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Express TypeScript GraphQL API Starter

This web app template is suitable for mid-sized projects. The project repo is designed to be shallow, yet group code semantically. With this template, your project should remain maintainable in the ballpark of:

  • Team of up to 10-20 people
  • Up to lower hundreds of database tables / objects
  • Multi-year project up to 3-5 years


  • Webhooks (e.g. receive webhook events from Paddle)
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Email (mailserver)
    • Send emails (nodemailer)
    • Receive emails (STMP server + SendGrid (mail relay server))
      • email-based webhook (run code on received email)
      • E.g. forward email to private email address when server receives email
      • Deduplication of incoming email
  • User authentication
  • User session
  • Forms
    • Validated, typed
    • Submission confirmation sent to submitter + us
  • CI/CD - test, build, deploy flow in Gitlab CI
  • Database
    • Read / write and version mgmt with Prisma
    • Automatic daily/weekly/monthly backups into S3 bucket
    • Trigger database update and/or restore through Gitlab CI jobs
  • Client
    • Vuetify 3 UI lib
    • Support for all - Server-side rendering (SSR), static site generator (SSG), or single page application (SPA)
    • Smart queue management for system-wide components like modals, snackbars, etc.
    • Declarative and fully-typed forms
    • Separation of design system (component library) and "business logic" components
  • Telemetry
    • Usage analytics with Mixpanel with fully-typed events
    • Error tracking with Sentry
    • Both Mixpanel and Sentry tunnelled through the server to avoid ad blockers
  • Type safety
    • Fully typed, from users' input, through server-client communication (Apollo), to database connectors
  • Cron jobs
    • Used for creating database backups regularly
  • Legal
    • Consent + cookie mgmt with Termly
    • Terms of use, Privacy policy, Cookie policy, disclaimer generated by Termly


  • Server
    • virtual machine - DigitalOcean Droplet + Ubuntu + docker-compose
    • deployment - container registry + deployment jobs via Gitlab CI
  • TypeScript
  • Apollo GraphQL
  • Prisma with PostgreSQL
  • Redis for transient storage
    • User sessions
    • Multi-factor authentication challenges
    • Email cache
  • Express server
    • Authentication layer (passport.js)
    • User sessions with Redis
  • CI/CD pipeline with test & build stages Gitlab + gitlab-ci.yml
  • Containerized - App built and deployed as a docker container (docker-compose)
  • Reverse proxy (Nginx) + SSL cert (Let's encrypt + certbot)
  • Client
    • Vue3 + Nuxt3
  • Payment gateway (Paddle)
  • Dev tooling / dev exp
    • Eslint linting
    • Prettier

3rd party services


Some examples:

  • Product purchase flow (Paddle):

    1. Fetch and store products defined in Paddle UI
    2. Display and trigger Checkout flow on frontend
    3. Listen for Paddle events on webhook
    4. Store transaction event and generate license code on order_fulfillment webhook event
  • Forward email to private email address on receiving email

  • Form submission (optionally with user confirmation)

    1. User fills in a form on the frontend
    2. Form is received and validated on the server
    3. If valid, form is added to the database
    4. Confirmation email is sent.

    If the form submission requires user confirmation:

    1. At step 3, a multi-factor authentication (MFA) challenge is created.
    2. A URL is created that points to our MFA verification endpoint.
    3. The confirmation email mention in step 4 includes this verification URL.
    4. When the user clicks the verification URL, they hit our MFA endpoint.
    5. If MFA verification succeeds, the action started in step 1 is completed.
    6. Meanwhile, the user is redirected to our frontend with result of the MFA verification in query params.
    7. Frontend detects the MFA query parameter, and displays success or failure message.


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