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This off box utility assists in the software upgrade of SRX MultiNode High Availability deployments.


Requires Python >= 3.7 and associated pip tool.

python3.7 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

File Structure

.jsnapy -> Contains configurations LICENSE NOTICES.txt README device_list_example.yml. -> Example params file -> Entry point requirements.txt -> Dependencies testfiles -> Contains all test yml files


Upgrade logs will be written in "upgrade.log" in the same directory as the script.

Basic overview of the software upgrade procedure

  1. Parse passed in device yml file.
  2. Execute basic device sanity.
  3. Copy image to all devices.
  4. Upgrade deployment. 4.1) Gather metrics before upgrade. 4.2) Verify peer is ready for failover. 4.3) Configure software upgrade state. 4.4) Install image and reboot device. 4.5) Verify intended image is installed. 4.6) Validate metrics from before upgrade. 4.7) Remove software upgrade configuration.
  5. Upgrade next devices.
  6. Summary


python3.7 --help usage: [-h] --params PARAMS [--test_run] [--prompt] [--no_copy] [--no_cursor]

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --test_run Do not execute actions that affect device state --prompt Query for user input at each phase --no_copy Do not copy image to device --no_cursor Do not reposition cursor --no_timer Do not report timer stats

required named arguments: --params PARAMS YML formatted parameter file containing device information

  1. Execute with --test_run and --prompt first to make sure all tests can pass and there are no major complications. test_run will skip actions that affect device state. With --test_run, information is fetched from the devices and tests are run, but no action is taken. The script will prompt the user at every step due to the --prompt argument.

python3.7 --params device_list.yml --test_run

  • Images are not copied.
  • Image install will not happen.
  • Configurations do not occur.
  • Use the running image as the upgrade image in the params file so the device so image validation can pass.
  • Device states do not change.
  1. Execute with --test_run with out --prompt to execute through the steps automatically.

  2. Perform all actions automatically and upgrade the topology. python3.7 --params device_list.yml

  3. By default, script will record the total time spent for each stage of each node in teststats/timerstats.yaml

  • Execute with --no_timer will disable this functionality

3.1) Prompt the user at every stage and upgrade the topology. python3.7 --params device_list.yml --prompt