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TTL configuration for analytics data

Raj Reddy edited this page Feb 12, 2015 · 11 revisions

Cassandra database allows to specify a TTL (time to live) for all the data written to the database. After the TTL, that data expires and is no longer available for queries.

To provide flexibility for the availability time of various types of contrail analytics data, we have configuration mechanism to set different TTL for different types of data.

We provide four TTL parameters defined as below in /etc/contrail/contrail-collector.conf

  • analytics_configaudit_ttl -- ttl for config audit data coming into collector,
  • analytics_statsdata_ttl -- ttl for statistics data,
  • analytics_flowdata_ttl -- ttl for flow data,
  • analytics_data_ttl -- for messages and object logs

TTL is specified in number of hours and a typical configuration in /etc/contrail/contrail-collector.conf could be analytics_data_ttl=48

In this case, we save the config audit logs for 7 days, messages and object logs for 2 days, statistics data for 1 day and flow data for 2 hours.

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