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05: All features (Spoilers)

Blizzardsev edited this page Nov 28, 2023 · 59 revisions

All features

This page outlines all of the features currently available in Just Natsuki - please be aware that this page is therefore spoiler prone. You have been warned!

Please be considerate and spoiler tag any discussion of topics listed here if you wish to discuss them elsewhere, such as on Discord.





Affinity (sometimes referred to as Affection) is an internal value that determines how much Natsuki likes her player. It is not visible under normal gameplay, and this is intentional.

Affinity dictates the majority of actions the player can perform, as well as how Natsuki will react to those actions: for example, a Natsuki in love with her player will respond much better to a joke than one on the verge of breaking down.

Affinity is gained daily, and a cap exists on how much can be gained in a 24-hour period. Most means of gaining affinity are subject to the cap, but some first-time actions are permitted to bypass this for higher than usual gains.

The amount of affinity it is possible to gain in a 24-hour period is influenced by the amount of time the player has been in a relationship with Natsuki: the older the relationship, the higher the cap. This modifier is itself also capped, so players with an extremely old relationship don't experience dramatic gains.

The maximum daily cap is 8.75.

The player can gain a rough idea of how Natsuki feels about them via Talk -> Let's talk about... -> You -> How do you feel about me?.


The affinity levels are as follows, from highest to lowest:

  • LOVE: Natsuki is completely head-over-heels for her player, and wants nothing more than their love. Things can't get any better!
  • ENAMORED: Natsuki clearly has feelings for her player, and she tentatively expresses them.
  • AFFECTIONATE: Natsuki is always glad to see her player, and feelings are beginning to obviously stir!
  • HAPPY: Natsuki is chipper and friendly, but still not particularly affectionate. Some teasing.
  • NORMAL: Natsuki is generally cordial, but not particularly affectionate. This is the default state.
  • UPSET: Natsuki isn't particularly happy; generally to the point and somewhat cold.
  • DISTRESSED: Natsuki is clearly and visibly unhappy. She is distant, impersonal and frustrated.
  • BROKEN: Natsuki is an obvious state of sadness and anger. She lacks confidence in herself, her player and their future.
  • RUINED: Natsuki is emotionally exhausted. She barely talks and holds nothing but hopelessness and resentment. Things can't get any worse.

Ways to gain/lose affinity

Affinity is gained through the following actions (not an exhaustive list):

  • Talking to Natsuki
  • Frequent visits; absences of less than a week between visits
  • Responding positively when given the chance in conversations to Natsuki
  • Assigning positive nicknames to Natsuki
  • Complimenting Natsuki
  • Apologizing to Natsuki when an offense has been committed
  • Playing minigames - such as Snap or Blackjack - with Natsuki
  • Giving gifts (new clothing and/or outfits) to Natsuki
  • Listening to Natsuki's daily jokes

Affinity is lost through the following actions (not an exhaustive list):

  • Infrequent visits; long gaps (of two weeks or more) between visits without letting Natsuki know in advance, or returning later than Natsuki expects if given advance
  • Responding negatively or rudely when given the chance in conversations to Natsuki
  • Assigning insulting or profanity-laden nicknames to Natsuki
  • Choosing to have Natsuki call the player by insulting or profanity-laden names (including during the introduction)
  • Refusing to apologize directly to Natsuki when an offense has been committed
  • Closing the game without saying Goodbye
  • Cheating in minigames

Additional notes

Affinity gain is generally calculated: this means a set amount is awarded based on the action, and then flexed (modified) based on relationship length and other factors. In effect, individual affinity gains are usually small.

Affinity loss is generally percentage-based: this means that a percentage amount of the existing affinity value is deducted based on the action. In effect, individual affinity losses are more dramatic. A poor decision can lead to considerable affinity being deducted: you have been warned!

Quitting the game


When quitting the game, the player has two options: they may tell Natsuki they are leaving, or they may decide to forcefully end the game by clicking on the exit option on the game window (whatever form this takes based on operating system).

Letting Natsuki know you are leaving should be the preferred option, as this gives Natsuki the chance to give the player a proper goodbye, and prepare for the act of the game ending.

Force-quitting the game is a painful experience for Natsuki: doing so will result in affinity loss, with the exception of the first force-quit where upon return, Natsuki will ask about what happened and request the player avoid this going forward.

The player may choose to apologize for force-quitting the game to recover some affinity.

Under some circumstances, force-quits are blocked: these include events, during menus and when the player is inputting text. This is intentional behavior.

Notifications and player activity


Natsuki may alert the player when she has something to talk about: on Windows, she will flash the game window and play a notification sound. On Linux and OSX, she will just play a notification sound. Additionally, Natsuki will also record player activity internally and randomly react to applications the player is using, based off their title/window name.

Notifications may be toggled on/off under Settings -> Notifications.

Natsuki will only notify the player when she has something to talk if she feels HAPPY or higher.

Natsuki will only notify the player about any activity she has noticed if she feels AFFECTIONATE or higher, with a random chance of occurrence.

The activities recognized by Natsuki are as follows:

  • coding: (Visual Studio, Notepad++, Atom, Brackets, Vim, Eclipse, GitHub Desktop, SourceTree)
  • discord: (Discord app)
  • music_applications: (Spotify, Groove, iTunes, Zune)
  • gaming: (Steam, Origin,
  • youtube: (YouTube website)
  • github_jn: (Official JN GitHub homepage)
  • artwork: (Clip Studio Paint, Photoshop, Kira, Gimp, Paint.NET, Paint Tool Sai, Medibang)
  • anime_streaming: (Crunchyroll)
  • work_applications: (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OpenOffice, LibreOffice)
  • twitter: (Twitter website)
  • deviantart: (Deviantart website)
  • manga: (Mangadex, Mangasee, Mangakot)
  • ddlc_moe: ( website)
  • takeaway_food: (Uber Eats, Dominos, Deliveroo, Doordash, etc.)
  • instagram: (Instagram website)
  • music_creation: (Cubase, F1 Studio, Reaper, Mixcraft, Studio One, Logic Pro, Garageband, Cakewalk, Pro Tools)
  • reddit: (Reddit website)
  • fourchan: (4chan website - no reaction; recorded only)
  • monika_after_story: (MAS app - no reaction; recorded only)
  • just_yuri: (JY app - no reaction; recorded only)
  • forever_and_ever: (FAE app - no reaction; recorded only)
  • video_applications: (VLC)
  • e_commerce: (Amazon, eBay)
  • recording_software: (OBS, Bandicam, FRAPS, XSplit Broadcaster, Lightstream Studio)

Some activities being detected may influence dialogue in topics where relevant.


Introductory sequence


The introductory sequence is the first interaction the player will have with Natsuki. During the course of the introduction, the player restores Natsuki from her deletion (occurring after she ran away from the room, upon spotting Yuri's body), and helps her gradually adjust to her new surroundings.

Contrary to any other point in the game, the player may force quit at any point during the introduction sequence without negative repercussions.

The introductory sequence has the following phases:

  1. New game/restoration; the player restores Natsuki from deletion.
  2. First meeting; Natsuki first interacts with the player, learning the player's name.
  3. Collecting thoughts; Natsuki comes to realize her current position, with support from the player.
  4. Calming down; Natsuki calms down enough to describe her feelings, and new knowledge from her position of being the de-facto club president.
  5. Acceptance; Natsuki begins to accept her situation, and prepares to make the most of it.

Once the introduction is complete, the music fades in, the glitchy sky fades away and the player is free to enjoy Just Natsuki proper.



The player may talk to Natsuki about any number of topics. The player can either directly ask Natsuki about something via Talk -> Let's talk about... , ask Natsuki to go over something she has already discussed via Talk -> Tell me again about... , or wait for Natsuki to bring up something herself (if she hasn't run out of things to say).

Topics are unlocked based on any combination of the following (not an exhaustive list):

  • Affinity, or how much Natsuki likes the player
  • Total time spent with Natsuki
  • Total individual visits to see Natsuki
  • Game/program/app activity detected by Natsuki
  • Viewing other related topics

Once unlocked, topics are generally freely available to select at the player's leisure. Topics may be re-locked if the player no longer meets their unlock criteria: for example, if a player was no longer liked enough by Natsuki for her to wish to talk about a sensitive topic.

Topics usually offer different branches of conversation based on affinity: so revisiting old topics at higher (or lower) levels is worthwhile.



Once the player has progressed past the introductory sequence, and has returned to visit Natsuki at least once already, they are eligible to witness special events that occur in place of the typical fade-in when normally visiting.

Each event is a one-time sequence, and each event has specific unlock criteria that determine if it can be shown: much like topics. An event cannot be seen again if it has already been witnessed by the player.

Possible events include:

  • Reading manga: (NORMAL+ required, 2 or more days playtime) Natsuki reacts with surprise at being caught reading Parfait Girls.
  • Writing a poem: (AFFECTIONATE+ required, 7 or more days playtime) Natsuki reacts with surprise and fluster at being caught trying to write poems again.
  • Relationship doubts: (DISTRESSED- required, 5 or more days playtime) Natsuki expresses her disbelief and frustration with the relationship, if she is unhappy.
  • Fiddling with the code (NORMAL+ required, 3 or more days playtime): Natsuki reacts with surprise after being caught trying to mess with game code.
  • Not a morning person: (HAPPY+ required, must be morning) Natsuki struggles to rise in response to the player's arrival, and is caught with messy hair. Unlocks Ahoges as an outfit option, under Headgear.
  • RenPy for dummies: (NORMAL+ required, 5 or more days playtime) Natsuki struggles to understand Ren'Py code, even with the help of a new guidebook.
  • A la mode: (HAPPY+ required, 5 or more days playtime) Natsuki dives into a new manga that appeals to her inner fashion-queen. Manga artwork by AlmayArt.
  • Staying hydrated: (HAPPY+ required, 5 or more days playtime) Natsuki enjoys a nice, cool and relaxing strawberry milkshake... until the player arrives, anyway!
  • Step by step: (AFFECTIONATE+ required, 14 or more days playtime) Natsuki fawns over the latest addition to her manga repertoire: even if it is about self-help! Manga artwork by TheShunBun @
  • Eyewear problems: (HAPPY+ required, custom outfits unlocked) Natsuki finds her old glasses case! But do they still fit...?
  • Out of juice: (AFFECTIONATE+ required, 7 days or more playtime) Natsuki discovers why you should always save your game regularly...
  • Game over: (AFFECTIONATE+ required, 14 days or more playtime) Natsuki was doing so well in her game... until the player throws off her groove!
  • Warm package: (AFFECTIONATE+ required, 7 days or more playtime, custom outfits unlocked) Natsuki discovers that the classroom isn't the warmest place to be!
  • Sanjo: (AFFECTIONATE+ required, 7 days or more playtime) Natsuki discovers a (slightly prickly) friend!
  • House of cards: (AFFECTIONATE+ required, Snap unlocked) Natsuki tries building a house of cards! What could go wrong?
  • Blackjack!: (AFFECTIONATE+ required, Snap unlocked) Natsuki finally discovers a new card game she only needs one other player for, and you're going to hear all about it!



Once the player has reached a HAPPY or higher affinity level with Natsuki, they may celebrate holidays with her!

Each holiday is only celebrated once per year.

Please note that some holidays require higher affinity levels than others to access, and may be dependent on other conditions being met.

Holidays include:

  • New Year's Day (HAPPY+ required).
  • Valentine's Day (AFFECTIONATE+ required).
  • Easter (HAPPY+ required).
  • Natsuki's birthday (HAPPY+ required, party_supplies.nats in characters folder.)
  • Player's birthday (AFFECTIONATE+ required, and sharing of player's birthday with Natsuki.)
  • Halloween (HAPPY+ required).
  • Christmas Eve (HAPPY+ required).
  • Christmas Day (HAPPY+ required).
  • New Year's Eve (HAPPY+ required).



Once the player has reached a HAPPY or higher affinity level with Natsuki, admissions are unlocked: these can be accessed via Talk -> I feel... , and allow the player to share how they are currently feeling with Natsuki.

Natsuki will respond based on what the player tells her they are feeling, their affinity level and any previous admissions they have made.

Repeat admissions may result in Natsuki performing actions automatically in an attempt to watch over the health of her player: for example, a player repeatedly telling Natsuki they are tired may experience Natsuki forcibly closing the game so they can get some rest.



Once the player has reached a HAPPY or higher affinity level with Natsuki, compliments are unlocked: these can be accessed via Talk -> I want to tell you something... , and allow the player to compliment Natsuki on various aspects of her personality, appearance and so on.

Natsuki will respond based on how she feels about the player, as well as whether she's been complimented before, and other factors.



The player may apologize to Natsuki for any wrongdoings they have inflicted on Natsuki (such as calling her a bad nickname), or perceived wrongdoings: these can be accessed via Talk -> I want to say sorry....

It should be noted that apologies to give to Natsuki build up as the player performs bad actions, as opposed to being freely selectable. For example, a player may not apologize to Natsuki for cheating at a game if they haven't actually cheated (or cheated, and have since apologized without re-offending).

If the player has upset Natsuki and chooses not to apologize, or apologize indirectly, Natsuki will call the player out and request they apologize properly.



Nicknaming Natsuki

Once the player has reached an ENAMORED or higher affinity level with Natsuki, nicknames are unlocked for Natsuki: the topic to give Natsuki a nickname can be accessed via Talk -> Let's talk about -> Natsuki -> Can I give you a nickname?, and this allows the player to give Natsuki a nickname that will be used in menus and dialogue.

Nicknames are checked to ensure they:

  • Are not a profanity, or contain a profanity
  • Are not insults, or a jab at Natsuki's issues/personality traits

Nicknames that break these constraints incur a bad nickname strike - these are persistent across game sessions - as well as a loss of affinity. Upon exceeding three strikes, Natsuki will permanently remove the ability to assign her a nickname: this cannot be undone.

Player nicknames

Once the player has reached an ENAMORED or higher affinity level with Natsuki, nicknames are unlocked for the player: the topic to ask Natsuki to call the player a nickname can be accessed via Talk -> Let's talk about -> You -> Can you call me something else?, and this allows the player to have Natsuki call them a nickname that will be used in menus and dialogue.

Nicknames are checked to ensure they:

  • Are not a profanity, or contain a profanity
  • Are not insults, or self-deprecating
  • Are not names that carry an unpleasant connection to Natsuki, or her past

Nicknames that break these constraints incur a bad nickname strike - these are persistent across game sessions - as well as a loss of affinity. Upon exceeding three strikes, Natsuki will permanently remove the ability for the player to ask her to call them a nickname: this cannot be undone.

Custom music


Once the player has reached a HAPPY or higher affinity level with Natsuki, custom music is available to be unlocked. Once unlocked, this can be accessed via Music and allows the player and Natsuki to listen to music together in place of the normal game BGM.

The unlock process for custom music is as follows: Natsuki will randomly spark a one-time-only conversation, where she finds a music player in her desk and explains how custom music works. Following this, the player may change the music at any time, assuming they remain at or above the HAPPY affinity level. Please note chat frequency must not be set to Never in order for this to take place.

Custom music must be added to the custom_music folder in the main directory, and all tracks must be in one of the following formats to be found by Natsuki:

  • MP3 (.mp3, .MP3)
  • OGG (.ogg, .OGG)
  • WAV (.wav, .WAV)

Please note that any music files must be converted to the above formats using a conversion tool: simply renaming the file will not work.

If the folder did not already exist, Natsuki will create it automatically. If the player's Music setting is currently at zero, Natsuki will inform them of this before proceeding.

Alongside any tracks the player added to the custom_music folder, the player may also choose from the following:

  • Default: Resume playing the standard BGM.
  • You pick!: Natsuki will pick one of the player's music tracks at random.
  • No music: Natsuki will stop any music currently playing, leaving silence.
  • Space Classroom: The standard space classroom BGM from Act 3 of DDLC.

The following tracks may be unlocked through gameplay:

  • Vacation!: After seeing and completing at least one event or holiday.

Random music

If custom music has been unlocked and Natsuki is at an AFFECTIONATE or higher affinity level, players may also ask Natsuki to play music randomly!

The options to ask Natsuki to start/stop playing random music can be accessed via Talk -> Let's talk about -> Music.

Random music is only available if at least two music tracks exist in the custom music folder.

If random music has been enabled, the game will start with random music tracks upon loading instead of the default theme.



Minigames offer the chance for the player and Natsuki to bond over some simple activities together. Current minigames are as follows:


The player and Natsuki can play the simple card game of Snap together, where each player must attempt to collect all cards by calling out matching pairs when they are placed on the table.

Unlocking Snap requires the player has access to the Admissions feature: Snap is unlocked after the player tells Natsuki they're feeling bored using the admissions menu.

Once Snap has been unlocked, it can be accessed via Talk -> Let's talk about -> Games.

Beating Natsuki consecutively will result in Natsuki increasing the effort she puts into the game in an attempt to beat the player; she will make less mistakes and react faster with each win in a streak.

Attempting to cheat at Snap will anger Natsuki and incur a cheating strike. Upon exceeding three strikes, Natsuki will call an end to the game and refuse to play again until an apology is made.


The player and Natsuki can play the more advanced card game of Blackjack together, where both players must get a hand with a total sum of 21 without going bust.

Blackjack is unlocked after experiencing the Blackjack intro event, which itself is seen randomly when loading the game after reaching at least AFFECTIONATE or higher and having already unlocked Snap.

Once Blackjack has been unlocked, it can be accessed via Talk -> Let's talk about -> Games.

Blackjack games will repeat endlessly until the player decides to stop: no penalty is given for stopping a game early unless the player has already committed to a move, which is considered a loss (giving up).

Blackjack features no wagers or bets - instead, Natsuki keeps a permanent record of the scores on her notepad, as well as a mental note of any winning streaks by either the player or herself.

It is possible to toggle whether a sum of each hand is shown (minus Natsuki's first card) using the Hand total option under Blackjack on the settings menu.



In specific circumstances, Natsuki may see fit to show or gift a poem to the player!

If at least one poem has been seen by the player, and Natsuki is at least at NORMAL affinity or higher, then the player may request to see the list of unlocked poems, and select one to read again. Unlocked poems can be accessed via Talk -> Let's talk about... -> Can I see a poem you've written for me?.

Please note that no vanilla DDLC or DDLC+ poems are currently featured or unlockable.

The following poems are unlockable through gameplay:

  • Cakes and Candles: Unlocked via holiday_player_birthday holiday event (AFFECTIONATE+ required)
  • Sakura in Bloom: Unlocked via holiday_easter holiday event (HAPPY+ required)
  • Evergreen: Unlocked via holiday_christmas_day holiday event (HAPPY+ required)
  • Gingerbread House: Unlocked via holiday_christmas_day holiday event (HAPPY+ required)
  • Flight: Unlocked via holiday_natsuki_birthday holiday event (ENAMORED+ required, party_supplies.nats in characters folder.)
  • Sakura in Bloom: Unlocked via holiday_easter holiday event (HAPPY+ required)
  • Hallow's End: Unlocked via holiday_halloween holiday event (LOVE+ required)



Just Natsuki features a dynamic weather system and day/night cycle: the classroom itself and weather outside will change based on player preferences, as well as the current time.

If enabled and configured, weather may also change according to the player's location.

Weather settings

  • Disabled: The weather outside will not change, outside of day/night cycles.
  • Random: The weather outside will change randomly, based on how Natsuki feels about the player.
  • Real-time: The weather outside will change based on the player's location. This option is only available after Natsuki brings up her topic about setting up the weather.

Unlocking real-time weather

If Natsuki is at HAPPY or higher affinity, she may randomly bring up the prospect of having the weather in her world match the player's world, through the use of the OpenWeatherMap API.

Once unlocked, this topic can be accessed via Talk -> Tell me again about... -> Setup -> Setting up the weather.

Natsuki will guide the player through setting up the weather, using the OpenWeatherMap site, Google Maps and/or latitude and longitude questions, as well as troubleshooting.

Please note that this feature requires an internet connection to function.

Daily jokes


If Natsuki is at HAPPY or higher affinity, she will discover her homeroom's old joke book - and she's more than willing to share some top quality humor: unlocking the daily jokes feature!

Once unlocked, Natsuki will bring up a new joke once every twenty four hours, unless asked not to do so.

In addition, Natsuki may also be asked to tell the player a previously seen joke. However, she will not tell the player any new jokes on demand.

Requests for Natsuki to start/stop telling daily jokes or to recall an old joke can be accessed via via Let's talk about... -> Jokes.

The following jokes are unlockable through gameplay:

  • Action
  • Anime
  • Atomic theory
  • Author pulled over
  • Bakers
  • Baking and baseball
  • Ball sports
  • Barista
  • Basic chemistry
  • Befriending sharks
  • Burned tongues
  • Cannery
  • Cinderella
  • Clock and the watch
  • Con-crete
  • Cover story
  • Cows and stairs
  • Cults
  • Cute chicks
  • Developers
  • Dishwashing
  • Dog walkers
  • Eating clocks
  • Eight-legged cat
  • Entomology
  • Escape artist
  • Ex-press
  • Fish eyesight
  • Fishermen video calls
  • Guitarist
  • Horse hairstyles
  • Hot air
  • Instant coffee
  • Keymakers
  • Lighthouse keeper
  • Logging out
  • Lumberjacks
  • Measuring snakes
  • Meeting walls
  • Mountain climbers
  • Movie theater
  • Multiple choice
  • Nailed it
  • Neutrons
  • No bell
  • Ocean greetings
  • Out of control
  • Packaging
  • Pencils
  • Pirate hygiene
  • Pizza
  • Plans
  • Psychic meals
  • Rabbit lottery
  • Ravioli
  • Scarecrows
  • School
  • Shark literature
  • Shaving as a skater
  • Shoemakers
  • Skeletal communication
  • Skeletal music
  • Snake mathematics
  • Sound tracks
  • Spices
  • Tallest building
  • Tentacles
  • The drill
  • Tiger's stripes
  • Tofu
  • Tractor-trailer
  • Tube cuisine
  • Typists
  • Upsetting a cat
  • Vegetarian moods



Natsuki will engage in a number of activities by herself if not interacted with for an extended period of time, if enabled in the Settings.

Idles are only active at NORMAL affinity or higher.

The following idles are unlocked by default:

  • idle_daydreaming
  • idle_whistling

The following idles are unlockable through gameplay:

  • idle_twitch_playing (Requires having seen the event_wintendo_twitch_battery_dead or event_wintendo_twitch_game_over events)
  • idle_reading_parfait_girls (Requires having seen the event_caught_reading_manga event)
  • idle_reading_renpy_for_dummies (Requires having seen the event_renpy_for_dummies event)
  • idle_reading_a_la_mode (Requires having seen the event_reading_a_la_mode event)
  • idle_reading_step_by_step (Requires having seen the event_step_by_step_manga event)
  • idle_poetry_attempts (Requires having seen the event_caught_writing_poetry event)
  • idle_naptime (Requires AFFECTIONATE+)
  • idle_vibing_headphones (Requires HAPPY+ and custom music must be unlocked)
  • idle_laptop: (Requires HAPPY+)
  • idle_math_attempts: (Requires NORMAL+ and having seen the talk_favorite_subject topic at least once)
  • idle_plantcare: (Requires AFFECTIONATE+ and having seen the event_sanjo event)

Custom outfits


If Natsuki is at HAPPY or higher affinity, she may randomly bring up the prospect of wearing clothing other than what she has previously worn in the clubroom (her uniform, casual outfit and pyjamas): this will unlock the Custom Outfits feature.

The custom outfits functions can be accessed via Talk -> About your outfit....

The following options exist:

  • Can you wear a new outfit?: Allows the player to ask Natsuki to wear a specific outfit, or a random one.
  • Can I suggest a new outfit?: Allows the player to design and save an outfit for Natsuki to wear.
  • Can I remove an outfit I suggested?: Allows the player to have a custom outfit removed.
  • Can you search again for new outfits?: Natsuki will search for new outfits, and attempt to load any new ones/reload old ones that may have failed to load.

For information on how to add custom clothing and outfits, or how to gift Natsuki pre-made clothing and outfits, please see the dedicated Custom clothing and outfitting guide.

In addition, Just Natsuki features a dynamic outfit system: Natsuki will change her outfit based on the time of day, the day of the week and her affinity with the player, so long as the Auto Change option is enabled under the Settings.

If Auto Change is enabled, Natsuki's outfit schedule follows that of a typical student: she will wear her uniform during school hours during the week, and switch to more casual clothing in the evening. On weekends, she will wear casual clothing throughout the day. At higher affinity levels, players may be treated to seeing Natsuki in her pyjamas during the late evening, or early morning.

When saving an outfit, players may also choose to save one as a temporary outfit! Natsuki will only wear these until she decides she wears something else (such as with the Auto Change feature, by player request or through gameplay), or the game is restarted.




From LOVE affinity, players can finally give Natsuki the headpats she deserves!

The headpat feature can be accessed via Extras -> Headpats.

Natsuki will slowly grow more comfortable with headpats as she receives more of them, with dialogue at specific milestones.

To give Natsuki headpats, move your mouse in steady circles/motions over Natsuki's hair above her forehead: not by clicking. This must be done while in the headpat interaction; it cannot be done while Natsuki is idling or in the Talk menu.

If your mouse is in the correct general area for headpats, it will change to a special graphic to indicate this.

A total headpat count is displayed when in the headpat view.