel-release

  2. Install Ansible 2.3 (centos by default will install 2.4 which does not work with kolla playbooks). Also the kolla playbooks require version 2.8 or greater of the jinja2 library.

    yum install centos-release-openstack-ocata
    yum -y install ansible-
    yum -y install python-oslo-config
  1. This is required for "keepalived" to work:
    modprobe ip_vs
  1. git clone

Setting required parameters in the inventory

  1. Create the passwords.yml and the globals.yml file as below:
    cd contrail-ansible/kolla-ansible/etc/kolla
    cp passwords.yml.original passwords.yml
    cp globals.yml.original globals.yml
  1. Ensure the following parameters are set in globals.yml:
    # This is the IP address where contrail services are running - will be used to configure the contrail neutron plugin
    # The kolla containers from 4.1 build 8 are pushed into the following registry with the following image tag format -<service>:contrail_4_1_8 So retain the following 5 parameters
    docker_namespace: kolla
    kolla_base_distro: ubuntu
    kolla_install_type: binary    
    openstack_release: contrail_4_1_8

    # Retain the following - these are workarounds to make kolla openstack talk keystone v2
    enable_keystone_v3: 'no'
    keystone_admin_url: '{{ admin_protocol }}://{{ kolla_internal_fqdn }}:{{ keystone_admin_port }}'
    keystone_admin_user: admin
    keystone_internal_url: '{{ internal_protocol }}://{{ kolla_internal_fqdn }}:{{ keystone_public_port }}'
    keystone_public_url: '{{ public_protocol }}://{{ kolla_external_fqdn }}:{{ keystone_public_port }}'

    # Refer to for explanations of each variable. Following parameters might need customization

    enable_nova_compute: 'no'
    kolla_external_vip_interface: eth1
    network_interface: eth2
    neutron_plugin_agent: opencontrail
    rabbitmq_user: openstack

Setting up the inventory

  1. Refer to the official kolla documentation here to setup the inventory.

Running the playbooks

  1. Run the bootstrap playbook to setup the host with the required packages etc. to launch the open stack containers
    cd contrail-ansible/kolla-ansible/ansible
    ansible-playbook -i inventory/all-in-one -e@../etc/kolla/globals.yml -e@../etc/kolla/passwords.yml -e action=bootstrap-servers kolla-host.yml
  1. Deploying the containers
     ansible-playbook -i inventory/all-in-one -e@../etc/kolla/globals.yml -e@../etc/kolla/passwords.yml -e action=deploy site.yml
  1. Create the /etc/kolla/ file to setup the environment parameters if you want to run open stack cli client commands
     ansible-playbook -v -i inventory/all-in-one -e@../etc/kolla/globals.yml -e@../etc/kolla/passwords.yml -e action=deploy post-deploy.yml
  1. After deploying the contrail services (not before), run this playbook to install the open stack client packages and to disable the nova-compute service on the open stack node in the case of open stack node being different from the contrail compute node.
    ansible-playbook -vvv -i inventory/two-node-kolla.inv -e@../etc/kolla/globals.yml -e@../etc/kolla/passwords.yml -e action=deploy post-deploy-contrail.yml